Astranooki was working on a new invention until he saw a TV comercial about the new BIG ramen, it's a bowl full of ramen, the tanuki inventor knew that it's lunch time so he rushed to the japanese restaurant. after astranooki arrived he wanted the big ramen but the waiter told him if he eat the entire bowl astranooki can get free ramen for five years then the tanuki accapted the chalenge, the people started to look at the big ramen being delivered to astranooki then the tanuki boy started to eat like there was no tomorrow, when he was half the bowl astranooki felt an urge to go to the bathroom to do his business but he's japanese and needs to honor his people, then he continued to eat all ramen he could fit on his belly. after astranooki finished eating the entire bowl he got the "free ramen for five years" prize, the people from the restaurant said cheers to the tanuki boy and he was the one of five people who finished the BIG Ramen competition. after going back to his house including his laboratory he looked to his belly full of ramen on his stomach and decided to sleep for a while, whe he wakes up he'll start finishing his new invention, also don't disturb astranooki's sleep or you will fight the wind warrior.
========================================================================= anyway, astranooki is japanese but he didn't forget his passion to eat ramen, just like Naruto, i hope you liked it. also don't worry because i didn't draw astranooki's winkie so it's a SFW artwork