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Wraith of the Kyuubi

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Nine Tails of Ion
Fluffy Fuzzy Bunion
Legend of the Kyuubi
Treacherous Crossing
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Legend of the Kyuubi
Legend of the Kyuubi
Fantasy Town
Art by Naru_Arai on FurAffinity

There is no spelling mistake in the title, it is wraith and not wrath (will make sense in the story)

Blood was dripping on the ground as a fox with nine tails was on the ground, leaning over his sword for support, the vast amount of injuries scared his body. Panting hard Ion thought about what got him into this situation, just before entering this village, he had to fend off an attack from a young but skilled Hunter, a group he used to belong to but was outcast from when he became this way. Not born as a kyuubi, as those being were suppose to be things of legends, something that was never meant to exist, a nightmarish event in Ion's younger years forced the bond of his soul with that of a close departed friend's, causing the first change within himself though unknowingly. Then after the passing of others close to him, his soul stared absorbing theirs, as more started living inside of him, finalizing with the death of his mate Zephyr gave him nine souls with his own, as the tails appeared. But even at that point, Ion was way past the age of expectancy for one such as him, it was a small issue for the Hunters who were tasked with protecting the world from the unnatural and unexplained but Ion's transformation was the last straw for them, they could no longer ignore his new found existence. His new being was not suppose to exist in this world and they needed to expel it, it was their calling, though try as they might, Ion would not go down, any attack seamed useless as no one could even deliver a killing blow and what made it worse is that Ion would never kill any Hunter that tried to take his life, a situation that started making the Hunters, the once seen protectors of the world as more an unfavorable organization, especially as Ion's reputation started growing even more as a kyuubi. But the Hunters could not back down, it was still their duty to remove the unnatural from the world and they continued the Hunt, though not as actively as once before, but that didn't stop some new Hunters from trying to make a name for themselves as even if the Hunters were not actively Hunting Ion, they would not bat an eye either if a Hunter did take him out. As was the case for the one Hunter Ion fought, the Hunter was skilled, skilled enough to take a piece out of Ion's ear, as Ion was trying to toy with him and was caught off guard a bit, but in the end he too was not match for the powerful kyuubi. Ion left the Hunter with some words to think about before setting off on his way again, coming to a small village not too far off from his fight where Ion planned to relax for the evening. After checking in at a hot spring hotel, he got ready to take advantage of what they had to offer, stripping down and entering the hot water he turned his attention to his inured ear, "that is going to leave a mark" Ion thought to himself as his new body could quickly heal from wounds but there was a limit. While even mortal wounds would have not much of an effect, Ion's body was still prone to scars as it was a physical being, but his soul was the most important, as long as his body could still contain it, any wound didn't matter, even his body's heart could stop beating and he would be fine, as long as the spirit of his soul could continue to pulse throughout. He was more a spirit then a corporeal being now as Ion continued to think on that as he was just about to doze off while relaxing when alarm bells rang out through the village, they were under attack from some sort of bandit raid, something Ion had seen a lot of when he was a Hunter. But now as he was, something like this was not his problem anymore, he could have easily just left the village to fend their own affairs, there were Hunters in the area as well, considering he had fought one, that had the duty to protect so leaving wouldn't be too much of an issue.

But the sensation of who he use to be, what he had dreamed to become polarized Ion's mind, there was no way he could leave, Hunter or now he was not going to let this village burn. Getting out of the water and redressing in his kyuubi clothing, an attire he had only recently started wearing that signified to himself that his past self was gone, that he was no longer a mortal being, Ion walked calmly into the chaos that was unfolding in the village, as bandits set him in their sights, Ion just vanquished them each in a single strike while keeping his eyes forward, not even taking the time to acknowledge those that attacked him as he kept his focus straight ahead. Getting to the square where the leader usually was, Ion was surprised with who was leading the attack, that Hunter from earlier looked to have hired some scoundrels to attack this village to flush him out, a tactic that was not fitting of someone who was a Hunter. "So I guess you decided to to heed my advice" Ion called out to the Hunter who responded "I don't take advice from those who are meant to die." Ion chuckled at his response as he readied his sword, he would have to make this quick as the bandits the Hunter had hired were still continuing to attack the village even though he was already flushed out, something Ion used to summon a familiar to help him with, he had a decent list of friends he could call upon in a situation like this even if he could only summon one at any one time but ever since Zephyr passed almost one hundred ago and the tails appeared, Ion had been locked away from his once ace in the hole. He had sought after some help from others who were soul sensitive, he was even giving a soul crystal that he now wore around his neck to help with his situation, but even that failed to let Ion once again enter the dreamscape and converse with the departed souls inside of him, something maybe that his new tails might have something to do with. It was now a more lonely existence, he still had Lazar by his side as he was a natural immortal floof dragon, Ion would never not accept any embrace or love Lazar would give him but he still missed the others he was connected to, Ion was sure he would one day find a way to commune with them again, after all he had nothing but time on his hands being now immortal himself but that didn't change the fact that he was still somewhat lonely. But now was not the time to dwell on that, Ion had a mission to accomplish and he was confidant in his own skill to get it done. Ion continued his nonchalant walk towards his enemy, he still planned not to kill him and let the Hunters deal with the fallout of his actions, that was something Ion had no intension of dealing with anymore but the Hunter had something else up his sleeve. Blocking Ion's attack, the Hunter pulled out a soul container that was used for pulling one's soul from their body, but Ion having experience with these devices in the past was ready to block it's usage, these devices were single use only and if they missed their chance to capture they became useless. Still though after the failed attempt the Hunter kept on bringing more and more out and again Ion kept on preventing their activation, as each time the psynergy that made the bottles work just fizzled out every time.

"You have to realize by now that those have no effect on me" Ion called out to the Hunter after about the twentieth time he tried the attack but just after those words left his mouth, Ion started feeling weakness overtake him, he became immobilized unable to move as a grin appeared on the Hunter's face. Ion didn't know what was happening, he was sure he had prevented any activation of any of the soul containers and even if he missed one, his soul was now so large and powerful that these special bottles would not be able to contain it. The Hunter started walking over to him, "yes I was never expecting one of these bottles to contain you, however, every time you released the forbidden psynergy within them, it would get caught up in the air and eventually there would be enough to tranquilize you, you might be something special but your body is not, I just had to make sure and stand back so you absorbed all it effects" he said as Ion gritted his teeth. He had never thought about the possibility of his body absorbing the soul psynergy but even that would have it's limits, his soul could counteract that imbalance as eventually the psynergy would just disperse and Ion would be able to regain control of his body, he just had to wait it out. "Now lets see just what it take to kill a legendary kyuubi" the Hunter whispered into Ion's ear, the same ear he took a chunk out of earlier in the day, as he held a knife to his face and moments latter slashed it up Ion's left eye, knocking off the hat he was wearing. It stung a bit as blood started dripping down his face but Ion just continued to glare at the Hunter, a wound like this meant nothing, "so you still have fire in you, don't worry I will extinguish it out" the Hunter said as he raised the knife once more and plunged it into Ion's gut. Ion grunted out in pain as the Hunter pulled the knife out only to stab it in again and again in quick succession as Ion could only grin and bare it. The Hunter continued to cut him up sadistically, like he was enjoying the torture he was putting Ion through, taunting him at every opportunity as Ion now had multiple cuts all over, as well as many stab wounds in his gut, including a fairly large gash in the side of his belly but none of that didn't even phase him, his soul was still pulsing strong as he felt the tranquilizing psynergy almost fully dispersed, he just continued to glare at the Hunter, not giving him the satisfaction he seamed to be looking for. Annoyed the Hunter drew his sword looking for a perfect way to end his fun, "goodbye kyuubi" he sad as he swung his sword, it impacting diagonally across Ion's chest as bones broke and blood stated gushing out, Ion coughed up some blood as the cut was deep, he even thought he could feel his heart beating to some open air though he was not fully broken, even like this, his body could still contain his soul. In that moment, his body was no more restrained, the tranquilizing psynergy had ran it's course as Ion's soul was able to disperse it but his body was now too injured to fight back, Ion fell on his knees only being able to support himself by leaning on the sword in his hands. He had taken too much damage during the time he was immobilized and while his new found body could somewhat heal itself from violent wounds fairly quickly, it would take more time then he had to get back to fighting shape, his soul was strong but his ability was still limited by his corporeal being, the Hunter now had the perfect opportunity to destroy the 'container' keeping his soul bound to this world. The Hunter took a step back from the now freed kyuubi, trying to assess the danger Ion could still bring but Ion knelt his head down, this was it, the end of the line, he could not move his body to fight back, the Hunters in the end had bested him but at least soon he could see his departed friends again.

"But would they give up?" Ion thought, "Flint, Krola, Narche, Garrette, Lorelei, Kyara, Meeka and Zephyr, they put their trust in him when their souls merged, that he would be their guardian, if they would not give up even in death, the he could not even on the brink of it, they gave him this new found form it was time to take advantage of it. Feeling like he was now hearing the voices of his friends encouraging him on, voices he had not heard in the last one hundred years, Ion started slowly standing, still bracing himself on his sword but he got to his feet, the fight was not over just yet, it was only beginning, he just got his second wind. "How are you standing?" the Hunter called out confusedly, "because" Ion started saying as there was now an echo in his voice, "I am not the only one here, I am not the only one you are fighting!" A blue glow started emanating from the crystal around Ion's neck, as his body started emanating a ghostly aura with the addition of eight shadowy figures starting to form around him, each with glowing eyes of the colour they represented. Within seconds these figures that looked like shadowy wraiths, darted out, as any raider left still attacking was violently consumed in the shadow of the wraith and moments latter, an explosion of blood would splat out, as that was the only trace that was left of them. Within mere seconds all that was left was the Hunter who started this all, still faced with the glaring stare of the kyuubi he had tortured, as the wraiths quickly went back to Ion's side. Panicking the Hunter fell to the ground on his behind, as Ion started walking towards him, the wraiths slowly following as his injuries seemingly cause no pain or distress. The Hunter pushed himself backwards on the ground as Ion stepped even closer, "I do have to thank you for what you put me through, because of you I have been able to reconnect with my friends, I was able to obtain this spirit... no wraith form, but if you think because of that, that this time I will show you mercy, your are mistaken" Ion coldly called out to the Hunter. "What do you mean? You have no record of killing any Hunter, going to great lengths to even avoid that! You want to throw that all away now? You kill me and every Hunter will come after you, you would have proven them right!" The Hunter called out but Ion just shaked his head. "I don't think so" Ion elaborated, "you see when I was officially a Hunter, I was part of the faction that dealt with rouge Hunters, the Ravagers, and from the actions you have displayed here today, you have broken your oath as one, you would now be considered in their eyes as rouge, it is you now that is meant to die."

Fear griped the Hunter as he continued to beg for his life as Ion stood over him, again this was something he had seen before from those Hunters he had to Hunt down as rouges, "while I don't know your name, you have defiled the oath of the Hunters, for that the price shall be paid in blood and in soul" Ion said out loud as he normally would before ending the life of a Hunter and with one quick motion of his sword he stabbed the sword through him, making sure to pierce through his heart, as he also sent bursts of lightning through his body, making sure his last moments would end painfully as the torture he put Ion through. With the Hunter now dead, Ion waited for his soul to leave his body, with the special training he received as a Ravager Hunter, he was able to grasp and capture it within his hands, the Hunter's soul struggled against Ion's fingers to leave for the beyond, but Ion had not intension of letting it go there, instead as he did every time he had to Ravage, he crushed the soul in his hand, ending the Hunter's full existence, just as he exclaimed, the price was paid in blood and soul. With the battle and the danger now over, the residents of the village started coming out from their homes, hoping to give thanks to the one that had saved them, though now Ion's second wind was dwindling, the aura around his body faded as he exited his new wraith form, falling onto his back on the ground. Panting heavily he realized the fact that his physical body was still inured fairly seriously, his soul had taken over to finish the fight but was now back to being contained. It was only a matter of time before those wounds would close mostly though, he would still probably need a few days rest before being in perfect shape again but he just had to keep his concertation going, he just had to keep his eyes open to prevent the villagers for mistaking him for dead, but alas his energy was drained as darkness engulfed Ion's eyes as he drifted off. The wraiths of his friends gathered around his fallen body as they nodded to each other before they slowly vanished from sight, dissolving back to where they once came. The townsfolk gathered around their fallen saviour, medics rushed over as a defining silence filled the airs as everyone awaited word on the fate of the kyuubi. Before long though a medic called out that Ion still had a heart beat but it was fading fast, the townsfolk though had a new resolve, Ion had saved them, now it was their turn to save him, an ambulance was quickly called as Ion was rushed off to a small nearby hospital, with all the townsfolk putting their energy in hope that he could be saved not knowing the full extent of a kyuubi's power

This story was meant to show how Ion ended up in this situation https://inkbunny.net/s/2333619 (even though what they do would be pointless as Ion would recover anyways but just needed an excuse to see kyuubi Ion on an operating table) as well as add a bit more lore to the kyuubi era, epically the beginning of it, hoped you liked the backstory ^^

male 1,195,527, fox 248,511, magic 25,358, blood 21,186, story 13,963, gore 10,850, sword 10,183, arctic fox 7,633, fight 5,718, guro 2,682, lightning 1,780, story in description 1,656, bloody 1,583, bleeding 1,334, grey fox 1,167, injured 566, nine tailed fox 406, kyuubi 245, nine tails 221, second wind 1
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 3 years, 11 months ago
Rating: Mature

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3 years, 11 months ago
Well, i am going through them as we speak as you can see XD

I don't understand the hunter. Unnatural or not, as long as it protect the world (or at least the people that live in it) I prefer to have it as a friend than an enemy. Especially if it was already a friend to begin with !

Also paying from blood and soul...that is savage indeed O_o

I like the wraith form, possessing people and making them goes BOOM. That remind me of a game i have played...i would have said clive barker jericho but...nah it isn't it.....

"just needed an excuse to see him on an operating table in this form" XP

Yes, i have liked the backstory...i also crave for more...never enough backstory >;3
3 years, 11 months ago
I was just wondering since you like to make posts that have things related to the story in them and didn't in the other (as well as seemingly state that you still need to read it since it is slice of life)

Well as also stated in the story, the Hunters have officially stopped Hunting Kyuubi Ion but wouldn't bat an eye either if he was no more, again which doesn't stop young Hunters from trying to make a name for themselves, even using tactics that other older Hunters seemingly would not use because it is not the Hunter way as sometimes the end does not justify the means

I guess your are rhyming savage with ravage as ravage fits with what is being done to the soul...

It is not the wraith form technically doing that, it is the wraiths of Zephyr, Flint, Meeka, Narche ect. that are the ones causing that damage, Ion in his wraith form is that the souls take full form and his physical being is kind of not existent at that moment, as since he is a kyuubi, his physical body is now nothing more then a shell for his soul as it is not full part of him anymore, as he can take corporal form as a soul but the physical body still ties it to the waking world (also in this form no physical damage can be done to him as the body you see is his actual soul)

Yep you know me, love the surgery stuff and with Ion as a Kyuubi, there would be no reason form him to have to have surgery unless there was a misunderstanding that Ion could not deal with (and also with Lazar out on his own for this event, he could not stop them either). I do also have an idea for something that takes place after the surgery one, noting artwork related in the works yet but I have an idea

see paragraph above.....
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