Shortly after designing Odang and Fridgia, I made up another couple: A tanuki named Tendo and a cu sidhe named Aine. Those familiar with me as a game developer might recognize the pair; part of my design of them involved the idea that she would swallow him whole, and unlike ME in such a situation, he'd resist it and dislike it (but come to tolerate it with time), leading to him in a panicked state the first few times she loses herself in animalistic passion shouting "NO EAT!" - and later, even once he was long used to or even enjoying these encounters, saying it with a bit of irony.
The line became an internal meme in the OHRRPGCE community, and so I made a game based on the meme. While I find the game and its content a bit embarrassing now, I can't completely disown it as it's what got Bella's attention and prompted her to reach out to me some eight years later.
Aine, Tendo, Odang, and Todd were going to be an adventuring party, and I occasionally drew the four of them in series. I pretty quickly came to vastly favor the pair of Aine and Tendo over the group as a whole due to the spiritual sickness I was suffering and their dynamics being designed to conform to it.