I have always wanted a family of green dragons. Not only because they look freaking awesome, but because of the symbolism associated with this color. It represents safety and harmony and this is what Verenar strives to be for those closest to him. He also has a brasher sister, Verana, but of the two, he is definitely the more level-headed, calm, composed, and definitely silly at times considering the cute pose he chose to sit in :P
The most defining characteristic of Verenar and his family are their feline-inspired paws. I've chosen those for a number of reasons, starting from the increased hardship to handle objects which contributes to making these dragons more feral to the perks of retractable claws and the softness of paw pads which make tender moments extra enjoyable for whoever is the target of Verenar's affection. Let's face it; it feels far more awesome to be stroked by paws with pads absent worry of claws. It's different, I know, but it's the kind of different that I really dig.
As far as his personality goes, Verenar is the more quiet, withdrawn, analytical type at first, preferring to discover and learn of his surroundings before choosing to remain secluded or open himself up. He prefers logic over emotional impulses, and as such, he has a very decent grip over his instinct. Just like the earth element associated with him, he is unyielding and hard to budge at times, and his stubbornness often leads to the neglecting of certain primal needs, like his mating instinct. Although he is of a humble nature and indifferent to the need to prove himself just for the sake of it, remnants of the pride instilled into him by his parents still dwell within him, cementing and becoming a core part of who he is as an adult.
Therefore, Verenar takes certain principles a bit more serious than he should, such as an idealized version of a mate and a family like the one his parents had, and that often puts him down a rather lonely path where he refuses a deeper bond unless the circumstances are right. This slight obsession with doing everything proper also influences the romanticized way with which he perceives certain things, last but not least the topic of mating, where his young, virtuous mind believes that the only appropriate way for a male to experience the ultimate release of his gender is inside the depths of a caring, eager to have him female. Depending on the timeline, he can either tolerate the other means of sexual relief, or find them repulsive and demeaning. He can definitely be fickle like that, yet the more experience he accumulates and the further he grows, his quirks are smoothed out and his prejudices lessen, yet some of them will forever persist, as they are part of his nature.
I won't delve into his backstory or story because it's still under development, but because this is the furry fandom I felt the need to also touch on the topic of how he perceives intimacy. He will solely indulge in such moments with the opposite gender, although he is very open to spend time with other males too, so long as they don't cross certain boundaries he is not comfortable with.
Verenar(c) belongs to me
Artwork done by Sidonie
If you'd like to help me with the acquisition of cutsy feral arts and the writing of short and adorable stories, pledge on my Patreon to get all this content in advance: https://www.patreon.com/cheetahs