Anthonitecus is the Adventurer Grandmaster and Guardian of Aventurion, he likes Adventures with Treasures and Hot Chicks, he went all across, above and under Avenrturion and many other worlds within, he fought against many unworldly eldrich abominations from many dark abysses and stopped Eygolord the Lord of Darkness from conquering aventurion and many other villains who are serving the dark lord's orders, anton also likes to eat much food and having some sleepity sleep time, when anton is sleeping he cannot be disturbed and if you steal anton's food he can kick you villainous butt that you'll never feel a seat, all of anthonitecus routine reminds of some pink puffball that likes to eat, sleep, go on adventures of a certain star shaped planet and stopping eldrich abomination and unworldly dark beings from conquering his land, or i might be dreaming. Anton is now peacefully sleeping at this moment so SHHH... good night anton, sleep with the angels.
========================================================================= anyway, anton's rountine is kinda simmilar to kirby's routine but the difference is anton has a family and kirby has his friends, while anton is the physical incarnation of arkanus, kirby is a good guy and came from the void which split into kirby and dark matter, i hope you liked my drawing of anton's peaceful sleep. also don't worry because i didn't draw anton's winkie so it's still a SFW artwork.