Grunty has an interesting history with my Halloween Countdowns. She was initially planned to be put into the infamously missed 2009 countdown and then never showed up until 2017. Even then, she was initially planned to place among the top two but as I worked on the roster she kept getting bested by characters I felt were better options. Which is weird when you consider that she's not only my favorite video game villain ever, but thematically is extremely befitting of Halloween! In any case, I regret the decision as I feel I robbed Grunty of her rightful place. Thankfully, as I was short a few slots in this countdown, I was able to slip her in for one more shout out... though ironically, I had planned for her to rank much higher-(if not full out first place)-but once again, she kept getting outranked. Oh well. I guess the old hag just can't have her day but really, ain't that just the way for her?