“The material contained in this disc is protected under the copyright laws of Galar and other regions. ‘Potty Training Your Fairy-Type’ is sold for home use only. Duplication, public exhibition, or any other unauthorized commercial use in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.”
The program begins and its spectators are introduced to a light pink background accompanied by the soothing sounds of harp strings. As the music slowly ascends in pitch, little hearts of various colors start scattering on the screen, adding bursts of color onto the background.
“And now…” says a disembodied and feminine voice. “Potty Training Your Fairy-Type.”
A trail of sparkles moves along the screen as the title appears in white font, with blue hearts taking the place of every letter “o” to give the title that pretty and polished look Fairy-types love. With that brief introduction out of the way, the little hearts disperse and the background returns to its light pink look, providing a slight pause before the narrator starts speaking again.
“Welcome! If you’re watching this, then you’re the proud parent of a Fairy-type Pokémon!” they say in a cheerful tone of voice, clearly excited to educate the ones viewing this potty training program. “I’m so happy you chose this program, and I can’t wait to teach you and your toddler the potty training process, whether they’re a little prince or a little princess! In fact, there’s a certain little prince who will be joining you as well, and he’s honored to make an appearance!”
A light blue Sylveon then walks onto the light pink screen, flashing a smile and donning a disposable diaper with blue ruffles and blue heart patterns.
“Say hello to Skylar!” says the narrator before addressing the Pokemon. “Go ahead and introduce yourself, little guy!”
“Hewwo! Nice to meet ya!” the Fairy type toddler waves at the “camera” and waggles his tail before greeting the audience with a bow.
“Awwww, such a polite and proper boy! They grow up so fast, don’t they?” says the narrator, prompting Skylar’s smile to widen in response to the praise. “Speaking of which, you wanna know the special secret to growing up, Skylar?” the narrator asks him.
“Ooooh, yea yea yea!” says the Sylveon with an eager nod of his head.
“Oh, do ya? You wanna be a big boy?” they ask.
“Yea yea yea! I wanna be a big boy!” Skylar says as he excitedly jumps in place, clearly wanting to know this special secret the narrator is alluding to.
“Hehe, I’ll tell you soon enough!” says the disembodied voice, though this causes the toddler to frown and form a pouty face, a little annoyed that he doesn’t get to know this secret right away. “Awwwww, why the long face, little guy? It wouldn’t be a special secret if I just told it to you right away!” they say with a giggle.
A few moments later, Skylar’s frown fades away, realizing it really isn’t the end of the world to wait just a little longer for that special secret. The Fairy-type toddler then starts to walk around in little circles, giggling and laughing while the narrator keeps talking.
“Just like little Skylar, your child is also approaching a marvelous milestone in their life, a chance to grow up and become a big kid!” says the narrator. “Of course, no matter how much your child wants to grow up, no matter how much they want to resemble refined royalty, they can’t do it all on their own! Thankfully, this program has all the tools you need to get your prince or princess on the potty!”
“Potty? What’s a potty?” Skylar asks with a curious expression.
“Patience, little prince! You’ll find out soon enough!” says the narrator with another giggle. “Now then, with introductions out of the way, let’s get started!”
As the introduction comes to an end, colored hearts fill the background once again, fading away as the show transitions into the next scene. The scene opens with a shot of a simple but well kept house, eventually zooming into Skylar’s bedroom window to get a view of what’s going on, all while the playful sounds of percussion function as the background music.
“Oh! Looks like Skylar’s playing with his stuffed animals!” says the narrator in a quieter voice while the “camera” zooms in a little more, certainly not wanting to disrupt the little prince during his playtime.
Now sporting a light pink t-shirt with a purple butterfly design in addition to his heart patterned padding, Skylar gleefully giggles while he plays with his teddy bear. However, unbeknownst to the Fairy-type toddler, a certain pressure starts to develop from down below, too immersed in his playtime to even take notice.
“Uh oh! I know what that noise is for!” says the narrator in a slightly louder voice, establishing their presence once again. “Does the little prince need to go poopy?”
“N-No! Nuh-uh!” Skylar says with a scarlet red blush on face.
“Hehe, are you sure, Skylar?” says the disembodied voice in a teasing tone of voice.
“Yesh, I suwe!” the toddler responds.
Still paying little mind to the lurking pressure in his bowels, the Fairy-type toddler continues to play with his teddy, giggling and laughing while doing so. The music starts to slowly ascend in pitch as the pressure in Skylar’s bowels grows and grows, eventually reaching the point of no return.
“Ah! I gotta go poopy!” Skylar says with a surprised expression, finally taking notice of a feeling that’s too intense to ignore; now needing to rid himself of this pressure, the toddler stands up and sticks out his bottom as he bends down in a squat, scrunching up his face and clutching his teddy tightly as he starts to push.
The sounds of strained grunts and loud farts fill the air as Skylar does the dirty deed, prompting the music to abruptly descend in pitch while his diaper starts to droop. As the Fairy-type toddler fills his diaper, a deep blush remains on his face, feeling his diaper get lumpier and lumpier while several solids pile into it. Once his bowels are completely empty, Skylar sighs in relief, though this relief is fleeting and momentary.
“Ewwwww!” Skylar says with a frown, the dissatisfied sounds of trombones now present in the background as he looks down at the lumpy diaper between his legs and the thick, dark green stink line trailing from it.
“Uh oh, it looks like the little prince had to go poopy after all…” says the narrator as the music maintains its dissatisfied tone. “It’s not fun having a dirty diaper, isn’t it?” they ask the Fairy-type toddler.
“No…ish gwoss and yucky.” says the Sylveon, not enjoying the warm and slimy feeling around his bottom while he stands in his own excrement.
“I’m guessing you don’t like the smell of your dirty diaper either, right?” the narrator asks.
“No….it smewws awfuw.” Skylar says, despising the nasty and noxious stench emanating from his diaper, feeling like it’s adding insult to injury towards the fact that he pooped his pants pretty badly.
“And I bet it’s no fun walking around with a big and stinky load in your pants, huh?” they then ask.
“Nuh uh…ish no fun.” the toddler says with a wider frown; on top of disking the limited mobility that came with being in a full diaper, he especially disliked the “walk of shame” he had to do to get his diaper changed, where he had to slowly and awkwardly crab walk to his Mommy while his dirty diaper sagged and swayed between his legs like a pendulum.
“Well, what if I told you that, with time, you can learn to stop being dependent on your diapers?” the narrator asks.
“I can do dat?” Skylar asks, causing his frown to fade away as the music slowly shifts to the more upbeat sounds of brass instrument fanfare.
“You sure can, Skylar! Remember that “special secret” I mentioned earlier?” says the narrator in a more endearing and enthusiastic tone of voice. “Now it’s about time I tell it to you!”
The colored hearts fill the screen before being replaced by the light pink background from the introduction sequence, with Skylar now back in a clean diaper as the music begins with the playful sounds of xylophones.
“So, you wanna be a big boy, Skylar? You wanna ditch those diapers?” the narrator asks.
“Mmhm! Pwinces don’t poop dier pants!” Skylar says with a determined expression.
“That’s a wonderful answer! You’re more than ready to start the process of potty training!” they say in an excited tone of voice.
“Potty….twaining?” says the Sylveon, completely unfamiliar with this concept.
“That’s right! Potty training!” the narrator enthusiastically announces. “Whenever you needed to go pee pee or poo poo, you’ve always had to do it in your diaper, right?”
“Mmhm.” Skylar nods, looking down at the heart-patterned padding between his legs.
“Well, with potty training, you won’t always have to do those things in your diaper!”
A few moments after the narrator makes this announcement, a plain and white training potty appears in front of the Fairy-type toddler.
“Go ahead and give it a try, Skylar! Just take off your diaper, sit on the potty, and you’re good to go!” says the narrator in an encouraging voice.
However, although Skylar knows that it’s neither pretty nor princely to poop his pants, that the potty training process seems fairly simple in of itself, there’s something inhibiting his desire to take a seat on the potty.
“Hmph, I don’t wanna sit on dat ting.” the Fairy-type toddler crosses his arms and turns his back on the training potty in a pouty fashion, not wanting to use a potty that’s so run of the mill, so bland and simple in terms of color and design.
“Hehe, I’m sure you weren’t expecting things to go perfectly as planned, otherwise I wouldn’t need to make this program!” says the disembodied voice with a giggle, now addressing the ones watching the show. “You see, the fortunate thing about Fairy-types is that it’s a lot easier to get them interested in the idea of potty training compared to other Pokemon, but that doesn’t mean you can just go through the motions and call it a day. Just like Skylar, your child has certain needs and expectations when it comes to potty training, and with this program, we’ll show you exactly what those expectations are!”
Once again, the background is filled with various kinds of colored hearts, serving as a smooth transition into the next scene. Once the hearts fade away, the music mellows out and the scene opens to two Pokémon in the living room, with Skylar staring at a bright pink gift box while his mother waits for him to open it.
“Meet Skylar’s Mommy!” the camera rotates and focuses on a female Gardevoir, prompting her to smile and wave. “She knows of Skylar’s desire to be a big kid, and now she’s got the perfect gift for her little prince!”
“Go ahead, sweetheart! Open it up!” she says with a warm and gentle voice.
Skylar nods his head and carefully unwraps the box, revealing a purple training potty with a pink butterfly emblem in the center. A wide smile forms on the Sylveon’s face in response, captivated by its color scheme and cutesy emblem, certainly liking it a lot more than the potty he was previously introduced to.
“I wuv it! Ish so pwetty!” the Fairy-type toddler cheerfully claps his hands, quite grateful for this gift. “Tank you, Mommy!”
“Whether you’ve got an aspiring big boy or big girl, Fairy-types like all things pretty and polished, and your child’s potty shouldn’t be any different.” says the narrator. “When your Fairy-type is partaking in such a milestone of maturity, they shouldn’t have to settle for less!”
Skylar then walks to a set of drawers and opens the bottommost one, grabbing some strands of blue ribbons. After closing the drawer, the toddler walks back to his training potty and starts making good use of those materials.
“Sometimes, your child will want to take matters into their own hands and pretty up their potty on their own terms, and that’s totally okay! Let them decorate to their heart’s content!” says the narrator in a cheerful tone. “Such actions allow your child to have some fun while also letting them personalize their potty training experience, and that’ll make things easier on both of you!”
Skylar eventually finishes decorating, with his potty now sporting a beautiful blue bow on each side. The toddler and his mother both smile and clap their hands, happy with the pretty look of the training potty.
“Ooooh, that looks so lovely! Truly a potty fit for a prince!” says the narrator in an endearing tone of voice. “Now go ahead and give your training potty a try!”
The toddler then takes off his diaper and plops onto his royal throne, sporting a satisfied smile and happily shaking his tail. However, after some time passes, he realizes there’s another need that must be met before he can do his business.
“Mommy, can I have my teddy beaw, pwease?” Skylar asks.
“Of course, darling!” she happily responds.
As the Garedvoir walks up the stairs and makes her way to her son’s bedroom, the narrator starts to speak again, using this as another opportunity for a helpful tip.
“Sometimes, your child will give you certain requests while they’re sitting on the potty, and although they may seem like a hassle, you should fulfill them to the best of your ability.” says the narrator. “As previously mentioned, potty training isn’t just about going through the motions, it’s also about respecting your child every step of the way. If you want your child to be the prince or princess of the potty, then it’s only fair that you treat them as such!”
The Gardevoir then comes back downstairs with Skylar’s teddy in her hands, promptly walking back to the living room and handing the stuffed toy to her son.
“Tank you, Mommy!” Skylar says.
The Fairy-type toddler smiles and tightly hugs his plushie, now feeling ready to use the potty with his trusted teddy bear by his side.
Skylar’s smile widens as he empties the contents of his bladder and bowels into the potty, glad to be able to relieve himself in a way that doesn’t require him to experience the gross and yucky feeling of a dirty diaper.
“I did it, Mommy! I did it!” says the Sylveon with a cheerful clap of his hands, prompting some pianos and harps to play an upbeat flourish.
“Yes, you did, Skylar! Look at you using the potty like a big boy!” the Gardevoir smiles and starts clapping as well, equally as proud of her son. “I think you deserve a little treat, don’t you think?”
After doing the required cleanup and putting Skylar’s diaper back on, she walks to a small cupboard in the kitchen and grabs a piece of chocolate.
“Here you go!” the Gardevoir smiles and hands her son the piece of candy.
Skylar quickly unwraps the candy and pops it into his mouth, sliming in satisfaction as the rich and creamy chocolate fills his taste buds. Although it was just an ordinary piece of chocolate, it felt a lot tastier than usual, likely because it was a treat he had to work for, a treat he rightfully earned for using the potty like a big boy.
“Of course, while it’s essential to praise your child for using the potty, to keep the momentum going with rewards and incentives, at the same time you don’t want to spoil your little prince or princess during the potty training process. Thankfully, I’ve got just the tip for you!” says the narrator. “As your child continues to use the potty, talk to them about the many wonders of growing up and being independent, about how being a big kid is the best reward! After all, there will come a time where using the potty won’t be a point of praise and fanfare for your child, as it’ll eventually be something they’re simply expected to do while they’re out and about!”
As the colored hearts fill the screen, a new scene opens to the sight of Skylar attentively engaging in an interactive kid’s show, playfully wiggling his padded posterior to the sounds of peppy music while the cheerful Audino on the TV screen shakes their body from side to side, telling the children to get up and groove.
“Awww, looks like Skylar’s having a dance party! Look at him go!” says the narrator with a playful laugh, enjoying the sight of these silly antics.
The Fairy-type toddler happily complies to the Audino’s commands and continues to dance, having a splendid time with this TV program. However, as a consequence of being so immersed in the show, Skylar is completely oblivious to a growing pressure in his bowels, unaware of the fact that he has to go potty again.
The Sylveon’s tail suddenly hikes up and Skylar’s dance session comes to a stop as a stinky mass dumps into his diaper, causing a noticeable lump to bulge out from the back. In response to this abrupt accident, some background brass instruments chime in, conveying a sillier and more playful tone as opposed to one of dissatisfaction and disappointment.
“Whoops! Looks like the little prince had a little accident!” says the narrator in an equally playful tone, though Skylar only responds with a silent blush. “Awww, don’t sweat it, Skylar! Accidents happen!”
A few moments later, Skylar’s mother steps into the living room, quickly seeing and smelling the load lurking in her son’s diaper.
“Need a diaper change, darling?” says the Gardevoir with a voice that’s calm and free of judgment.
“Oh, uh, yesh, Mommy.” Skylar nods and his blush fades away, now feeling a little less embarrassed as a result of his mother’s calm and controlled actions.
As the Gardevoir holds Skylar’s hand and walks him back to his bedroom, the soft sounds of the piano fill the background before the narrator talks about another very important tip.
“As I’ve said before, respecting your child is a key component of the potty training process, and that means treating them right in response to both success and failure.” says the disembodied voice. “If your Fairy-type toddler has an accident, the best thing to do is to not make a big deal out of it, to show them that accidents are simply a part of the process.”
Once the two Pokemon enter the bedroom, Skylar’s mother lifts him onto the changing table and swiftly undoes the dirty diaper before plopping it into the trash. While she wipes and powders Skylar’s bottom, she starts making silly faces at the Sylveon, causing Skylar to playfully giggle and laugh.
“For better results, you can always incorporate a bit of fun into cleaning your child up.” says the narrator as the diaper change goes on. “While such actions are entirely optional, they accentuate the idea that accidents are nothing to be ashamed of, that your Fairy-type can always try again whenever a chance to use the potty arises.”
“There we go! All nice and clean!” says the Gardevoir as she snugly secures a clean diaper around Skylar’s waist, lifting him off the changing table and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
After Skylar is set back down, he runs out of his bedroom and back downstairs, prompting the colored hearts to scatter onto the screen as the show sets the stage for its final scene. The scene once again opens to the light pink background present in the show’s intro sequence and the music shifts to a playful medley of pianos and xylophones, with Skylar being at the center of the shot while he sits on his training potty.
“Well, it looks like we’re reaching the end. Thank you to all the parents who took the time to watch this program!” says the narrator as they continue making their closing remarks. “With these tips and tricks, you’re more than ready to start potty training your Fairy-type toddler! It’ll be so exciting to watch your child master the potty, whether they’re a little prince or a little princess!”
Before the show comes to a close, Skylar’s mother steps into the shot and places a little crown on the Sylveon’s head, symbolizing the journey he has now undertaken to truly become the prince of the potty.
“See you next time!” the two Pokemon say simultaneously, smiling and waving as the screen soon fades to black.