Im thinking further back then just the therepist. Im refering to the first psychic he "fought" and thinking of what its goals where. why did they alter Tini's mind and to what end. though a lot has happened since that battle, I wonder if use of the PSYCHIC move Foresight showed the evil one a path to an end, and is what we have been watching unfold. not saying we are still in that battle mind you
Im thinking further back then just the therepist. Im refering to the first psychic he "fought" and t
Or what if from the very begining all was an ibternal plot from the psychics to start a Kind of awarened or internal revouilt (words) or even a cup de etat and TiNi Is just the perfect paw to start all this snowball
Or what if from the very begining all was an ibternal plot from the psychics to start a Kind of awar