It's finally time! Taylor's first book in her series - Legend of Ahya: Target of Interest is available for preorder! The official release date and when it'll be printed and shipped to you via either mail or electronic device is July 8, 2021! At long last, my book series can begin and everyone can join the journey with me in bringing Taylor and Ahya to life and discovering the world that they live in! Although the demographic is aimed at a 'furry' audience, I did not write it as such and instead focused on just making a good story with deep lore that'll come out in subsequent novels. I hope you're as excited as I am (I'm also nervous)! Links are below where you can find my book for preorder under the title and my pen name.
I'm going to need to do two things. One: To get the money to buy your book. Two: To know what you named your pen! Was is Andrew? George? Harold? Terry? Wesley? Perhaps you went the Princess Bride route and named it Inigo Montoya?
Jokes aside, I'm proud of you for achieving your dream. When I get the money, I WILL buy at least two or three copies!
I'm going to need to do two things. One: To get the money to buy your book. Two: To know what you na