It is ironic. The janitor who never completed high school drives an old clunker car. And he owns his rickety bungalow home which is in a poor neighborhood near an industrial area and two blocks from the railroad tracks and a three minute drive from a junkyard. Mealtime consists of budget food such as chicken, pork, rice and beans, with water and coffee.
The college grad lives in a studio apartment, and takes the bus while his pay from working at a labour pool goes to paying back a student loan. Mealtime consists of Ramen noodles, with water.
Meanwhile, the CEOs of the student loan companies drive brand new BMWs and Cadillacs. They live in multimillion dollar homes in elite neighborhoods. They own yachts and private planes. They take vacations to Europe, South America and Australia. Mealtime is eating out at five star restaurants and cafes.
It is ironic. The janitor who never completed high school drives an old clunker car. And he owns hi