HYPOTHETICALWATCHER: "Of all the SMW characters to choose among, you chose Oogtar? This was your chance to draw a suggestive sketch of Princess Peach or (bless my *sole!) a Yoshi without shoes! ...or just Luigi. *shrug* Yet, you chose a character who isn't even in the game!"
I draw who, why, and when I want (as allowed by my autism). Thank you. :3
Anyway, I'll reference the 'Super Mario Bros. Super show' eventually (I'll have some real fun with that one)! ;)
Ok, this one's a treasure (seriously: another collector I showed this too offered me a Mongol 480 in exchange for this. I declined)!
The featured pencil is the 'Milan' from Milan Pencil Works, in Bavaria.
The 'Milan' is a copying pencil, meaning its core has been infused with a special dye that allows marks, writing, etc., made by the pencil to transfer to another medium. It's ...a complex procedure (some involve gelatin ...like, legit), but it's what one had to do before photocopiers were available to the general public (or even invented, in some cases).
I've never heard of a Mongol 480 but it must be something for you to turn down for this one! So it actually has a gel in the core that can be transferred to another piece of paper when they're pressed together? Damn! And I though using graphite paper was the bomb for making transfers! Is the ink waterproof / alcohol proof?
Also cute character but as I don't play Sonic he's mostly unknown to me. :)
I've never heard of a Mongol 480 but it must be something for you to turn down for this one! So it
The Mongol 480 is the early, rare, round-barrel version of the omnipresent 482. A pack of 12 480s can sell for $250 or more. That said, the good 480 is the Eberhard, not the Papermate edition.
The Milan is a graphite pencil with transferable dye in the graphite.
Oogtar is a Mario character. ^^
The Mongol 480 is the early, rare, round-barrel version of the omnipresent 482. A pack of 12 480s ca