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Previously known as AriesHausdorff.
Stats joined 9 years, 6 months ago s 108 j 4 v 3,137 v:s 3,120 v:j 17 f 276 w 38 c:g 39 c:r 5
Shork Cafe: Vixy Sharpfang by AriesQuitex
Shork Cafe: Vixy Sharpfang
WtV: Faction Sultanates: Courtship Weeks
Rains had fallen for two weeks, and wherever the eye danced, the desert was in full bloom. A torrent rushed down into the deep cavern cisterns of the town, and the tigers and lions were busy exchangi...
5 years, 1 month ago
Do you know.... LeiLani?
You may.. No, you should be aware of LeiLanis lovely webcomic, "The Depths", starring three lovely ottergirls. When you like it, remember that art doesn't fall out of the sky. So, when you want to se...
5 years, 4 months ago
No woman, no cry - latin edition
5 years, 7 months ago
show original thumbnails
Shork Cafe: Vixy Sharpfang by AriesQuitex
Shork Cafe: Vixy Sharpfang
Shork Cafe: Vixy Sharpfang, Waitress by AriesQuitex
Shork Cafe: Vixy Sharpfang, Wa...
Shork Cafe: Vixy Sharpfang by AriesQuitex
Shork Cafe: Vixy Sharpfang
Shork Cafe: Lioness Yavannah: LionIT by AriesQuitex
Shork Cafe: Lioness Yavannah: ...
Shork: Cleanup-Squad by AriesQuitex
Shork: Cleanup-Squad
Sharkburgers at the Shork Cafe by AriesQuitex
Sharkburgers at the Shork Cafe
WtV: Octopi, the tiny workers by AriesQuitex
WtV: Octopi, the tiny workers
WtV: Tanaz fights in the Arena of Matrimony by AriesQuitex
WtV: Tanaz fights in the Arena...
SL/WtV: Ka'ahupahau Sharpfang by AriesQuitex
SL/WtV: Ka'ahupahau Sharpfang
WtV: Asgard Workers #1 by AriesQuitex
WtV: Asgard Workers #1
WtV: Fink feeding birds by AriesQuitex
WtV: Fink feeding birds
Gift: Doggygirl 2005 for Aries by AriesQuitex
Gift: Doggygirl 2005 for Aries
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PoolsSubmissions grouped togetherSee All
WtV: Octopi, the tiny workers by AriesQuitex
WtV: Asgard Workers #1 by AriesQuitex
WtV: Fink feeding birds by AriesQuitex
WtV: Asgard Habitats
The Asgard Habitats are a faction in the fictional "Welcome to Valhalla" setting.
They are a group of self aware space stations, human males, canine uplifts and snowleopards.
39 submissions
Shork Cafe: Vixy Sharpfang, Waitress by AriesQuitex
Shork Cafe: Vixy Sharpfang by AriesQuitex
Shork Cafe: Lioness Yavannah: LionIT by AriesQuitex
Shork Icecream Cafe
The Shork Icecream Cafe is located at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Desert%20Isle/147/71/22  or https://shork.for-more.biz , depending upon which method of roaming the world you have.
11 submissions
Lava ewe by tchaikovsky2
Lava ewe
Bottom up by CreamPup
Bottom up
by CreamPup
Mixing vixens by CreamPup
Mixing vixens
by CreamPup
You Can Dance if You Want to by fluffKevlar
You Can Dance if You Want to
lue Vixen Morning (safe edit, cropped) by vtal
lue Vixen Morning (safe edit, ...
by vtal
Miya's turn by CreamPup
Miya's turn
by CreamPup
oh thanks by CreamPup
oh thanks
by CreamPup
lazy girl by CreamPup
lazy girl
by CreamPup
huge surprise by CreamPup
huge surprise
by CreamPup
Music of the Month

January 2021: Aknotronic - Crystals
February 2021: Sonic Wanderer - Operation Wolf
March 2021: kjetiln - Venus_the_Flytrap
April 2021: dokmatik - Space Harrier
Mai 2021: Dreamer - Turrican
June 2021: Operation Wolf
July 2021: Glider Rider - Makke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjLN0mHZ1v4
Variants: Mission 33


I'm an "Innovative Thinker":
The innovative thinker is a charming and enthusiastic person. He is bursting with energy and always likes to be the center of attention. He loves the variety - professionally as well as privately. With his optimism and firm belief in his own abilities, the innovative thinker consistently drives change and is always on the lookout for opportunities for improvement. His excellent communication skills are of great benefit to him. Curious and open, he approaches the world and masters new situations with much improvisation and ingenuity. A large number of hobbies characterize his free time; most innovative thinkers also love to travel in order to gain as many impressions as possible. In discovering new possibilities, this personality type is unbeatable.


Woodworks, Fretworks, Electronics, Copperetchings, Brassetchings... all that and the like: That is my kind of skills.

Contacting me via skype makes a lot of sense. I need it for various work related things. So, as it is thus rather obvious and would be easy to track down in the net, let's do it this way:
When you want to contact me via skype, send me a private message here, and I give you my skype contact details.

So, when you're around and interested, be welcome!

Technically I'm a :iconlower.saxony.furs: .
Also on: https://www.weasyl.com/~arieshausdorff

I was launched in 1977, and am not a bit wise despite my age. Or maybe I am still too young to claim any wisdom.
Be it as it may:
I'm cheerful, and kind in general, though certain outbursts of sarcasm can happen , especially as a response to a few select topics.
Private interests are many - some you see in the form of my submissions here - such as woodworking, electronics and such.
Others include reading , mostly science fiction and fantasy. I can however heartily recommend ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Flashman ) the Flashman chronicles.
Not only are they good depictions of their time and day, these books are simply a lot of fun to read.
I enjoyed boardgames such as Battle Tech very much, but haven't had anyone to play with since more than ten years.
Likewise I do enjoy pen&paper style roleplaying, however, again likewise, I haven't played in years.
Mostly because I get headaches when 6 or 7 people talk all at the same time for longer periods of time.


What I cannot handle is.. Call it utter randomness.
When in a discussion suddenly totally unrelated issues arise I'll do my best to handle them.
But switching between widely distant topics takes a moment for me and makes me irritable at times.
So please avoid jumping hodgepodge around and expecting me keep my calm or proper track of things.

Examples are interpreting several layers of meaning into something I write, assuming one of the least likely interpretations to be my intention and then running with that.
First off, it will be hard for me to guess what you interpreted into what I wrote when you don't tell me.
Second, when I make guesses as to what you assumed I might have implied without telling me what you guess I implied, I am not trying to ridicule you, but to guess what you think I meant.
When I clarify what I write, I likewise don't try to insult anybody or to be evasive.
But when I am sure that you won't tell me what you guess I meant, and my guesses so far prooved wrong, I consider it neccessary to explain what I meant - as obviously, there is a huge gap between what was written by me and what was read by you.

That this is exasperating and frustrating is, I guess, pretty obvious.
I'm just human, after all.


My job-wise interests are in the fields of wearable and mobile computing, heavy on hardware design and human-machine interface design.
In return, this means my programming skills are rather on the short end as my focus was on HCI and electronics, not programming, during my Bachelor and Masters degrees.
Likewise I do enjoy teaching, as sharing knowledge is how I think the world can become a better place.
I'm a skilled circuit-designer as well as service technician, too.

#####  Timezone #####

My local time and, mostly, also the weather, you can see here:
Or, more eye-friendly:

##### Commissions #####

Available and open. I love cooperations / collaborations.
- Woodworks ( fretworks, carpentery; http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12287527/ ) ;
- Electronics modification, repair and development ( http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4419038/ );
- Story writing ( http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12508563/ )
##### Persons I am happy to call friends #####


##### Music / Video links #####

Music I love:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZm-9yx0uLo - Deleted :(
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wmvgZXIGhA - even better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AtBz0ENiY8

Motivation, obligation, duty - Failure is not an option:

##### Other things #####

Collaboration: I provide poems & rhymes and storyboard instructions, and need either lineart or full color images as complements.
Target is a childrens book about the Fennekims, with roughly 10 pages.
Languages are german, english, and any language the visual artist is capable of.
Low density, as it's just a test run to check for a potential market.
If there are profits generated, 75% are for the visual artist, 25% for me - and I feel pretty greedy there.
Publishing would be first by trying to find a publisher - with english being the biggest market starting in the US, but in parallel, as it is my native country, in Germany.
The visual artist is likewise invited to check out publishers in his country / culture.
If there is no direct success within a 3 month period after finalizing the book, I'd go for self-publishing via Lulu.com or a likewise company, ideally placing the book in its different languages in Amazon.com as soon as possible.

Advice muchly appreciated, and comments in regards to this plan please via note or email.

##### Notes #####

- I'm the proud father of the "Welcome to Valhalla" universe, with it's most important cultures and species of the Fennekim and their tall allies, the ( zebra ) Amazones.
   In their own languages (F) "The heroic People" and "The tall Ladies", respectively (A) "The short people" and "the people".
   Accordingly the specific cultures of the Tribes, the "Church of the Mother", the desert raiders, the Asgard Habitats ( both their machine aspect as well as their human-canine-snowleopard population ),
   the Fourth Reich and the ancient culture of the Tigers are all, in a way, my brainchilds.
   They are closed species, but when you like  their quirks and habits, you are welcome to contact me.

- When you're from Germany and know me, poke me.
   I'm aware there's many people around that I should know, but whom I don't remember by their nickname here.
Links and Contact Details
Fur Affinity
5 years, 11 months ago
you're welcome I'm looking forward to them
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