Art by Naru_Arai on FurAffinity
It all happened so fast, Flint was on an early hunt with the other tribal warriors for a feast the tribe was going to have that evening, a feast his two best friends were going to attend, Flint wanted to impress them with a catch before they were to arrive a bit latter in the morning, as like any other weekend, the three of them would go out adventuring for most of the day, training in their quest to become Contract Hunters. Flint's senses were in tune with what was around him, he had been following a decent sized critter that would make a fine meal for the feast, tracking it down and getting it to a spot where he had it cornered. But while tracking his prey, Flint felt another larger presence following him, one that had the feeling of a larger critter that may have him in it's sights for food, it is not like that never happened before, hunting out here could be dangerous, especially for a younger warrior like himself so he prepared a counter attack for when that critter would pounce. While going in for the kill on the smaller critter he was following, he would deliberately expose himself to the one following him, so at the last minute he could change targets and fire his arrows upon the larger beast and get an even bigger catch for his friends at the feast tonight, it was the perfect plan. As Flint thought, as he went to capture his prey, the larger critter pounced out from the bushes behind him, Flint ready to counter attack suddenly turn around, with his bow ready to fire, not caring about the smaller critter anymore, his eyes was on a bigger catch. But as the larger critter came into sight, Flint's eyes widen as just who had came out of the bush to attack him, he tried to lower his bow but found it had been too late, he had fired the arrow on his instinctual reaction, it was already flying towards something he didn't want to shoot, time seamed to slow down as Flint watch his projectile made contact with the body of the critter, blood spouted out as it fell to the ground howling in pain, Flint was frozen in shock on what he had just done. "ION!" a voice from the bushes called out as a arctic fox came running out, dropping it's scythe on the ground and kneeling down beside another arctic fox that was crying out in severe pain, the arctic fox Flint had just shot, his best friend Ion. "It hurts! It hurts!" Flint could hear Ion cry out as he laid on the ground, his hands were covered in blood as he had been holding the arrow that was sticking out of his belly, "It ok Ion, just calm down we will get you help... right Flint?" Zephyr called out trying to comfort his friend, turning his eyes to the frozen Flint for support. "Flint, Flint can you hear me? Flint I need your help!" Zephyr called out once more as Flint was still frozen in shock at what just transpired, Ion started hyperventilating as Zephyr could see his condition deteriorating, "Flint!" he called out once more. "Wh..a... oh yes... I am coming" Flint said as he slowly went over to Ion and Zephyr, him trembling uncontrollably, looking down at his fallen friend,
Flint could see Ion's eyes were full of tears, he was struggling to breathe as he was hyperventilating, blood started to soak the front of his coat around where the arrow was shot, "come on, grab one of his arm, we need to get Ion back to your village, your elder will know what to do" Zephyr calmly told Flint, placing a hand on his shoulder knowing that he was shaken up too, but he needed his help to get Ion the help he needed. Flint nodded slowly as both boys each grabbed one of Ion's arms and started dragging him back towards Flint's village, Ion moaning in visible pain the whole way. As they got closer to the village, some of the Fennec warriors noticed them approaching and ran over seeing one of the boys was in distress, one of them quickly picked up Ion in their arms and ran him back into the village, as the other Fennec warrior, along with Zephyr and Flint followed slowly after as Flint started to break down into tears, "I am sure Ion will be alright, it is not really your fault, I told Ion not not try and scare you while you were out hunting..." Zephyr started saying trying to cheer up his friend, "that doesn't matter" Flint cried out in tears, "I shot him! I am the one who fired that arrow, if I only took a few more seconds to realize it was not a large beast trying to attack me... then...then..." Flint continued as he teared up again as Zephyr pulled him in so he could cry on his shoulder, "its all my fault, its all my fault, his blood is on my hands... I... I... I don't know if I could ever face him..." Flint muttered through his tears as Zephyr continued stroking Flint's hair, "I am sure he would forgive you, you know how Ion is, he knows you would never do anything to hurt him..." Zephyr started saying but was cut off, "but I did hurt him and really bad as well... I may have killed him, if I did... I don't know... if I could live with myself... I don't know what I would do... I don't know if I would have the strength to continue on living myself..." Flint interrupted but Zephyr place both of his hands on Flint's shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Don't say that, if there was anything Ion could never forgive you for, it would be that, now he is not dead, we got him to some help fairly quickly I am sure he will be alright but you got to stay strong for his sake as well, trust me he need you" Zephyr said in a serious tone as Flint hung his head, "are you sure? I think it would be better if I just stayed away..." Flint said as Zephyr gave him a slap, "stop think like that, I know he need you, he cares a lot about you, he lo... he really cares a lot about you and he would be crushed if you never wanted to see him again, even after all this, I am sure of it" Zephyr yelled out as an older Fennec fox came over to them. "Elder Ember, how is Ion doing?" Zephyr asked as Flint slowly lifted his head to look at the elder, "he is badly wounded and needs medical attention from the city, I sent out an emergency message so medics will be here soon to take him" Elder Ember said as Flint hung his head down again tearing up, "as for his prognosis I can't not really say, we will have to see what they can do for him back in the city" Elder Ember continued as Zephyr now looked down as well.
The sound of a propeller filled the air as a airship flew overhead, with two medics roping down from it and running into the tribe's medical hut, moments latter, they came out carrying Ion, with the arrow still sticking out of his belly, his coat now fully soaked in blood, they placed him on a stretcher that was lowered from the airship and raised him up, along with the two medics as the airship flew away towards the city. After the airship left, Flint slowly walked away towards his hut, his mind racing with thoughts and fears about his best friend, getting to the door, Flint stopped as he felt overwhelmed and started puking in a nearby garden. Moments later he felt some hands patting him on the back, "it can't feel very good can it?" a familiar voice said as Flint turned to see Elder Ember standing next to him, "your friend has headed back to the city, I am taking a small group to the medical centre there as well and I want you to be a part of it" he continued as Flint shook his head, "I don't think I can go, I don't know what to say" Flint responded as Elder Ember placed a hand on his shoulder. "As a warrior it is your duty to accompany me" Elder Ember said, "and besides, there is someone there you need to apologize to, I know it may be hard to face him but you need to" he continued as Flint wiped his eyes and nodded, "good now then get your things ready as we are leaving shortly" Elder Ember said as he walked away as Flint entered his hut and changed into his city clothing. He then walked out to his village centre where the small part of warriors and Elder Ember were waiting, "good you did show up, now then lets head out shall we" Elder Ember said as they left the village towards the city. Heading in, the group walked to the Hunter's Hospital where Ion was taken and walked in, Flint's nerves started skyrocketing again as they were taken to the surgery waiting room, where Ion's parents, Ivan and Ionia were waiting along with Zephyr and his parents. "How is he doing" Elder Ember asked Ion's waiting parents, "he is still in surgery, there has been a few complications as I am told the arrow severed his stomach from the rest of his bowels, he had quite a lot internal bleeding and the hospital is running out of O- blood for him" Ivan said, "I heard that part which is why I brought all these warriors here with me, each one of them has O- blood and are ready to donate as much as they can" Elder Ember responded. "Thank you so much" Ionia chimed in as Elder Ember raised his hand, "it is the least we can do since one of our members is the one that caused all this" Elder Ember said as he motioned Flint to come over to him, "while he doesn't have O- blood to help, he is here to try and set things right" Elder Ember continued as Flint walked over to them and hung his head.
Ivan knelt down to Flint's level and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I know it was an accident, Zephyr filled us in on what happened, my boy is too reckless for his own good, I don't blame any of your members for what happened" Ivan said to the group, making sure Flint could hear his words, "that maybe so, but this one still need to make it right" Elder Ember said as he pushed Flint forward. Some moments passed before Flint started speaking, "I... I am... I am sorry" he said wih a stutter as Ionia came over and embraced him, "don't worry about it, it is not your fault, Ion should have known better then to trail someone who was out hunting" Ionia said to comfort Flint, "he is really the one who need to apologize to you and I will make sure he does that when he is out of surgery" she continue das Flint just cried. A few hours passed as there was no word on what condition Ion was in, the other fennec warriors had all donated as much blood as they could to help him out in the meantime, more time went by before a mouse surgeon who had some blood stained on him came over to the group. "Doctor Mazee, how is he?" Ivan asked as the doctor pulled down his mask, "well we were able to get the bleeding under control, Ion is fairly weak but he is expected to pull through, he is currently resting in intensive care where he will be for a few days" Doctor Mazee said as the mood lightened up a bit, "thank you so much!" Ionia said as she gave the doctor an embrace, "no need, just doing what I need to do" he replied with a smile, "now then which one of you is Flint?" the doctor asked as Flint's ears perked up and he raised his hand. "Good, you see after Ion woke up was asked if there was anything he needed and the only thing he said he wanted was to see Flint" Doctor Mazee started saying, "actually it is the only thing he is calling out for no matter what we ask so I just wanted to make sure he was here with you guys" the doctor continued as Zephyr came over to Flint and placed a hand on his shoulder, "see I told you he would want to see you" Zephyr said with a small smile. "Now then shall we go see him?" Doctor Mazee asked as the group got up from where they were sitting and followed him towards the intensive care ward, Zephyr and Flint followed behind the rest of the crowd as Flint was still apprehensive about seeing his friend but he needed to face him and needed to tell him he was sorry, if after that Ion would never want to see him again, Flint would make sure it happened, as he tensed up just before the doorway to Ion's room, Flint took a deep breath before entering, to face whatever would come next.
fennec fox
arctic fox
story in description
grey fox
3 years, 3 months ago
07 Nov 2021 17:00 CET
Initial: f691ca70be3c2db1d5e5c04f08271f8b
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