Color Coding: Airlock = Red Internal Docking Bay, storage and auxiliary industrial modules = Red Command Section and Crew Quarters = Orange Hydroponics = Green Reactor, Drive Systems, Fuel Bunkers, Main Industrial Modules = Yellow Thrusters = Light Gray Hyperspace Drive = Black Human = White
The "Long Jump" was built by the snowleopards built as a testbed for their hyperdrive, a "translinear space engine".
It used a lot of technologies developed solely for it, like integrated circuits based on germanium semiconductors, hydroponic gardens, automated microfarming, fusion power and hiberzine, a "hypersleep" drug manufactured from a small, robust and unobstrusive plant.
The snowleopards used the Long Jump for an exploration of the nearby star systems. It's first travel took almost 50 years, half a snowleopards life. In that time, the Long Jump explored just as many solar systems, discovered inhabitable planets and other species. Upon returning the snowleopards believed that their success would both be welcome by the other leopards of their homeworld, opening new opportunities, reviving their stagnating culture. In a way it did. The snowleopards where threatened with extinction unless they'd surrender the Long Jump and help producing more vessels to conquer those planets and other civilizations they had discovered.
In a covert action they destroyed all of the manufacturing capabilities and technological documentations they had produced to build the Long Jump and evacuated their small population to the orbital dock they had built to create the Long Jump.
The dock was forced out of orbit and sent coasting to a rendevouz-point, whilst the Long Jump, stuffed to the brim with refugees in hiberzine hibernation, jumped to a system very difficult to reach. There it unloaded the refugees on the uninhabited planet, and jumped back to rendevouz with the space dock to collect the next group of refugees. But whilst it approached the station, the station succumbed to a wave of incoming artillery rockets as it extended it's protection to the Long Jump, weakening its own defenses. All that made it in time to the Long Jump was a spare crew complement with a few meager supplies, most importantly a genetic library of all those that had been on board of the station. The detonation and debris of the station shielded the Long Jump, as it sneaked under low emissions for months out of the system, and jumped back to the new colony with half a year delay.