“The material contained in this disc is protected under the copyright laws of Galar and other regions. ‘Potty Training Your Psychic-Type’ is sold for home use only. Duplication, public exhibition, or any other unauthorized commercial use in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.”
The show starts up and its audience is introduced to a dark blue background accompanied by a playful melody of xylophones. As the music slowly increases in pitch, different colored letters and numbers scatter onto the screen before the narrator establishes their presence.
“And now…” says a disembodied and feminine-sounding voice. “Potty Training Your Psychic-Type.”
As the narrator announces the title, it appears in a purple colored font, with each letter “o” being replaced by a green eye with a blue pupil to symbolize a Psychic-type’s penchant for perceptiveness. With the stage now set, the letters and numbers disperse and the background returns to its dark blue state, providing a slight pause before the narrator starts to speak again.
“Welcome! If you’re watching this, then you’re the proud parent of a Psychic-type Pokémon!” they say in a cheerful tone of voice, clearly excited to educate the ones viewing this potty training program. “I’m so happy you chose this program, and I can’t wait for you and your little genius to learn more about the potty training process! In fact, there’s a little guy who wants to learn alongside you!”
An Espurr then toddles onto the sky blue screen, donning a disposable diaper with letter and number patterns.
“This is Ethan!” says the narrator before addressing the little Pokemon. “Say hi, Ethan!”
“Hewwo dewe!” the Espurr says with a smile as they wave at the camera.
“Hey, Ethan? Do you know what we’re gonna be talking about today?” asks the narrator in an endearing tone of voice.
“Nuh-uh! What we tawking about? What awe we tawking about?” asks the Psychic-type toddler as he excitedly jumps in place and eagerly waggles his tail, always as curious as ever.
“Today we’re gonna be talking about potty training!” announces the narrator, prompting a peppy flourish from the background music. Do you know what that is, buddy?”
“Ooooh, yea! Dats wat makes you a big boy!” Ethan responds, having picked up on some conversations revolving around the concept, whether it be overhearing such conversations from his parents, from older kids at the park, or from other families around town.
“That’s true, potty training is what makes you a big kid!” the narrator responds. “Can you tell me anything else about it?”
“Uhhhhhh….I dunno.” the Espurr’s mind draws a blank in response to this question, not knowing anything else about the concept outside of the supposed fact that potty training makes you become a big kid.
“Well, do you wanna learn more about it?” asks the disembodied voice.
“Ooooooh! Yea yea yea!” Ethan responds with an enthusiastic nod of his head, always eager to learn new things.
“I figured as much!” says the narrator before addressing the audience once again. “Just like little Ethan, I’m sure your Psychic-type toddler is curious as a cat, always wanting to learn more about the world they’ve been brought into. Now, with this program, you and your child can learn about the potty training process together, and I’ll be sure to provide lots of helpful advice along the way!”
A wide smile forms on the toddler’s face as the narrator finishes that statement, excited by the chance to completely understand what the concept of potty training entails.
“Sooooo, are you ready to get started?” the narrator enthusiastically asks.
“Yea!” Ethan responds with an equal amount of enthusiasm.
“Awesome! That’s what I like to hear!” says the disembodied voice in a cheerful tone. “Then without further ado, let’s begin!”
Once again, the background is filled with colored letters and numbers, serving as a smooth transition into the next scene. Once those visual effects fade away, the music mellows out a bit and the scene opens to three Pokémon in the living room of their home, with Ethan donning a red t-shirt in addition to his disposable diaper and staring at a light blue box while his parents wait for him to open it.
“Look! It’s Ethan’s Mommy and Daddy!” says the narrator as the camera focuses on a pair of Meowstics, prompting the male and female cats to smile and wave. “They’re well aware of their son’s recent curiosity towards potty training, of his desire to learn more about this newer concept, so they figured it’d be better to start earlier than later!”
“What is it? What is it?” Ethan asks as he excitedly hops in place, curious to know the contents of this box.
“You’ll find out once you open the box, buddy!” says the male Meowstic with a chuckle.
“All we’ll tell you is that it has to do with a certain something you’ve been curious about lately.” adds the female Meowstic with a giggle, not wanting to spoil the surprise for their son.
The Espurr nods his head and eagerly opens up the box, revealing a dark blue training potty with a white paw print emblem in the center. For a few seconds, the Psychic-type toddler silently stares at this unfamiliar object, not exactly sure what to say about it.
“We know you’ve been kind of curious about potty training, so we got you a training potty!” says the male Meowstic with a wide smile.
“Why don’t you go ahead and give it a try, sweetheart?” the female Meowstic suggests with an equally wide smile.
The moment the words “potty training” are mentioned, Ethan looks at the training potty with a newfound sense of wonder, prompting several questions to pop into his mind.
“Oooh! What does it do? What does it do?” Ethan asks.
“It allows you to relieve yourself without having to depend on your diaper!” his mother responds.
“Oooooh! Is dat how I become a big kid?” the Espurr asks, quickly throwing another question.
“That’s right! Big kids don’t wear diapers. Instead, they use the potty!” his father replies. “Go ahead and try it for yourself!”
However, rather than giving his training potty a try, the toddler decides to ask more questions, wanting to know each and every little detail of this object.
“Why ish is da potty bwue?” Ethan asks.
“Training potties come in all kinds of colors, buddy. We just decided to get you a blue one.” the male Meowstic responds.
“What’s dis ting?” Ethan asks as he points to the white paw print on the potty.
“That’s a paw print, sweetheart.” the female Meowstic responds.
“What does it do?” the Espurr immediately follows up with yet another question.
“It doesn’t do anything, bud. It’s just a part of the potty’s design.” his father replies.
The Psychic-type toddler continues to bombard his parents with all kinds of questions about his new potty, though this curiosity comes with a consequence of its own; due to being so immersed in all of these questions and answers, Ethan becomes completely oblivious to a growing pressure in his bladder and bowels.
“What about d-
Not even noticing that he has to go so badly, Ethan suddenly starts filling his diaper, his bladder and bowels reflexively releasing themselves as his diaper stains yellow in the front and becomes rather lumpy in the back.
“Uh oh!” says the narrator as the silly sounds of foghorns acknowledge Ethan’s accident, prompting the narrator to provide a helpful tip. “It’s likely your little Psychic-type will be asking you a lot of questions during the potty training process, but make sure not to let your child’s curiosity get the best of them! Get them seated on the potty first, then you can start answering all of those questions!”
The colored letters and numbers fill the screen to indicate the start of another scene in the living room, transitioning to the second attempt of trying out the training potty.
“Alright, go ahead and give it a try, buddy!” says the male Meowstic as he undoes Ethan’s diaper.
The Espurr takes a seat on the training potty and puts all of his focus into using it, though this only causes an expression of utter confusion to appear on his face a few moments later. In theory, all he has to do is relax and let it all out, to do the same thing he does in his diapers, but his overt over-analyzation of the training potty prevents him from doing so; to visualize this act of overthinking on the screen, random numbers and symbols start floating around Ethan’s head, like someone trying to apply quantum physics to the most simple of math equations.
“Hehe, you’re thinking a little too hard about this one, Ethan! Using the potty doesn’t have to be so complicated!” says the narrator with a giggle, now ready to provide another piece of advice. “You see, Psychic-type children tend to experience more electrical brain activity than the average Pokemon, usually as a sign of them developing their psychic powers. However, all of that activity also makes them prone to overcomplicating and overthinking otherwise simple situations, and that’s not the most helpful when you want your child to relax and relieve themselves. Fortunately, there are some ways to get around this problem.”
“Oh boy, I think he’s overthinking this one.” says the male Meowstic with a slight chuckle.
“Don’t worry, hon, I got this.” says the female Meowstic with an affirmative nod. “Hey, sweetheart! How about you sing your ABC’s!” she says to their son.
“Ooooooh! Okay!” says the Psychic-type toddler with a satisfied smile, now starting to snap out of his analysis paralysis. “A, B, C, D, E, F, G…”
As the Espurr continues singing the letters of the alphabet, the scattered symbols swirling around his head start to fade away, indicating that he’s beginning to get relaxed.
“One way to get around this act of overthinking is by splitting your child’s attention so that they aren’t solely focusing on how to use their potty, usually with simple activities like counting numbers or singing the alphabet.” says the narrator. “Not only does this allow your child to have some fun while they’re sitting on the potty, but these basic tasks also allow their mind to be directed towards things that don’t require as much analysis.”
“Alright, I think I’ve got something else that’ll help.” the male Meowstic also tries to chip in by grabbing the remote off the couch and turning on the television, flickering through the channels until he finds one playing a kid’s cartoon.
In response, the toddler stares up at the screen with a satisfied smile on his face, captivated by the cartoon’s vibrant colors and zany animation. While the show doesn’t have much in terms of plot structure and storytelling, it's hard for just about any toddler to resist the mindless mayhem of a kid’s cartoon.
“Hehehe! Funny! Funny!” Ethan giggles and laughs in response to the silly scenarios taking place on the screen.
“On that same topic of things that don’t require much analysis, having your child watch a cartoon while they’re on the potty is also a viable option.” says the narrator. “In the case of Psychic-types, the more mindless the show, the better! It’ll be much easier for them to relax and let go when consuming media that requires little cognitive thought.”
Right on cue, a light hissing sound is heard and Ethan’s bladder relaxes itself, prompting the background music to become more upbeat as the toddler releases the contents of his bladder into the training potty.
“Wow! Would you look at that? Ethan’s using the potty like a big boy!” says the narrator in an endearingly cheerful tone, though they’ve still got another tip to talk about. “Although, your job isn’t finished until your child is completely done doing their business.”
“Mommy? Daddy? Why is da sky bwue?” Ethan asks as his bladder empties.
“As you already know, Psychic-type children are especially curious about the world around them, so don’t be surprised if they also start asking you questions while they’re sitting on the potty.” says the narrator. “It may seem kind of silly, but you should answer such questions seriously and to the best of your ability, as it’ll be harder for your child to relax and relieve themselves if there’s unanswered questions lingering in their mind.”
“Well, sweetie, the sky is blue because of how sunlight reaches the Earth.” says the female Meowstic, trying to answer the question in a way that’s informative while still being concise enough for the toddler to comprehend. “Our eyes see that sunlight in waves, and because blue light waves are shorter, they’re the easiest ones to see.
“Woooow! Dats so awesome!” says the Espurr with a satisfied smile, and with that question now answered he’s able to completely relax.
The toddler’s tail hikes up and the contents of his bowels plop into the potty, prompting Ethan to expel a sigh of relief once he completely empties himself.
“Congratulations, Ethan! Now you’ve truly taken your first step towards potty training proficiency!” says the narrator as pianos play a peppy flourish to acknowledge this accomplishment, all while the two Meowstics cheerfully clap their hands and give their son an affectionate kiss on the cheek.
The colored numbers and letters then scatter onto the screen, providing a seamless transition into a penultimate scene as they soon disperse. The scene then opens to Ethan toddling into the bathroom with a little picture book in his hands, setting it to the side and taking off his diaper before taking a seat on his training potty. Once he’s seated and settled, the toddler picks up the picture book and opens it up, doing some light reading while he does his business.
“Before we wrap things up, I’ve got some good news for you!” says the narrator, addressing all of the Psychic-type parents watching the program. “While your Psychic-type toddler poses a unique set of challenges when it comes to starting up the potty training process, you’ll be glad to know that things tend to get easier from there! Even though they’ll overthink things and ask a lot of questions from time to time, their curious and perceptive nature makes them fairly fast learners! It’ll only be a matter of time until your child graduates to become a potty training genius!”
The colored numbers and letters then fill up the screen and that dark blue background from the beginning soon takes their place, with another peppy piano and xylophone medley starting up while the narrator makes their closing remarks.
“Now that you’re well equipped with all sorts of tips and tricks, you’re more than ready to start potty training your Psychic-type!” they say in a cheerful tone of voice. “Thank you to all the parents who watch this program, and best of luck to you and your aspiring big kid!”
The narrator finishes talking and the music starts to approach its final sequence, though right before the show comes to a close, a certain Psychic-type family decides to give their goodbyes.
“Farewell!” the female Meowstic smiles and waves as she pops out from the left side of the screen.
“Goodbye!” the male Meowstic does the same as he pops out from the right side of the screen.
“Seeya next time!” Ethan then pops out from the bottom of the screen, cheerfully smiling and waving at the camera.
The three felines continue waving at the camera until the music stops and the screen fades to black, marking the end of this potty training program.