Character Sheet for Unknown (He's know by his street name "Kitty")
Kitty, Kitten, Stupid Cat
Sex: Male (But acts rather feminine)
Species: Feline (Domestic short fur house cat)
Age: Unknown (Appears to be around 5 years old)
Character Description
Kitty is a pudgy, bubbly yet promiscuously precocious little cub who at times acts much like a little girl. Kitty is incapable of cussing or saying bad words. And after making many barnyard friends is a vegetarian/boarderline vegan, though his carnivorous hunters instinct will sometimes get the better of him, leading to some embarrassing sometimes funny situations with prey species. While some what shy Kitty will quickly open up when topics that peak his curiosity are brought up around him, to combat his shyness Kitty oftentimes resorts to comedy to brake the ice.
Simple in nature dim-witted and ignorant of almost everything that is happening around him, but this leads Kitty to lead a carefree life with a blissful optimistic outlook on his future. With a smile on his face and his bubbly, bouncy attitude It's hard not to feel a bit of his chreeful happiness rub off on you. Kitty is very approachable and is willing to talk to anyone about anything, with an open mind to all topics Kitty is willing to listen, just don't expect a profound response or answer to your questions.
Likes: Cartoons, video games, pastries, vegan food, other cubs and being naked
Dislikes: fowl language, meat, drugs, beer, blood, gore, and clothes
Kitty was abandoned at infancy in a lonely dark alley, somewhere In the red light district of Los Angeles's China Town, between the chinese fast food restaurant and a questionable night club known by local law enforcement.
Kitty dosn't remember much of those days except for a shadowy figure kissing him on the head, no his memories began in the grip of the night club owner's hand a cold scalie hand, rough and similar to a sharks flesh, this "guardian" didn't reveal much of himself, but taught the kitten everything he needed to know about how to survive with what little he had. "if your going to survive, you're going to need to know how to please." It wasn't much but the owner (who went by the name of Mr. Skunk) let the small feline keep his earnings.
Mr. Skunk took the kitten cub under his wing and showed the small feline other skills, grooming the kitten into his first underaged prostitue. And for a few short years everything was going great the kitten thought there relationship as foster parent and kit was undeniable. Suddenly things changed, the kittens friend his "guardian parent" turned on him. It began with the neglect, then the yelling and finaly the violence as the kitten was ultimatly thrown outside like trash with out ever knowing what Mr. Skunks face looked like, aside from that shadowy figure sitting upon his throne.
The little kitten cried for hours till he could cry no more, and fell asleep. unbeknownst to the little kitten in the twilight hours, Mr. Skunk would shed his own tears. he loved the kitten but knew it could never work, how could he protect something so small and sweet when his curse only allowed him out at night while the kitten slept.
Kitty a little pudgy ball of happy. Lives his days in his alley usually tending to his dandelions, forgotten by the world and seemingly hated by most, he dosn't own much in ways of possessions and isn't worth very much either it would seem, he's a little dim wited but enjoys light hearted humor. Kitty carries his sorrow behind a mask of smiles and awaits the one day when his true love will come to him and ask to be there mate.
Kitty is a pudgy slightly over weight kitten of about 5 years old and standing at only three feet tall (Including ears) his fur is similar to that of an american short hair except for the very tip of his scraggly tail which becomes poofy and fluffy with fur like that of a persian cat or a main coon his coat is jade or olive in color. The pudgy kittens tummy is nearly entirely off white from his collar bone down to his thighs where this off white "apron" of a pattern continues and slips down between the kittens legs hugging his buttocks (In a heart shape) and finally ending at the underside base of the kittens tail, his birthmarks continue here as well with a prominent mole off center and to the left slightly under his left breast and at the arch of his abdomen, further down below his waist on his pelvis, yet clearly above his groin is yet another prominent birthmark.
Being homeless the kitten Is often seen wearing very little if anyting at all, one thing is for sure, the small underaged feline is rarely seen with out his black nylon collar which has attached to it a rather large silver bell, when the small cat "Is" wearing clothes its no more then a pair of torn and tattered boys or somtimes girls brief underwear
A black nylon buckled collar with a large silver bell attached as well as a couple bucks and some lose change.