“The material contained in this disc is protected under the copyright laws of Galar and other regions. ‘Potty Training Your Ghost-Type’ is sold for home use only. Duplication, public exhibition, or any other unauthorized commercial use in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.”
The show begins and its spectators are introduced to a dark purple background accompanied by the playful but slightly sinister presence of organs playing in the background. As the sounds of keystrokes remain, an assortment of apparitions surround the screen before the narrator starts to speak.
“And now…” says a disembodied and feminine sounding voice. “Potty Training Your Ghost-Type.”
As the narrator announces the title, it appears in a pure white font, with each letter “o” being a filled circle with some kind of scary face, providing the program with the spooky aesthetic Ghost-types enjoy most. Now that the stage is set , the apparitions disperse and the background returns to its regular state, providing a slight pause before the narrator starts to speak again.
“Welcome! If you’re watching this, then you’re the proud parent of a Ghost-type Pokémon!” they say in a cheerful tone of voice, clearly excited to educate the ones viewing this potty training program. “I’m so happy you chose this program, and I can’t wait for you and your spooky little spirit to learn more about the potty training process! In fact, there’s someone else who’s gonna be tagging along with you too!”
Typically, this is the part of the program where the central toddler is introduced, and yet to the narrator’s surprise, nobody seems to be showing up.
“Huh? Where’d the little guy go?” asks the narrator as several more seconds pass. “He’s gotta be around here somewh-
“Boo!” a Marshadow’s face suddenly pops out from the side of the screen.
“Hehe, don’t scare me like that, little guy!” says the narrator with a giggle, feigning fear in response to this silly scare attempt.
The little Ghost-type giggles and toddles to the center of the screen, donning a disposable diaper all the while.
“Now then, I’d like you to meet Maxie!” says the narrator in an endearing tone. “Say hi, Maxie!”
Hehehe, hewwo!” says the Marshadow with a playful laugh as he smiles and waves at the camera.
Before the narrator has the chance to talk again, Maxie slowly stomps towards the camera and musters the most menacing expression he can make, though the crinkling and rustling of his diaper certainly doesn’t add to the fear factor.
“Little Maxie likes to be scary, though it’s hard to give others a good spook when you’re as cute as a button!” says the narrator with a playful laugh.
In response to this statement, the toddler crosses his arms in a pouty manner and a scarlet red blush forms on his face, clearly unamused by such remarks.
“Nuh-uh! I not cute! I vewy scawy!” Maxie says with the angriest expression he’s capable of creating.
“I’m not so sure about that!” says the narrator with another laugh, finding that his pouty expression only makes him look even cuter. “Do you want to know what it really takes to be scary, Maxie?” they ask the toddler.
“Oooooh, yea! I wanna be supah scawy!” Maxie’s expression quickly shifts from one of annoyance and anger to one of genuine curiosity, eager to know such information.
“Well, if you wanna be scary, you need to be a big boy and ditch those diapers first!” the narrator responds.
“My diapees?” the Marshadow asks as he looks down at the crinkly garment between his legs, wondering what that even has to do with being scary.
“That’s right! Big kids don’t use their diapers! They use the potty!” the narrator says enthusiastically.
“Da….potty?” the toddler asks, now more confused than ever.
“Yep, and sooner or later you’ll be using the potty too!” says the narrator before addressing the audience. “Just like little Maxie, your child is approaching a marvelous milestone in their life, and if your Ghost-type toddler wants to be the scariest and spookiest of them all, they need to be potty trained first! Luckily for you, this program has all the tools you need to get things going!”
As the introduction comes to an end, the apparitions fill the background, floating away as the show transitions into the next scene. The scene opens with a shot of a simple two story house, eventually zooming into one of the windows to get an indoor view while xylophones function as the background music. The shot then focuses on a Gengar and a Gourgeist lounging in the living room, contently relaxing on the couch and watching some television.
“Meet Maxie’s Mommy and Daddy!” says the narrator as the two parents smile and wave at the camera. “Although, speaking of Maxie, where’s the little guy gone off to now?”
The shot then shifts to the toddler, now donning a black t-shirt with a white skull symbol in addition to his disposable diaper, stepping into the living room and slowly toddling to the back of the couch, wanting to catch his parents by surprise and give them a good scare.
However, before any spooky shenanigans can take place, Maxie’s tummy lets out a loud gurgle. As the toddler notices a familiar feeling from down below, he instinctively tenses up and pops a squat, wanting to rid himself of this potent pressure.
A firm solid plops into his pampers, causing them to sag as a noticeable lump bulges out from the back. With the smell of a dirty diaper now lingering around the living room, the two parents hop off the couch and walk over to their child, eliminating any element of surprise and spoiling the toddler’s scare attempt.
“Hehe, it’s hard to be scary with a load in your pants, isn’t it?” asks the narrator with a giggle.
“Hmph…I stiww scawy…” Maxie tries to salvage this attempt by staring at the camera with a “scary” face, though he still looks rather silly with a saggy diaper drooping between his legs.
“Sure, but don’t you wanna be even scarier? Don’t you wanna use the potty like a big boy?” the narrator asks in an encouraging tone.
“Um…I guess.” Maxie replies; while he still knew next to nothing about potty training, he figured he couldn’t pass up on an opportunity if it meant becoming the most ghoulish of Ghost-types
“Hehe, that’s all I needed to hear.” says the narrator with a playful giggle.
Once again, the background is filled with several floating spirits, serving as a smooth transition into the next scene. As the apparitions move away from the screen, the scene opens to the three family members in the living room, with Maxie now in a clean diaper and standing in front of a gray gift box.
“Huh? What’s in da box?” Maxie asks his parents.
“Only one way to find out, sweetie!” says the Gourgeist with a chuckle.
“Go ahead and open it up, kiddo!” says the Gengar with a chuckle of his own.
The Marshadow nods his head and eagerly unwraps the box, revealing a dark purple training potty with a little white ghost in the center. Although the toddler didn’t exactly know what he was looking at, the potty’s colors and designs were more than enough to pique his interest.
“Awesome! Your parents got you a potty!” the narrator says in a playful tone, prompting the music to become more cheerful and peppy.
“Ooooh, it wooks so coow!” says the Ghost-type toddler.
“Glad you like it, sweetheart!” the Gourgeist says as she undoes Maxie’s diaper. “How about you take a seat and try it out?”
The toddler nods his head and takes a seat on the training potty, though his initial excitement is quickly replaced by utter confusion.
“Um…what do I do with dis ting?” Maxie asks his parents.
“You just do what you’ve always been doing in your diaper, bud!” the Gengar responds.
Unfortunately, rather than clearing up his confusion, such statements only made Maxie feel scared and distressed; with how used he is to using his diapers, the little Ghost-type is genuinely freaked out by this sudden shift to the training potty, by the idea of his bodily waste going anywhere but in his diapers.
“Um…I dunno about dis…” Maxie says in a nervous tone of voice, his body slightly shaking as a scared expression forms on his face.
“While Ghost-type children like to scare, they scare pretty easily as well.” says the narrator a few moments later, using this as an opportunity to give a helpful tip. “During the start of the potty training process, it’s likely that your child will be a little startled. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to this!”
Noticing the fear in her son’s face, the Gourgeist walks over to the toy box in the leftmost corner of the living room and grabs a white rattle from it.
“Here, this should help things out.” she says before handing it to the Marshadow.
Maxie stares at the rattle for a few seconds before giving it a good shake, already feeling some of his fear fade away as a result of its soothing sounds.
“Hehehe, shakey shakey!” the toddler cracks a satisfied smile as he continues to play with his toy.
Now feeling far more relaxed from the rhythm of his rattle, the Marshadow is able to set his fear aside as he releases the contents of his bladder into the training potty, prompting the background music to play a peppy flourish.
“You see? Sometimes all you need is a simple distraction to let your child get settled.” says the narrator in a cheerful tone.
“I did it! I did it!” Maxie says with a wide smile, feeling very accomplished by this potty training triumph. “Am I supah scawy now?” he asks the narrator.
“Hehe, not yet, but you’ve just taken a big step towards becoming a big kid!” the narrator replies. “Keep using the potty and you’ll be out of diapers in no time!”
“Ooooh, okay!” says the Ghost-type with a nod of his head, willing to partake in this process if it means becoming a super scary big kid.
The apparitions then fill the screen yet again, along with a black font that reads “One Week Later”. Once the effects fade away and another scene begins, Maxie is seen putting on a pair of purple velcro shoes, preparing for a fun day with his family.
“Ready to go, bud?” his father asks.
“Weady, Daddy!” says the Marshadow with a wide smile.
“Oh! Do you need to go potty first, sweetie?” his mother quickly follows up.
Maxie’s smile suddenly shifts to a distressed frown, now fearful of a certain creature lurking in his training potty.
“Hm? What’s the matter, dear? I thought you liked using your potty.” says the Gourgeist.
“But I don’t want da potty monstah ta eat me!” says the toddler as he starts to tremble.
The two parents look at each other with confused expressions, unsure of how to address their son’s sudden anxiety. Fortunately, the narrator has another useful tip for them.
“However, even after getting past those initial fears, your child may have additional anxieties throughout the process, usually as a result of their own imagination or what they hear from others.” says the narrator. “Simply telling your toddler that their fears are overblown won’t completely convince them, so sometimes you’ll have to get a little creative when it comes to addressing this issue.”
“No need to worry, bud! Mommy and I got rid of the potty monster while you were asleep!” says the Gengar with the most convincing smile he can muster.
“You did?” Maxie asks.
“We sure did, sweetie!” says the Gourgeist. “Even if the potty monster decides to come back, you’d be way too scary for them!”
Maxie’s fear subsides and a confident smile soon forms on his face, now ready to give the “potty monster” a good scare whenever they decide to show up.
“Ooooh! Okay!” says the Marshadow before bolting to the bathroom.
Now that the issue is resolved, several spirits fill up the screen and that dark purple background soon takes their place, with another sinister organ medley starting up while the narrator makes their closing remarks.
“Now that you’re well equipped with all sorts of tips and tricks, you’re more than ready to start potty training your Ghost-type!” they say in a cheerful tone of voice. “Thank you to all the parents who watch this program, and best of luck to you and your-
In identical fashion to the introduction sequence, Maxie suddenly pops out from the side of the screen, now sporting a blue pair of training pants in addition to his t-shirt.
“Woah!” a loud thudding sound is heard as the narrator falls down and the camera shakes around before being repositioned, genuinely startled by the toddler’s sudden scare this time. “You’re looking a lot scarier with those big boy pants, bud!”
As the narrator regains their composure, the Marshadow giggles and makes another scary face, prepared to master the potty and become the scariest Ghost-type of them all. The screen then fades to black a few moments later, marking the end of this potty training program.