Something I haven't done in awhile, but have been meaning to return to.
Recently while re-watching Detective Pikachu and looking into Pokemon Concierge, I was reminded of Psyduck and how it used to be more of a staple in the Pokemon series, but it slowly became more and more forgotten as the years went by. I can't exactly blame that for happening though, it's a cute Pokemon but extremely bland in it's design with an evolution akin to Persian that removes any charm the previous form had. This all reminded me of how much I feel Psyduck is a Pokemon that needs more love and subsequently an overhaul in many ways. So, with it being Pokemon Day, I felt today was the day to of that, in my never ending quest to make everything about me apparently.
First things first, the obvious problem with Psyduck's typing needs to be changed. I don't think anyone would argue with me that it makes absolutely NO sense that neither Psyduck nor Golduck are part Psychic, especially as it is stated to have Psychic abilities, which gives it it's iconic headache. So change that right out. Secondly, get rid of Golduck. It's boring and no one likes it. Psyduck is far more liked and interesting and should either be a single evolution or have a pre-evolutionary form that I'm too lazy to think up at this moment. That said, Psyduck should be one of those gimmick Pokemon that have special 'formes'. When it's headache flares-(probably from using a Psychic move or some item, I dunno)-it'll shift into it's Headache Forme, which probably boosts Special Attack but lowers other stats, or possibly boosts everything but causes it repeated damage. Who knows.
Lastly, it's looks need a little extra to them. Not too much, but as Golduck is *Apparently* supposed to be a Kappa, I think it needs a little more resemblance to one. Primarily in the head, where the iconic bowl cap will pop off when it's in Headache Form like a tea kettle going off. Similarly, I gave it a little more Platypus visuals, to make it stand out among the other duck Pokemon and to connect back to Psyduck's already existing Platypus like bill and it's awkward demeanor that just fits something as weird as a platypus.
I'm not sure if I'm super happy with this. I feel the idea was much better in my head, but that's just how it happens sometimes. In any case, Happy Pokemon Day!
pokemon my way
1 year ago
28 Feb 2024 00:00 CET
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