Ghostbusters is, for me, something that is so interwoven into Halloween that it is the first film I always watch at the beginning of the season to issue in 'Spooky Month'. With that in mind, now knowing how much Ghostbusters is essential to my Halloween season, the fact that they did not place within the Final Five is not a knock against them, but more a statement for who is yet to come! Sometimes-(much like with Grunty prior)-sacrifices just have to be made, though all the same placing within the Top Ten is nothing to sneeze at! May have pushed the rules a bit here on focusing more on characters like Slimer and Mr. Stay Puft, but I really wanted to make something that encapsulated the feel of the series as a whole and less the actors, or their cartoon counterparts, which is obviously who I based their silhouettes on. I also figured it was a good enough excuse to draw them, as I don't know if I'd ever include them into a countdown on their own... then again, you never know!