The first of a new month. Halloween is at the end of this month, if it wasn't for everything that had gone on over the past month and a half, I would be confident that we could walk with humans and not freak anyone out. But as it is, humans in fur suits are rumored to already be banned just incase. From watching the news, many schools are having to come up with something new for mascots. The humans are really taking a disliking to the whole anthro thing. Ya there are still humans that support us and like what we have become, unfortunately not many of those people are in a position that can make a difference. I'm told that Sabrina is going to have to go into isolation again soon. She told me that the heat is the one thing she completely despises about her new form. The entire time all she can think about is me, and how bad she wants me. They said if we get moved to the new country soon, this will be the last time we get split up during her heat. Both of us will start getting a steady paycheck, have our own house. So having cubs wouldn't be a problem at all. Heh, cubs. To think, I use to call infants babies. Never did I think I would call my future children cubs. If they are anything like the farel animal cubs, they should be much cuter than any human baby could dream of being. Well anyways, she is starting to pack for her time in isolation, I guess I better help and make the best of this last night that I will have with her for a while.
Sabrina went into isolation early this morning. She told me at-least she will still get to work. They put her in a womans only ward of the hospital. Not to sure what all goes on over there, but absolutely no males are allowed. I guess there are allot of females there that are in heat, so I can understand the rule. I got word that I am suppose to return to training in a couple days, and will be stuck there until we are officially ordered to move. Got to finally hang out with Roland and the guys, they had so many questions about my new training that I had gone through. Even though I'm younger then they are by a couple years atleast, I already out rank them cause of the training I have taken. Roland has made it to first Lieutenant, and I'm up to captain. They are a bit jealous even though they deny it, but it's all good. We still get allong great and enjoy each others time.
Welp, I'll be taking off to do more training until we move. Sadly though I can't bring any of the things other then what I require with me. This journal isn't a requirement, so I'm going to have to leave it here. Just figured I would put something in before I left again, hopefully we move soon. I would really like to be able to move with Sabrina, it will be really hard if she is still in isolation for the move. Well, I'm going to hope for the best.