Sorry the line art is so light---I used a very silvery pencil to draw. I knew better and will be switching. Anyway...
It's rare that I feature coloring pencils, but c'mon---this pre-WWII 'Rose Red' from 'American Pencil Co. is straight-up beautiful! ...too bad it's bowed (more on this later).
Ok, so I had a list of subjects I thought the pencil might help to look good (as if anything could salvage my art). I thought of the obvious: Rose Red, from 'Grimm's Fairytale Classics ...but I've recently drawn some anime girls (it's too soon). I thought of 'Peppermint Rose': a series a watcher brought to my attention (I do hope to have One-Cent ACO visit it, but not yet) Last, I thought of drawing Lilly from 'The Bellflower Bunnies' (...but JP-Daoust has that series covered).
In the end I chose Rosemary, from 1983's 'The Easter Bunny Gang' (TEBG). ^^
TEBG is a book written and illustrated by Jane and Dale Baer, and published by Ideals.
If the name 'Dale Baer' sounds familiar, it's because he was a Disney animator (The Rescuers; Robin Hood, etc). Baer also did work on Bob's Burgers (Baer died earlier this year, alas).
I've had a copy of this book for many, many years ...but I forgot about it, because its home is on the downstairs bookboard (I seldom go down there).
Anyway, the book's in-hand now, so let's take a peek! :D
I guess younguns who wear names on their clothes really are jerks *shot*
EDIT (11/04/2021): ...Ok, it's like almost 8pm here. For context, I've been awake and running about since 3am. I'M TIRED, so there ain't gonna be no re-view! D:
That said, I re-read the story anyway. Here's the gist:
Concisely, TEBG worked hard to prepare for their annual egg-painting party. Ah, but on the morning the party was to take place, it was discovered that someone had broken into the gang's storage tree and stole all their paint! D: After discovering a trail left by the thieves, the bunnies followed it into the woods. There, they found the thieves had used the paint to cover the forest with anti-bunny graffiti!
The bunnies returned to their headquarters to form a plan. Eventually, Rigby thought to convert an old egg-dipping machine into some kind of fighting robot (thus MegaMan was born ...ok, not really)). The gang brought the robot into an untouched area of the forest, whereat they anticipated the vandals would come to paint the region with graffiti. A trap was set, with the robot lying in wait to administer justice! D:
The bad guys were captured, and made to reveal where they've hidden what was rest of TEBG's paint. After, they were released on the condition that they clean the forest of their scribblings. The villains agreed.
So, why'd the thieves steal the paint and use it to write bunny-hate speech? Because they were never given any Easter eggs to. :P The bunnies apologized for their oversight and peace was restored. :P
It's cute; the art was enough to sell the book to me (I think I paid a dollar for it).^^
Again, the featured pencil is a pre-WWII-era, 'Rose-Red' colored pencil from American Pencil Co. Mine is unused but has bowed pretty bad---it was mis-stored at some point in its long life. That said, the pencil could still be functional, but I'm not gonna sharpen it. :3 I bought this pencil as part of a lot of colored pencils from an eBayer, who described the lot (in part) as,
*an early Venus box from APC
The buyer had only recently listed the lot as an auction. Rather than bid, I DM'd an offer to them, which they accepted (by the time they accepted, the lot had five watchers---I was lucky)!
The Rose-Red was my favorite picking from the lot, but there were some VERY good Crucible Dixon's in there, along with a 'Patented 1895' china marker. I love lots like this one. :3
She's flipping beautiful... or should I say hoppingly beautiful lol.
Yeah, I can definitely see the similarities that Dale Baer had between this and The Rescuers (can see a little from Robin Hood, but definitely from The Rescuers). Shame we had to lose him, but you know what they say... the good die young.
She's flipping beautiful... or should I say hoppingly beautiful lol. Yeah, I can definitely see th
I try to use only that which my computer came with. Apart from some requisite extensions/add-ons (and my own material, obv), I try not to download anything. ^^ Also, it could be said my art looks best when one can barely see it anyway! XD
The Ugly we cannot see in its physical form, but in its influence on those we can see. :3
I try to use only that which my computer came with. Apart from some requisite extensions/add-ons (an
Aaah but the internet contains so many interesting little applications and tricks on it. Like NIRCmd, which I can use to turn your descriptions into narrations. (And like, it's not even intended for that, it's supposed to make changing your system setting easier.) Computer defaults are often lackluster.
If we're talking about the influence of the unseen (and seen) on others as an indication of its ugliness or beauty then I cannot fathom how this work could be disparaged. Just look at the reactions of all who have seen it just on this page.
Aaah but the internet contains so many interesting little applications and tricks on it. Like NIRCmd