When I first chose 'Reality' as the winner of 2017's Halloween Countdown it was meant purely as a joke, one aimed at those who mostly use the internet as a way to hide from life and feed their delusions... however with recent times, I think it's safe to say that 'Reality' has become a very real fear and is something I would view as a legitimate entry, albeit a sardonic one. After all, what else could beat the metaphysical fear of death then that of the very reality of it? We will all die someday, that is a fact of reality and what's worse, death itself can be a release. A release from the sheer barrage that reality throws at us on a daily basis. Reality is something we face far more then death, it is the daily grind and something we must all deal with in one way or another.
While this was an entry I knew would be added in this year, I didn't pay much mind to it, that was until more recently. Not to harp but my mental health has been in the toilet lately and the more I thought on it, the more 'Reality' seemed like the best candidate for this year's winner... but you know what the good thing is about reality? It's often far more imposing to us then it actually is. Our mind's often turn reality into something it isn't. Small issues easily become huge when we overthink things and if we can just take a moment to stop and think clearly, reality is no monster, it's just life and there's good to be found in it... so if our mind's are truly are worst enemy, what does that say for what is to come?