“The material contained in this disc is protected under the copyright laws of Galar and other regions. ‘Potty Training Your Normal-Type’ is sold for home use only. Duplication, public exhibition, or any other unauthorized commercial use in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.”
The program begins with a shot of the blue, cloudless sky, its spectators being met with the sights of birds flying across the screen and the playful sounds of piano keys in the background before the narrator starts to speak.
“And now…” says a disembodied, feminine sounding voice. “Potty Training Your Normal-Type.”
As the narrator announces the title, it appears in cream colored text without any alterations or adjustments, a normal font ideal for Normal-type Pokemon. A few moments later, the font fades away and the narrator starts to speak again.
“Hello there! If you’re watching this, then you’re the proud parent of a Normal-type Pokémon!” they say in a cheerful tone of voice, extremely enthusiastic about educating the ones viewing this potty training program. “I’m so happy you chose this program, and I can’t wait for you and your child to learn more about the potty training process! Not only that, there’s another family that’ll be joining you today!”
The “camera” lowers its way to ground level, getting a shot of a two-story house and its expansive backyard. Playfully running and skipping around the grassy terrain is the central toddler of this particular program, an Eevee with yellow bows on each of her ears, a yellow skirt for her upper half, and a plain white diaper snugly secured around her bottom. In the distance, a female Audino and a male Indeedee are seen sitting on the grass, content with watching their daughter play around.
“This is Ellie!” says the narrator as the camera follows the toddler’s movements, picking up the sounds of her cheerful laughter all the while. “Just like your active little tyke, she loves to run, jump, and play to her heart’s content!”
“Hehehe, chase me, Mommy! Chase me!” says the Eevee while she continues to run around.
“Ok, Ellie! Here I come!” says the Audino while the camera shifts to her standing up and breaking into a run.
The sounds of upbeat music and joyful laughter fill the air, all while the camera moves around to capture each and every moment of this game of chase.
However, their playtime is put on pause when a loud gurgle emits from Ellie’s tummy, now feeling both a twinge in her bladder and a potent pressure in her bowels. The music then shifts to the playful sounds of xylophones as the toddler comes to a stop and gets into a squat, putting a silly spin on what she’s about to do in her diapers.
“Although, while your toddler’s been walking, talking, and doing all sorts of different things, there’s one thing that’s always stayed the same, and that’s no different for this little girl.” says the narrator with a chuckle. “Whenever, it’s going pee pee or going poo poo, she’s been doing it in her diaper since day one!”
Shortly after saying that, a loud hissing sound is heard as Ellie relaxes her bladder, cracking a content while her diaper sags and stains a light shade of yellow; in addition to the wave of relief that came from emptying her bladder, the warmth developing around her diaper felt rather relaxing to the little Eevee, clearly not concerned about wetting herself.
“Mmmph….mmmmph….” Ellie scrunches up her face and starts to grunt once her bladder empties, now addressing the pressure in her bowels.
The toddler’s tail flicks upward as several solids start piling into her diaper, causing it to become rather lumpy while it expands and droops even more.
“Aaaah…” Ellie exhales a sigh of relief and her smile widens once she’s completely empty, happy to rid herself of all of that pressure from down below.
“All done, Ellie?” her mother asks.
“Done, Mommy!” Ellie says with the silliest of smiles, her soggy and stinky diaper drooping down to her knees.
The Audino looks at the Eevee with a smile of her own, definitely no stranger to changing her daughter’s diapers. She then picks the toddler up and takes her back inside, prompting the narrator to speak once more while Ellie is carried back to her bedroom and laid on the changing table.
“And, whether it’s Mommy or Daddy, her parents are there to change her diapers when the deed is done.” they say.
Ellie’s mother undoes the dirty diaper and opens up the box of baby wipes, lifting her daughter’s legs and gently wiping her bottom until it’s completely spotless. After adding some baby powder for good measure, the Audino slides a clean diaper under Ellie’s legs and snugly secures it around her waist.
“All done!” she says once the diaper change is complete, lifting Ellie off the changing table and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
She then gives Ellie’s bottom a gentle pat and sets her back down, watching the newly diapered toddler run off to resume her playtime.
“However, while her Mommy and Daddy have become quite acquainted with changing Ellie’s diapers, they know it’s only a matter of time before they need to get their little girl on the potty!”
The Audino silently nods her head in response, knowing that her daughter is now approaching a time for potty training at the age of two, a chance to be promoted from baby to big kid.
“Of course, there’s the question parents always ask when it comes to potty training, and I’m sure you’ve had it as well. ‘How do I get started?’” says the narrator.
A perplexed expression then forms on the Audino’s face, as if she herself is yearning to know the answer to such a question.
“If you want to get started with potty training, that also means getting started when the time is right for your child.” says the narrator. “Here are some signs that your toddler is ready to make that transition!”
Alphabet blocks of various colors fill the screen a few moments later, providing a smooth transition into the next scene as the upbeat piano keys make their return. After the blocks disperse, the next scene begins, with the family being in the backyard once again while Ellie and her father are passing a bouncy ball back and forth.
“Hehehe! Bouncy! Bouncy!” Ellie says with a wide smile as she catches the ball and gives it a few bounces.
“Good catch, sweetie!” says the Indeedee with an equally wide smile. “Now throw the ball back to Daddy! Give it a good toss!”
“Okay!” Ellie rears back and throws the ball as hard as she can, prompting her father to catch it with his chest.
“Wow! What a throw! Looks like my little girl’s got quite an arm!” he says with a playful laugh.
Ellie giggles and laughs while the two of them continue tossing the ball to each other, greatly enjoying this game of catch. Although, being so immersed in her playtime comes with its own consequence, as the toddler remains completely oblivious to a certain pressure developing from down below.
Ellie’s bladder reflexively releases itself, causing her diaper to sag and stain yellow as it thirstily absorbs the torrent. The Eevee looks down at her wet diaper with a frown, not too fond of how it feels; while she may have liked the warmth of a wet diaper at first, the clamminess of it wasn’t so comfortable anymore, and the dampness of her diaper was now nothing but a needless disturbance.
“Uh oh. Looks like someone’s got a frowny face.” says the narrator while the silly sounds of brass instruments acknowledge this accident, transitioning into a helpful tip. “If your child starts to dislike the feeling of a dirty diaper, it’s a sign that they’re ready to give potty training a try.”
“Hm? Is something the matter, Ellie?” the Indeedee asks her.
“I need a new diapee, Daddy.” the toddler responds, feeling a little sulky over her soggy diaper.
“Ok, sweetie, let’s change your diaper.” he says as he starts walking towards her.
However, before a diaper change can commence, a familiar sensation starts brewing in her bowels, causing a blush to form on Ellie’s face as she drops the bouncy ball; while she was well accustomed to making dumpy deposits in her diapers on a daily basis, to packing her pampers in public settings, there was now a part of her that perceive pooping her pants as something unfit for public eyes, as something that demanded its share of privacy. In response to this growing pressure, the soggy toddler rushes to a nearby tree and hides behind it, popping a squat as she prepares to do her business.
“Ellie? Are you alright?” the Indeedee asks as he approaches his daughter, though this immediately elicits a response from the Eevee.
“Go away….mmmphhh….Daddy. I’m…mmmmmph…pooping…” she says in between strained grunts.
“Oh! Sorry, sweetheart!” he says before stepping away, letting his daughter fill her diapers in private.
“Mmm…mmmph….” the Eevee continues to grunt and push, prompting the narrator to provide another tip before Ellie unloads.
“Additionally, if your child demands privacy when they gotta go poopy, that’s another telltale sign to give potty training a try!” they say as the toddler’s tail hikes up.
Ellie lets out another loud fart before a big mound of mess dumps into her diaper, causing it to droop as a large lump protrudes from the back. Her tail relaxes and she sighs in relief once the deed is done, though such relief is only momentary. Although it felt good to get rid of that tension, Ellie came to realize that having a pile of poo poo in her pampers wasn’t all that great, and for several reasons; the warm and slimy sensations around her bottom made standing in her excrement a less than satisfying experience, and the repulsive stench of her dirty diaper wasn’t doing her any favors either. On top of that, having a large and lumpy load in her pants inhibited her from doing dynamic movements, a significant setback for an active and playful tot such as herself.
“Having a dirty diaper isn’t all that fun, is it, Ellie?” the narrator asks her.
“Nuh-uh! No fun!” Ellie says with a slightly pouty expression.
“Yea, I bet it feels gross and yucky, huh?” they ask.
“Yucky! Yucky!” Ellie says as she looks down at her dirty diaper and sticks out her tongue in disgust.
“Well, what if I told you there was a way to stop being dependent on your diapers?” says the narrator.
“Dere is?” Ellie asks, her pouty expression quickly being replaced with one of great curiosity.
“Yep, and pretty soon you’ll find out what I’m talking about!” says the narrator in a cheerful tone of voice. “Although, your daddy’s gotta change your diaper first!” they say with a giggle.
Right on cue, the Indeedee steps into the shot and picks the Eevee up, causing Ellie to let out a little giggle.
“Phew, you really filled up that diaper, didn’t you, Ellie?” he says with a chuckle. “Come on, let’s get you changed.”
Once the two Pokémon leave the shot, the alphabet blocks fill the screen once again, indicating a shift to a new scene. After the alphabet blocks scatter away, the music mellows out and the scene opens to the three family members in the living room, with Ellie now wearing a clean diaper while she stands in front of a pink gift box.
“Wow! Looks like your parents got you a super special gift! Go ahead and open it up!” says the narrator in an excited tone of voice.
With an equally excited expression, Ellie tears away at the wrapping paper, revealing a plain white training potty.
“Oooh!” Ellie’s interest is immediately piqued by the potty, though not exactly for the right reasons.
Initially assuming it’s an article of clothing, the toddler picks up the potty and places it on her head, treating it like a hat.
“Hehe, it’s not a hat, sweetie!” says the Audino with a chuckle!
With the training potty still in her hands, Ellie toddles to the kitchen and places it on the floor. She then opens up the cupboard and takes out a box of cereal, now assuming the potty to be some kind of bowl.
“It’s not a bowl either!” says the Indeedee with a laugh.
“When getting started, it’s common for Normal-types to treat their potty like other normal objects, be it hats, bowls, or what have you!” says the narrator with a chuckle of their own, using the toddler’s silliness to teach the audience a helpful tip. “As silly as it may seem, it’s totally fine to let them play with their potty! Allow them to experiment and find things out their own way!”
Ellie eventually returns to the living room and places the potty back down, now assuming it’s some kind of seat. The toddler then plops her padded posterior onto the potty, eliciting approving smiles from her parents.
“There you go! That’s the right idea!” says Ellie’s father. “Now you have your very own potty!”
“Potty?” Ellie asks with the raise of an eyebrow, having never heard such a word before.
“That’s right, sweetie!” her mother says to her. “For big boys and girls, the potty is the place to go when they gotta go!”
In response to this statement, Ellie stands back up and looks at her potty with a greater sense of excitement, awestruck to think that there was even a place to make deposits beyond her diapers, to think that this single object would allow her to transcend to the beloved status of “big girl.”
“Oooh! I wanna be a big giwl!” she says with an eager shake of her tail.
“Then go ahead and give the potty a try!” says the father in an encouraging tone.
With a wide smile on her face, the toddler tears off the crinkly garment and tosses it aside, emphasizing her eagerness to ditch her diapers. Ellie then plops her bottom back onto the potty, immediately intending to put it to good use.
The Eevee starts to grunt and push, trying to deposit something into the training potty, though nothing seems to come out.
The toddler tenses up and tries again, prompting the narrator to provide a helpful tip.
“Of course, as eager as your child may be to ditch the diapers, their body still needs to adjust to the process!” they say. “After all, they’ve been going through diapers for hundreds of days! It’s only natural for things to take time!”
“Don’t push yourself too hard, Ellie!” says the Indeedee with a chuckle.
“Yes, you’ll have to be patient when using the potty, dear!” the Audino tells her.
Ellie eases up while she continues to wait, the sounds of a ticking clock playing in the background as several more seconds pass.
“Additionally, giving your child something to play with while they're on the potty is suggested.” says the narrator as the toddler starts tapping their foot, indicating that they’re getting a little bored. “While it’s not required, it’s especially recommended for first-timers in training.”
“Hehe, how about I give you something to play with, sweetie.” the Audino stands up and makes her way to the toy box, grabbing a pink rattle and handing it to her daughter.
Ellie smiles and giggles while she shakes the rattle around, happy to have a fun way to pass the time. A few minutes later, nature finally starts to take its course as the toddler feels something develop from down below.
“Mmmmmph….” she starts to tense up once again, immediately addressing the pressure.
A couple of solids plop into the potty while Ellie empties her bowels, smiling and sighing in relief once the deed is done. The music shifts to an upbeat flourish while wide smiles form on the parent’s faces, equally as happy with Ellie’s success.
“Of course, it takes more than one time for your child to master the potty! So, how do you keep the momentum going?” says the narrator as the camera shifts to Ellie happily clapping her hands. “Lucky for you, I’ve got some tips for that too!”
The alphabet blocks fill the screen once more, marking the start of another scene. After the blocks roll away, the shot focuses on Ellie playing with some wooden blocks of her own, gleefully giggling while she stacks them up.
“Of course, your child can’t be the only one doing all the work! You’ve got your part to play as well!” says the narrator while Ellie remains immersed in her playtime. “They won’t always know when they gotta go, so be on the lookout for certain signs your child may show!”
Right on cue, the toddler’s tail starts to shake and twitch, something Ellie is unaware of.
“Oh, Ellie! I think it’s time for a potty break!” says the Audino, quickly taking notice of this tic.
Ellie nods her head as she starts to feel a particular pressure, proving she has to go potty after all.
“Come on, let’s take you to the potty.”
Her mother takes Ellie by the hand and walks her to the bathroom, undoing her diaper shortly afterwards. The Eevee then plops onto the potty and starts to push, prompting the Audino to step away while she lets her daughter do the deed in private.
As another scene starts up, the camera then cuts to Ellie partaking in another form of playtime, cheerfully kicking the bouncy ball around and running around the grassy terrain. However, in identical fashion to last time, she’s totally oblivious to certain sensations in her bladder and bowels, far too focused on her playtime to take notice of such things.
“Although, you won’t always be there to tell your toddler when they gotta go! There comes a point where they’ll need to figure that out themselves!” says the narrator.
The toddler stops in her tracks as she suddenly soaks her diaper, a scarlet red blush forming on her face as she looks down at the stained padding sagging between her legs.
“And so, accidents will be something you’ll need to get accustomed to.” the narrator continues.
A loud fart follows suit, altering Ellie about what she needs to do.
“I gotta go potty!”
She runs as fast as her little legs can take her and bolts back inside, her soggy diaper sloshing between her legs all the while. The music becomes more frantic and fast-paced while Ellie makes a desperate dash to the bathroom, the pressure becoming more potent with each passing second.
“I gotta go…nggh…”
The toddler stops in front of her training potty, but before she can even undo her diaper, the pressure becomes too much for her to handle, forcing her to bend into a squat as her bowels beg for release.
“No…..mmmph…” Ellie’s tail hikes up and she starts to grunt, having no other option left.
The loud sounds of flatulence fill the air as she loads up her diaper, causing several lumps to bulge out from the back as it sags and further expands in size. Ellie’s blush intensifies once she empties herself, quite embarrassed to have pooped her pants in front of the potty.
“Hmph!” Ellie crosses her arms and forms a pouty face, annoyed by these soggy and stinky circumstances as brass instruments play a dissatisfied flourish in the background.
“Aww, why the pouty face, Ellie?” the narrator asks.
“I don’t wanna go in my diapee! Ish yucky!” she responds as she looks down at the lumpy diaper between her legs.
“It’s alright! Accidents are a part of the process, and they can be a helpful tool as well!” says the narrator.
“Huh?” Ellie raises an eyebrow in confusion, wondering how anything positive can come from packing her pampers.
“Making mistakes is also how you learn! Now you’ll be a little more aware the next time you gotta go!” they say in a cheerful tone, transitioning into one more piece of advice for the audience. “Accidents are nothing for anyone to be ashamed of, so make sure your child knows that!”
Ellie’s pouty face slightly fades away in response, glad to get some silver lining from this situation. Her father then walks into the bathroom a few moments later, quickly taking notice of his daughter’s full diaper; the Indeedee simply smiles and looks at the toddler with a face free of judgment, having little issue with such accidents. He picks Ellie up and nuzzles her cheek before walking out of the bathroom and leaving the shot, prompting the alphabet blocks to fill the screen one last time. The final scene opens to a pure white background, with a peppy piano medley starting up as the narrator makes their closing remarks.
“Thank you to all the parents who watched this program, and good luck to you and your Normal-type!” says the narrator. “With these tips and tricks, it won’t be long before your little one becomes a big kid!”
Ellie steps into the shot a few moments later, now sporting a pink pair of pull-ups in place of her diaper.
“And it seems Ellie isn’t too far from being a big girl either!” they say with a chuckle.
Ellie’s parents enter the shot and stand beside her, quite proud of their daughter’s potty training progress. The three Normal-types then smile and wave goodbye as the screen starts fading to black, wishing the best of luck to both parents and children alike.