Location: The Forum Gardens
One of the most famous landmarks in Mobotropolis, the Forum Gardens were a large, open-air forum in the heart of the city. Decorated with flowering plants, fine stonework, and precious metals, the Forum Gardens were made specifically for the Mobian Scientific Council very early in the forming of the organization. Consisting of a circle of thirteen podiums, (twelve for the council members, and one for the king and his aides) the Scientific Council would meet here on the first day of every week, just before midday.
When not in use, the open air and wide space made it a a favorite place of the castle's children to play in, and their tutor, Rosie, often held their lessons there. Several mechanized features of the forum included adjustable-height stands on the podiums, so that each member of the council stood at the same height behind the podium, and could be lifted up to the top of the podium to deliver speeches when it was their turn to speak. Each podium could also rotate to face any other, allowing the council to watch without having to leave their podium or crane their necks to see adjacent speakers.
Most historians agree that the troubles for Mobius and the fall of society began when a mysterious prophet, wrapped in rags, appeared before the council at a meeting in the Forum Gardens predicting doom and imploring them to reject technology and re-embrace the magic in the city's Emerald Vaults...