Cuddley, Copyright: Genao Productions
Ok everyone, so FINALLY......The LAST drawing I have to show this week. And we'll see what next week brings. Hopefully more drawings lol. Again, any thoughts and prayers is VERY helpful right now during this time of my life right now. But anyways, enough about that. So here's drawing 6 of 6! Also known as drawing 3 of 3 of this particular character lol. And you could sorta see a pattern here......The last drawing I drew of Gus, he had a shocked/worried look expression. And now the last drawing I have to show of Cuddley, he almost has the same expression.......Funny how that works. As that was NOT planned at all lol.
So here's the last drawing I drew of Cuddley from "Mini Wolf". And this scene was from the episode "The Adventure" from Season 2. Again *Spoiler Alert*, but this scene was from when Mini Wolf was jealous from hearing about Anderson, Moussa and Spikey's "Adventure". And decided he wanted to go on his own adventure, with Cuddley. And Cuddley, being the nervous character he is, got worried that it would be too scary for him. And I'll stop there.........Wanna find out more, go watch the episode on Netflix lol.
So while I was watching the episode myself, at some point I had to pause the video. And when I paused it, it freeze framed at this expression/pose lol. And I thought to myself, that would be a cute expression to draw. So before I continued on with watching the episode, I quickly screenshoted it so I could save it as a reference for a future drawing. Which now turned into this, a couple months later lol. Again, I really need to try and draw fan-art more often lol.
So what do you think? I think this one also came out pretty cute to me too. The expression I think is my favorite part about this drawing lol. I'm sure some of you may tend to agree lol. And I drew it out pretty spot on too. Well, the best that I could anyway lol. Again, I don't think this could have turned out any better. Besides the colors, which I KNOW I can do better. Now that I know what colors to use. Finding the right ones though will be the issue right now though lol.
But anyways, I hope you all like it. And thanks for viewing! And that's it for this week! So let's see what I can get done next week. Hopefully something. PLEASE wish me luck, I need it lol.
mini wolf
mini loup
4 years, 8 months ago
28 Jun 2020 00:43 CEST
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