I was talking with an art friend and learned about the existence of a certain style of clothing, and had to jump on the idea! Thanks to using AuntyMoira's Sonic OC randomizer, I now have a new man~
Meet Rodrick, AKA Hot Rod, a markhor who is Vide's field partner. He's the muscle to Vide's stealth, making them a fearsome duo.
I'm still fleshing out certain details, but a few things to note:
Rodrick relies on using his toes to climb sheer cliffs, so he never wears shoes. He used to wear gripper socks until his boss decided he'd be better off dealing with the dust and dirt.
VERY fluffy, from his head to the tops of his feet, he has thick fur that a hand can just sink into. He keeps his hair in a ponytail for easy management
He's my first graysexual character as well, tending to feel attraction only at a whim.
He's a gentle giant but just like any goat he's willing to charge head-on if pissed. Adores chao.
Very minimalist with clothing. Never wears shoes, gloves, or underwear, and always goes with tank-tops and shorts for the sake of added protection.
Safety armband for visibility in areas often used by hunters.
He's one of the older members of the bounty hunter agency that Vide is part of.
Skilled in first-aid and CPR, usually first to react in an emergency.
Age is in mid-30s
Horns are like wide corkscrews, with the thicker base not curling quite as tight as the skinnier bits. Horns are slightly rounded at the tip.
Hot Rod is one of the more pleasant nicknames he has, as he's found to be very attractive among the townsfolk and some begrudging targets who were distracted by his looks.