Mini Wolf & Luna, Copyright: Genao Productions
Ok everyone, so it's time for some more fan art related drawings! We now return to regular programming, now that my birthday gift drawing is done & uploaded lol. And my cyber-bro loves it. So, I'm happy :) But now since that is done, it's time to move onto some fan-art I myself have been wanting to draw.
So, let's venture into some more Mini Wolf/Mini Loup related fan art! And these next 3 drawings are definitely cute & adorable :3 And I absolutely love how all of them turned out. They turned out amazing. And I'm definitely very happy and satisfied. And I can't wait for you all to see them. IF, you haven't seen them already by the time you are seeing this lol.
But without further ado, let's start with this drawing! The 1st drawing out of the 3 I made. So I've been ITCHING to make another one of these drawings with Mini Wolf & Luna. The last drawing I made with these two, was 2 years ago. So, yeah it's certainly been a while lol. And I've been wanting to make more drawings with these two together forever now. And I've had quite a few idea pop into my head in regards of drawing ideas. This idea, being one of them lol.
And two years later, I'm FINALLY drawing ONE of the many ideas I had in mind. And I picked this idea first, as it's the easiest to draw for me. Out of the other ideas I have in mind. And this idea was STILL pretty tricky to get just right. Largely due to coloring in the flowers & grass. But, not as hard as the other ideas I have in mind with these two. I will eventually try out the other ideas, of course lol. But for now, let's focus on this drawing lol.
So this drawing, I actually drew back in April! So literally, almost 4 months ago. Why did it take so long for me to upload this? Well, I actually had two other drawings I wanted to upload along with this one. Which, I'm sure you've seen by the time you are reading this. Back in April, it was crunch time. My dad was coming to visit. And I wanted to get as many drawings done as I could before I went on vacation.
So I got this drawing done first. And then I also worked on two other projects. However, I made a mistake on one of the drawings. So bad that I would have to RE-DO the entire drawing..........And at that point in time, I was running out of time. Plus, I was so pissed off at myself for making that mistake. That I just put these three drawings on the back-burner. With the intent of finishing the two unfinished projects after I got back home from vacation. But, that's when life for me spiraled out of control to no end. One thing after another.
It wasn't until last week, was when I gave the other two projects another chance. I finished one. And then completely re-drew the 2nd drawing and got THAT drawing finished. So NOW that these pair of drawings are finished and ready to be uploaded, let's FINALLY go ahead and jump right into them. So, let's take a look at this drawing first :3
So it appears that Mini Wolf & Luna are once again together. And to make matters better, alone together too. No classmates, no one that could gossip/make fun of them being together, etc. It was just Mini Wolf, and Luna alone together. With parent supervision of course, as they are kids lol. I'm going to assume Luna is visiting Mini Wolf's house. Like in the episode "The Skipping Rope" from Season 1. But no, this is an entirely different scenario.
So after spending the day together, there eventually came that point in time. Where Luna was getting picked up by her parents, to go back home. BUT, before she did go back home. Mini Wolf wanted to give her something before she left. So while Luna was inside Mini Wolf's house packing up her things, Mini Wolf snuck outside and pulled some flowers from the family garden. As, he knew Luna loves flowers lol. But, he didn't know if she would like them, or not.
And as soon as Mini Wolf was done, he then ran back over to his front door. And just waited for her to come out. And had the flowers hidden behind his back. As he wanted it to be a surprise for Luna lol.
And when Luna came back outside with her things, she then asked Mini Wolf for some help carrying her things. And that's when that heart rate just went through the roof for Mini Wolf. As he was about to do it. Fight or flight instincts kicked in, blush marks started to appear, and he was nervous. And he didn't know what/how to say it at first. But after a few seconds, Mini Wolf then said to Luna "Here.......Have these first". And he then presented the gathering of flowers he picked for her. And it took Luna a couple of seconds to understand what Mini Wolf was doing. But when she saw the flowers Mini Wolf grabbed for her, Luna had an absolutely shock of happiness on her face.
She quickly put her things down, and gladly took the flowers from Mini Wolf and looked at them. Some of the flowers, being her favorite! Which, was a bonus for Mini Wolf. As he didn't know what flowers were Luna's favorites. And with the flowers still in her hand, she then (without warning) grabbed Mini Wolf and hugged him in excitement. His mind really couldn't process what was going on. And was absolutely confused, especially with her suddenly hugging him! But, he knew she was happy. Which, was the most important thing for him. And before he could even hug her back, she then let go of him. And RAN over to her parent's car and showed them the flowers Mini Wolf gave her.
Meanwhile Mini Wolf (trying to be tough and not show emotion), shook his head and shrugged. But, with a smile on his face however. As he kinda, sorta knew that he did a good deed. And Luna was also happy. Which, in addition made him happy. But before he walked over to say goodbye, that's when he noticed she forgot her stuff. So Mini Wolf, despite not wanting it to seem like he "loves her" or anything, did another good deed and walked her things over to her.
And long story short, Luna's parents absolutely praised Mini Wolf for giving her the flowers, carrying her things, etc. Saying that he was nice, and generous. And Mini Wolf, and Luna's mom chatted for a minute. Including an instance where Mini Wolf told Luna's mother he didn't know if Luna would like them or not. And he was scared, etc. And now, we get to this part of this particular scenario. Mini Wolf and Luna were standing next to each other. And after told by Luna's mother to get in the car. She then said to Mini Wolf "Thank you Wolfie......." as she leaned her head onto Mini Wolf's. Yeah, Luna is definitely being flirtatious in this case. As, that's how she always appears to act in the show. When she's around Mini Wolf at least lol.
And Mini Wolf didn't know how to react. But, the blush marks came back again. And that's when he shrugged with one arm. And used his other arm to hug her. And while he didn't say anything at first, in his mind he was thinking "I guess she likes them......?" as he was looking at Luna's parent's. Who were giving them the "Awww" reactions lol. But he then eventually responded to her "You're welcome......" in a shy voice. He MAY, or may not be just a TINY bit lovesick lmao. But, they are still too young for THAT stage, yet lol. And with that, Luna put her things in the car and hopped in. And before they took off, everyone waved to each other as Luna & her parents took off.
Now, we can ONLY hope that Luna won't go around bragging/telling anyone what Mini Wolf did. As if that news broke around school, the "in love" gossips and jokes would start going around like a wildfire. And they certainly don't need that. ESPECIALLY Mini Wolf lmao. But hey, it's not a bad thing entirely if they were "started young" lol. As that is pretty apparent. Not just in this drawing, but also in the actual series itself.
I mean, you just can't deny that their scenes together on screen is absolutely adorable. They are no doubt a perfect pairing. Not just because they are both wolves, but their relationship on screen is adorable. Mini Wolf tries not to show emotion or get lovesick when Luna interacts with him. But you can tell Mini Wolf likes her. Even though he tries not to show it and brush it off lol. And you can tell Luna wants a relationship with him lol. Given her flirty attitude towards him whenever they tend to interact with each other. Not always does it happen though. And sometimes Mini Wolf can (again), be a brat sometimes lol. Which will get on Luna's nerves.
But let's just be clear and obvious, they are too young to be lovers right now. But, they are no doubt close friends. They will have their ups and downs. But, that's how ANY relationship works. And once they get older, there's no question or doubt that their relationship will evolve into that "love stage" lol. And they start to genuinely love each other. As their minds will grow & evolve. And they both become more mature. Like, Mini Wolf (who won't be mini anymore) won't hide his emotions anymore & act like a brat, would be willing to compromise with Luna, etc. There's so much I visualize with these two & their relationship.
But before I just keep on going, I better stop. As this description is getting long enough lol. So, what do you think......? Again, I absolutely love & adore how this drawing turned out. It shows their emotions perfectly I think. And while I probably could have done better in regards of the colors, I think this is as close as I'll get. Without coloring too much, and potentially making it worse lol. But overall, I'm satisfied with how this turned out.
And with that, I hope you all like it. And thanks for viewing. More to come soon!
multiple characters
fan art
young love
mini wolf
mini loup
one true pairing
started young
2 years, 8 months ago
19 Jul 2022 06:27 CEST
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