Anthonitecus Lupussius and his son Astraligor we're kinda bored without any adventures to do, when the duo was watching tv it appeared an advertisement from the new amusement park recently innaugurated "come visit AventurionLand AdventurePark, the best amusement park of all Aventurion. the main attractions are the Stomach Slayer Roller Coaster, the Giantess Wheel and more, also... kids don't need to pay for their entrances cuz it's national cubs day, HORRAY!!! attention! any major damage to your body will not be responsability of AventurionLand Subssidiaries, please take your children at your own safety!" said the guy on the ad, astraligor got interested on the park and asked to his dad "Daddy! can you take me to AventurionLand AdventurePark? i'm now taller to go on the Stomach Slayer", "are you sure champ? promise to dad if you won't be in trouble", "i promise dad, to my beloved nacho chips package", "have fun champ, also take nora with you *hears a knock on the door* i wonder who it is *opens door* NORA! YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE", "OMG, GUAXILIMPO RODRIGUES ACCEPTED MY INVITATION!!! *rushes to the door* oh... hi astraskunk" said nora very dissapointed to herself, "hiii nora, do you wanna go to AventurionLand AdventurePark with me? i heard that the Tunnel of Love is full of rommance, don't worry, astranooki is with me", "hi astraligor" said astranooki, after everyone is reunited, they arrived AventurionLand AdventurePark, astraligor has eaten almost half of the lunches he had to prepare himself for the Stomach Slayer ride, after many ups and downs and passing trough many loopings astraligor vomited too much on the ride, after the ride was over, astraligor rushed to a trash can and puked the rest of his lunch, astraskunk and nora went to the Tunnel of Love and the Giantess Wheel, and finnaly the watched a show on the Azure Castle and they had an amazing adventure on the best amusement park of all Aventuruion.
========================================================================= anyway, i wanted to post this drawing at the national children day on my country and here it is, i hope you liked it, also... HAPPY CHILDREN DAY