After some valid criticisms of my last effort, I rolled up my sleeves and set my lip firmly while staring off towards the horizon. I put much, much, more effort into this album than any of the previous ones. Holy god, the amount of raw audio I chopped down to make this... Probably 600 downloads became an hour and eight minutes of music, which gained the approval of my friend who is an actual musician who was paid money for making music and everything.
The end result, I am very happy with. This is some intense serious goofy shit here, folks. Get ready to make your ears giggle, and go, 'Wait, WHAT!? That's not supposed to mix with THAT!! WHY DOES THIS WORK!?'
A cheat sheet has been provided for all the tracks, but consider going in blind, just for the fun of surprise. Thanks once again to Rave.DJ for doing the heavy lifting. Individual tracks will be uploaded whenever I get around to it.