“The material contained in this disc is protected under the copyright laws of Galar and other regions. ‘Potty Training Your Poison-Type’ is sold for home use only. Duplication, public exhibition, or any other unauthorized commercial use in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.”
The show starts up and its audience is introduced to a lavender background accompanied by the playful sounds of brass instruments. As the music slowly increases in volume, several globs of toxic sludge splatter onto the screen and spread all over the background.
“And now…” says a disembodied and feminine voice. “Potty Training Your Poison-Type.”
As the narrator announces the title, it appears in bold and black font while the music slightly descends in pitch, with biohazard symbols taking the place of every letter “o” as if to warn potential watchers about Poison-type toddlers and their penchant for packing their pampers.
Once the introduction is established, the title fades away and the sludge splatters slowly slide off the screen, returning the background to its lavender look before the narrator starts speaking again.
“Welcome! If you’re watching this, then you’re the proud parent of a Poison-type Pokémon!” they say in a cheerful tone of voice, quite eager to educate the ones watching the show. “I’m so glad you chose this program, cause I’m sure you know it won’t be easy teaching your precious little Poison-type the potty training process. Thankfully, by the time you’re done watching this program, you’ll be more than prepared to start potty training your child, and we’ve got someone else tagging along too!”
A Poipole then toddles onto the lavender screen, her thick disposable diaper loudly crinkling in response to her movements.
“I’m pleased to introduce…Poppy!” the narrator enthusiastically announces. “Go ahead and greet your new friends, Poppy!”
“Hi dewe!” Poppy turns around and gives her padded posterior a silly shake, figuring that’s a sufficient way to greet the audience.
“Poppy‘s certainly a silly little girl, but did you know she’s also an Ultra Beast?” says the narrator. “Though, when it comes to potty training, she isn’t all that different from your own child. That’s right, even Pokemon from entirely different dimensions still need to know the ins and outs of the potty!”
“Ooooh! What’s an uwtwa beast? What’s a dimension? What’s a potty?” the Poipole asks as she toddles closer to the camera, curious to understand these unfamiliar words.
“As you can see, Poppy’s got a lot of questions to ask, and I’m sure it’s the same case for you!” says the disembodied voice. “Get ready to join Poppy and her family on this exciting journey as we take you and your child through the process of potty training! With these tips and tricks, you’ll be guaranteed to get your toxic little tot on the potty!” says the narrator before directing their words at the little Pokemon. “So, are you ready to get started, Poppy?”
Too engaged in her own silliness to even answer that question, the Poison-type toddler continues waddling to the front of the screen before pressing her face onto the camera, sticking out her tongue and making several silly faces while doing so. A few moments later, Poppy then turns around and lifts up her bottom before pressing her padded posterior onto the camera, adding another layer of silliness to the already silly intro sequence as she wiggles her bottom back and forth.
“Hehehe! Wook at my diapee! Wook at my diapee!” Poppy says with a playful laugh while her pointy tail and her padded rump start sliding across the screen.”
“Well, something tells me this program is going to be a little longer than usual.” says the narrator with a playful laugh, clearly amused by the Poipole’s silly shenanigans. “Now then, let’s begin!”
As the introduction comes to an end, the splatters of toxic sludge fill the background once again, eventually sliding off the screen as the show transitions into the next scene. The scene opens with a shot of a simple two story house, eventually zooming into one of the windows to get an indoor view while flutes function as the background music. The camera then rotates towards Poppy’s parents sitting on the living room couch, getting a shot of the happy but slightly exhausted faces of a Salazzle and a Nidoking.
“Here’s Poppy’s Mommy and Daddy! They love their daughter very much, but they look a little tired, don’t you think?” says the narrator with a chuckle. “Well, that’s because they’re on diaper duty far more often than most families, as studies show that Poison-type children use more than twice the amount of diapers than the average kid. In fact, why don’t I show some examples of that stinky statistic in action?”
The splatters of toxic sludge appear on the screen and the show quickly transitions to another scene, with the background music shifting to a playful and wacky mix of xylophones and brass instruments to signal the start of a miniature montage showcasing Poppy’s pamper packing propensity on a typical day. The first example begins with the Poison-type toddler popping a squat and clutching the bars of her crib, making the first of her morning deposits.
Her diaper is suddenly flooded with a mushy and liquidy mess, causing it to sag and stain a dark shade of brown. After the dirty deed is done, there is a quick cut to the Nidoking laying Poppy on the changing table, as well as the presence of a counter in the top left corner that reads “Diaper Changes: 1”.
The second example then begins and the Poison-type family is seen taking a morning stroll outside, with the Salazzle pushing a black stroller while the toxic little toddler happily takes in her surroundings. However, just a few moments later, the sounds of strained grunts are heard from inside the stroller as Poppy prepares to unload whatever she had for breakfast.
Poppy pushes a large and stinky mass into her diaper, causing a soccer ball sized lump to bulge out from the back while her bladder also decides to pitch in and a yellow stain spreads around the front. Once the Poison-type toddler is totally empty, there is a quick cut to the Salazzle standing on a grassy area and laying their daughter down on a changing mat, prompting the diaper change counter to increase once again.
The third example soon follows and the family is seen taking a shopping trip at the supermarket, with the Nidoking holding Poppy’s hand and the Salazzle searching for the groceries they need, all while the little Poison-type happily toddles by her father’s side. Although, it’s not too long before the toddler stops in her tracks and pops another squat, clearly unconcerned about pooping herself in public.
Poppy pushes another poopy into her pampers, causing them to droop down to her knees while a dopey grin forms on her face. The camera then cuts to Poppy’s father frantically walking to the restroom with the toddler in his hands, prompting the diaper change counter to increase to three while he lays her on the changing station.
The fourth example starts shortly afterwards and the family is now back at home, with Poppy plopping onto her padded rump and moving a toy truck from side to side while her parents happily watch. However, playtime quickly comes to a pause for the Poison-type toddler as she stands back up and sticks out her bottom, doing the dirty deed in her diapers yet again.
The Poipole’s bladder releases before her bowels quickly follow suit, causing her diaper to sag and stain yellow while a big bulge protrudes from the back. The shot then cuts to Poppy’s mother laying her on the changing table, all while the stinky toddler cracks a silly smile and the diaper change counter reaches the number four.
The fifth example then showcases a rather wholesome sight of Poppy standing in her bedroom and playing with a teddy bear, gleefully giggling and laughing while she cuddles her stuffed toy.
Unfortunately, this cute scene is cut short by a loud gurgle coming from the toddler’s tummy, a sound to precede yet another poopy diaper. The little Poison-type squats and tightens her grasp on the teddy bear, straining and grunting as he prepares to load her diaper with the remnants of her lunch and dinner.
Poppy makes a big poopy in her pampers, causing them to immediately slump onto the ground as the Poipole cracks the goofiest of grins. The shot quickly cuts to both of Poppy’s parents getting her onto the changing table, having to make a coordinated effort in dealing with their daughter’s packed pampers as the diaper change counter reaches the number five.
As the montage approaches its end, there’s a scene of the Salazzle kissing Poppy goodnight and placing her in her crib, smiling at the toxic toddler before walking towards the bedroom door.
A boisterous bout of flatulence is heard and the Salazzle stops in her tracks before the shot suddenly shifts back to Poppy standing up and sporting a silly smile, all while a lumpy diaper sags between her legs. The diaper change counter stops at the number six and the splatters of toxic sludge fill the screen, bringing the audience out of the montage and back to the present as a slightly more mellow melody plays in the background.
“The numbers don’t lie! Parents of a Poison-type change an average of six diapers a day!” says the narrator with a giggle, their voice being surprisingly playful for such a smelly statistic. “On top of having to change a lot of diapers, Poison-type parents face another peculiar problem.”
The camera rotates to Poppy playfully shaking a yellow rattle, gleefully giggling while she wiggles her diapered bottom in tandem with the rhythm of the rattle. Although, just a few moments later, the toddler temporarily ceases her shaking, stopping to squat and do the dirty deed.
Poppy proceeds to push a stinky load into her diaper, causing it to sag and droop. Once the deed is done, the toddler goes back to her previously scheduled playtime, giggling and laughing while she shakes her rattle some more.
“Uh oh!” Poppy made a poopy!” says the narrator with another giggle as the silly sounds of foghorns fill the background. “My goodness, even I can smell that! You definitely need a diaper change!”
However, the Poison-type toddler simply continues to play to her heart’s content, completely unaffected by the fact that she pooped her pants.
“Poison-type toddlers need lots of diaper changes throughout the day, though your child likely won’t think the same way.” says the narrator. “As you already know, Poison-types have a forte in filthiness, especially young children. In fact, they’re completely immune to diaper rashes too!”
“Shakey shakey shakey!” Poppy says as she keeps shaking her rattle, still having a splendid time in her stinky diaper.
“Now, you’re probably wondering if it’s even possible to potty train a Poison-type, and perhaps you’re worried that your child will never get out of diapers. Fortunately, with this program, that’s not going to be a problem!” says the narrator in an optimistic tone. “While Poison-types are some of the hardest Pokemon to potty train, that certainly doesn’t mean it’s impossible, and that’s what I’m gonna show you right now!”
Yet again, the background is filled with splatters of toxic sludge, serving as a smooth transition into the next scene. Once the splatters slide off the screen, the music mellows out and the scene opens to Poppy now wearing a clean diaper and standing in front of a bright pink box.
“Mommy! Daddy! What’s dis?” Poppy asks her parents.
“It’s a special surprise from the both of us! Go ahead and open it up!” they respond.
The Poipole nods her head and eagerly unwraps the box, revealing a pink training potty with a red and heart shaped emblem in the center. Although the toddler didn’t exactly know what she was looking at, the warm colors were more than enough to pique her interest.
“Tada! It’s a training potty!” says the Nidoking with a wide smile.
“That’s right! Just take a seat on it whenever you gotta go!” says the Salazzle. “Why don’t you give it a try right now, sweetheart?”
Poppy nods her head and plops her padded posterior onto the potty, smiling in response to its pretty design.
“You’re probably confused about Poppy’s parents deciding not to take her diaper off, but this is actually a crucial step to starting the potty training process for your Poison-type”. says the narrator. “With how many diapers you have to change on a daily basis, I’m sure you want your child potty trained as quickly as possible, but it's never a good idea to rush things, y’know! Given how often your child makes good use of their diapers, you’ll want to start things off at a slow and settled pace to guarantee the best results!”
“Ooooh! I wanna watch some cawtoons!” says the toddler while she continues to sit on the training potty.
“Sure thing, sweetie!” says Poppy’s father as he grabs the remote and turns on the television, flickering through the channels before finding a kid’s cartoon.
The Poison-type toddler stares up at the screen with a satisfied smile on her face, captivated by the cartoon’s vibrant colors and wacky animation. The sounds of Poppy’s playful laughter fill the living room while she spectates the silly scenarios on screen, treating her training potty like a comfortable seat ideal for extensive periods of cartoon consumption.
As the episode approaches its end, Poppy’s tummy lets out a loud gurgle and she feels a familiar pressure developing from down below. Instinctively, the toddler addresses the pressure she’s become so accustomed to, scrunching up her face as she prepares to drop the stink bomb.
The Poipole pushes and grunts as she starts loading up her diaper, causing it to expand and become rather lumpy before eventually slumping onto the bottom of the training potty with a loud smoosh.
“Mommy! Daddy! Wook! I used da potty!” Poppy says with the widest of smiles.
“You sure did! Great job, Poppy!” the Poison-type parents smile and cheerfully clap their hands as the background music becomes more upbeat, quite proud of their daughter even though she just took a dump in her diaper.
“Hehe, I bet you’re also confused about why Poppy’s parents are so happy! After all, she didn’t even use the potty the right way!” says the narrator with a playful laugh. “Well, slow and steady wins the race, and that’s especially true for potty training Poison-types! So, rather than ditching the diapers right away, simply start off by getting your child to do their business while sitting on their potty, even if it means doing it in their diapers. With time, they’ll learn that the potty is where they gotta go when they gotta go!”
To showcase the results of such conditioning, the program then transitions to a scene of Poppy toddling to the bathroom and plopping her padded tush onto the training potty, pushing and grunting once she’s all settled.
The toddler “uses the potty” and unloads the contents of her bladder and bowels into her diaper, smiling in satisfaction once she’s all done. A few moments later, Poppy’s parents enter with content smiles on their faces, giving their daughter a thumbs up for her potty training progress.
“Typically speaking, you should commit to this conditioning process for a minimum of four weeks, though it may have to last even longer depending on your child.” says the narrator. “Once they’re consistently seating themselves on their training potty, that’s when it’s time to give ditching the diapers a try!”
The program then transitions into a scene that opens in a similar fashion to the previous one with Poppy toddling her way to the bathroom, this time with her parents walking alongside her as well.
“Alright, now let’s give this a try.” says the Salazzle as she takes off Poppy’s diaper. “You can sit on the potty now, sweetie.”
The Poipole plops onto the potty and makes herself comfortable, though she can’t deny that it feels a little strange to not have her diaper on. Although, now that she’s been used to emptying herself while sitting on the potty for quite a while, not having a diaper doesn’t make too much of a difference for the toddler.
“Mmmmmph….mmmmph….” she scrunches up her face and starts to push.
Poppy empties her bladder before dropping a big solid into the potty, prompting a flourish of fanfare to play in the background.
“Hooray! You’re one step closer to potty training proficiency!” says the narrator in an endearing tone.
Once all the necessary clean-up is complete, Poppy starts toddling out of the bathroom, though the toddler would soon realize that she didn’t completely empty herself after this first training potty success.
Poppy stops in her tracks and suddenly drops a load into her diaper, prompting a silly silence to fill the background as the upbeat music comes to an abrupt stop in response to this equally abrupt accident. As a thick stink line trails from Poppy’s pampers, the Poipole simply cracks a silly smile, not too bothered by this sudden bowel movement.
“Whoops! There’s something else I forgot to mention!” says the narrator with a giggle. “When your child enters the phase of using the potty without their diaper, they may think their work is done after just one push. So, after they make a deposit, you should always wait for at least a full minute before taking them off the potty, just in case they need to unload a little more.
The splatters of toxic sludge fill the background in typical fashion before the next scene opens to the Poison-type family taking a car ride, with the Nidoking in the driver’s seat and the Salazzle in the front seat while Poppy is in the back and sitting in her booster seat.
“Of course, getting your child to go in the potty doesn’t mean your obligations of diaper duty will suddenly disappear.” says the narrator. “With how frequently your precious Poison-type likes to drop a load, accidents are an inevitable occurrence you need to accept, especially when your child isn’t in the immediate vicinity of their potty.”
Shortly after the narrator says this, Poppy squirms in her booster seat and scrunches up her face, preparing to do the dirty deed and address the pressure from down below.
Poppy pushes a firm mound of mess into her diaper, causing a pungent odor to permeate around the car as the toddler cracks an innocent smile. Aptly acknowledging the situation, the Nidoking pulls over and stops the car, expressing no form of disgust or derision towards the fact that their daughter needs a diaper change. The Salazzle then steps out of the car and unbuckles Poppy from the booster seat, picking the toddler up and staring at her with a smile while she opens up the trunk and lays the Poipole on a white changing mat.
“On that note, I’ve got one more tip for you, and it’s definitely an important one.” says the narrator while the Salazzle starts changing Poppy’s diaper. “While you may not like the fact that you’re still changing diapers during the potty training process, the last thing you want to do is pressure your child into potty training perfection. Poison-types tend to stay in diapers at a later age than average, but that’s not something your child needs to be ashamed of. After all, it’s not their fault they’re a Poison-type!”
Once the diaper change is done, Poppy’s mother picks the toddler back up and gives Poppy’s bottom a playful pat before buckling her back in the booster seat. A few moments later, the family gets back on the road and the splatters of toxic sludge appear on the screen for one last time as the closing scene takes the audience back to the lavender background present at the beginning.
“Now that you’re well equipped with all of these tips and tricks, you’re more than ready to start potty training your precious little Poison-type!” says the narrator in a cheerful tone of voice as the playful sounds of pianos and xylophones function as the background music. “Thank you to all the parents who watch this program, and best of luck to you and your child!”
The narrator finishes talking and the music starts to approach its final sequence, though right before the show comes to a close, a certain diaper-clad child decides to say one last goodbye.
“Hehehe, bye bye!” Poppy playfully toddles onto the screen and waves goodbye before the screen completely fades to black.