The episode where Baloo warns Kit not to join Daring Dan Dawson's Flying Circus (because it's not safe) clashes badly with all the other episodes, where he has no issues with Kit sailing behind his cargo plane on a metal croissant.
The episode where Baloo warns Kit not to join Daring Dan Dawson's Flying Circus (because it's not sa
Well, it did turn out that Dan was a criminal and a con artist. But as role models go, Baloo scores a C- on a generous grading curve. I winced when Kit from DuckTales 2017 turned out to be the same fat sack of crap that Baloo was.
Well, it did turn out that Dan was a criminal and a con artist. But as role models go, Baloo scores
Huh. "Switchblade croissant" is the precise words an Army dude I knew at the time, described Kit's airfoil. Despite being Army, he was very big into aircraft-- all the pseudo-real machinery in TailSpin excited him mightily-- and he took loud exception with Kit's own flyer.
Huh. "Switchblade croissant" is the precise words an Army dude I knew at the time, described Kit's a
Oh yes Indeed! Most of the Disney afternoon had real music, written by a composer, and had actual chamber orchestra musicians perform it. Talespin has some amazing music and theme song is super catchy.
Oh yes Indeed! Most of the Disney afternoon had real music, written by a composer, and had actual ch
30+ years ago I had a chat with Jymn Magon, creator and producer for Talespin. He told me that it was primarily an adventure series, partially inspired by the old serials of yore. They had to stay within the G-rating, but it was still possible to run wild in animation. I always thought that was a great way to look at storytelling: make it as interesting as possible within the confines of the universe.
30+ years ago I had a chat with Jymn Magon, creator and producer for Talespin. He told me that it w
Oh wow, you got to chat with Jymn Magon? That's too cool! Talespin was certainly a masterpiece and it still is, (especially compared to the new one Xp ) And the storytelling is superb!
Oh wow, you got to chat with Jymn Magon? That's too cool! Talespin was certainly a masterpiece and i
It's a neat-o plane. The German BV-138 seems to be closest in real design, but since it's totally fictional I love the Sea Duck even more. Whomever designed the Sea Duck really knew how aircraft work. I realize the Air pirates planes were kinda' silly but that was the point.
It's a neat-o plane. The German BV-138 seems to be closest in real design, but since it's totally fi