Bentley, Copyright: Kywriter Media, Evergreen Productions. Spencer, Copyright: MGM. Shifty Dingo, Copyright: Yoram Gross.
Alright guys, so here's an unexpected drawing that I made last minute for a cyber-brother of mine (on DA, FA and IB). Who goes by the name Shifty-The-Bentley-2 (at least on DA anyway). So real quick, How did we meet? Well, I'll give you the short version of the story lol. As there's a lot more to it.
But basically, I met this guy in 2014. Not too long after I met my first Cyber-Brother. And THIS guy, is what ultimately got me into 50% of the cartoons I'm interested now. Like Bali, Blinky Bill, AOTLK, The Raccoons, etc. All the interests I have in these cartoons, wouldn't have been possible IF I hadn't met this guy lol. As I had NO idea they really existed until I met him lol.
But anyways, back to the drawing. So first off, I had intentions to make other drawings instead. As by next weekend, my time for drawing is going to temporarily stopped. With my dad coming to visit and such. So like I mentioned in my journal, it's crunch time lol.
But when my cyber bro noted me, he asked if I'd be willing to make a birthday drawing for him. And as much as I almost wanted to decline, only because I've been so busy, trying to get other drawing ideas finished. I figured I couldn't let my cyber brother down. As we have known eachother for 7 years or so. And not to mention too, it's been a LONG time since I've drawn one of these drawings........
So, if you are an OG watcher of mine. Back in 2014-15 on DA, you'll know I used to draw a lot of crossover drawings. And I mean A LOT lol. As back in those times, I figured they were so much fun to draw. And times then were also much easier lol. But yeah, back in the day, I used to draw quite a lot of crossover drawings. With a bunch of different cartoon characters from other series'.
So drawing this, definitely brought back A LOT of good memories. However my style of drawing, has changed A LOT since 2014-15 lol. Hence why you'll notice a difference in coloring, and attention to details. My drawing style has just simply gotten a little better lol. Which is always good. Not that I'm trying to largely improve, as I only draw for fun. But I definitely notice a change in my drawing styles since I started drawing again in 2014.
Ok that's all beside the point though lol. So Shifty-The-Bentley-2 noted me Wednesday night. And that NEXT day (Thursday) after he noted me, I told myself I only have one day to draw this. And if I don't draw it on that day, I'll have to wait until next week. So if I wanna get it done, I better draw it TODAY.......Lol.
And so, that's exactly what I did. I started drawing Thursday afternoon at around 6pm. And then got it all sketched out. And had a break to eat dinner. And then picked right back up on it at around 8pm. And I was able to get this drawing FULLY completed at around 1am in the morning. Took a LONG time to color. As you have to be VERY careful when you draw characters that are colored yellow. Otherwise you'll mess up the lines. And you don't want that. I certainly don't want that lol.
So I definitely put some serious dedication on this drawing. It took a while to finish. And by the end of the drawing, I was feeling pretty exhausted (and even dizzy). But I got it done all within a day. And I gotta say, I definitely can't be happier with how it turned out. I don't think it could have turned out any better!
So for your viewing pleasure, here's the finished result for you all (especially for Shifty-The-Bentley-2). So here we have a crossover/best friend moment with three characters. From all different series'. We have Bentley (from The Raccoons), Spencer Lionheart from (The Lionhearts), and Shifty Dingo (from Blinky Bill). As these 3 characters are some of his all time favorite characters. And they are mine too, as some may know. Shifty Dingo ESPECIALLY, as that's where my username comes from.
So in regards of what's going on here? Well like I mentioned above, it's pretty much a best friend moment type of deal here. And that's what I meant to try and simulate here. It's possible they might be posing for a photo/camera moment lol.
And I know what some might think or say. And yes I am aware. And that's regards the ages of these characters. Basically their ages in their respective series', are the same. Which is about 8-10 years old. Spencer I KNOW is 8 years old, as it was confirmed. But Shifty and Bentley are probably around 8-10 years old. As it was never confirmed.
However since each character's series were created at different times (The Raccoons being made in 1985, Blinky Bill being made in 1993, and The Lionhearts being made in 1998), naturally the characters would be a different age than one another. But for the sake of them being the same age during the time of productions of their respective shows, it makes sense lol. And not to mention, it is a fun scenario to make lol.
But anyways, so what do you all think? Again, a VERY last minute drawing. As this WASN'T planned until the previous night. And I decided to quickly get it done in time before the week ended. As again, I've know this guy for such a long time and we always talk. He's truly like a brother to me. So I figured I couldn't let him down. And I hustled hard to get it done. And it definitely pays off. As again, I couldn't be any happier with the end result.
So with all of that being said, I hope you all like it. And thanks for viewing. I certainly hope you like it bro Shifty-The-Bentley-2!! And happy birthday! I hope it was a good one, and here's to more drawings and friendship lol.
happy birthday
blinky bill
the raccoons
shifty dingo
bentley raccoon
the lionhearts
spencer lionheart
best friend moment
3 years, 8 months ago
06 Jun 2021 00:17 CEST
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