My birthday has now come and gone and I received this lovely gift from a good friend of mine that I affectionately call: Badgermaw! The link to his actual FA is below. He commissioned one of my good friends, Ruolina, to paint this beautiful Maxim pose inpsired piece of Murana. I have no story, no grand epic tale of how she got to be this cute on the beach, just a blubbering mess of incoherent words as I adored and loved this piece snuck up on me by dear friends! I appreciate you and Murana is a very special gal!
Hey, your so-called incoherent blubbering IS a grand story! It shows how one of your friends cared about you and commissioned another of your friends to help give you a birthday present! You have really good friends, Darkflamewolf!
Hey, your so-called incoherent blubbering IS a grand story! It shows how one of your friends cared a