Everyone knows who this character is, so let's get to the other details.
What you're looking at is (mostly) a tracing of MY OWN ORIGINAL lineart.
What happened is in making the original card, I redrew that stupid antler so many times that the dust couldn't be removed ...so I light-boarded the entire card, delineating with my trusty 'Zephyr' pencil by Wallace (hashtag: notsponsored ...sorry, I just wanted to say that).
As for the text, I wrote it via an 'Arcadia' pencil by Eagle ...which I've had for a year on my 'to-feature' list ...and've yet to feature. :P
This is a WWII-era ad pencil for 'The Shamrock': a bar that was owned by Marie and Gilbert Helton of Ashkum Illinois.
Anyway, this pencil is a Christmas edition (red and green colors with 'Season's Greetings' written-on), as well as boasting instructions for what to do in the event of one of those pesky air raids. ^^
The instructions read,
"When you hear the siren, run like h**l, in any direction!
When bombs start dropping:
{if in bakery - grab a pie! if in bar - grab a bottle! if in movie - grab a blond!}
Eat 4 onions before entering shelter. You'll smell, BUT you won't be crowded.
When raid starts, holler ' Bloody Murder!' This adds to the confusion, and scares h**l out of everybody!"
...I didn't censor that--the pencil did. ^^
Anyway, it's good to know some were able to maintain a sense of humor during wartime---I'm sure it was a needed thing, esp. around the holidays. :3
I've been meaning to ask you what are these little cards you draw on and are they available. Also what's your favorite paper to do pencil drawings on and your favorite for inking.
I've been meaning to ask you what are these little cards you draw on and are they available. Also wh
I used to sell them; my final sale was a Mubba card I made back in the summer.
I feel it's immoral of me to accept money for my art, so I've stopped it for good. The few sales I've made, I made in memory of my S/O (who thought very differently from me). It's time to move forward, I feel.
https://inkbunny.net/s/2462932 :3 I used to sell them; my final sale was a Mubba card I made back i
Very Cool! Thanks for sharing! BTW what do you define "ACO" as cause I looked it up and couldn't find it's meaning. I SHOULD know but for some reason it just doesn't ring a bell.
Very Cool! Thanks for sharing! BTW what do you define "ACO" as cause I looked it up and couldn't fin