Listing of all currently designed crewed vessels for Welcome to Valhalla
Color Coding: Airlocks, Docking Facilities, Rotation Elements = Red Command Modules and Crew Quarters = Orange Hydroponics / Habitats = Green Reactor, Drive Systems, Fuel Bunkers, Main Industrial Modules = Yellow Thrusters = Light Gray Hyperspace Drive = Black Human = White Shades of Violet = Cargo Modules Blue = Water Storage, Water / Ice based shielding Brown = Athmospheric control surfaces
WtV: Faction Asgard: SSTO Shuttlecraft "Silverdove" Size: Wingspan = 17,5m Lifitng body length = 30m Length with fully extended aerolance = 34,5m Crew size = 1 minimum, 3 standard
WtV: Faction Asgard : Light Cargo Hauler / Light Utility Vessel: Ferry Class Size: Standard Containers = 8m x 8m x 20m Large Containers = 8m x 8m x 40m Length = variable, minimum 101,5m, currently shown model is 161,5m Power Source = 1 to 4 RTG modules, depending on mission profile. Artificial Gravity Deck = 15m diameter, 20m length Crew size = 3 required, 5 standard