Meet the rest of Arryn's group. Manzo Varma, whom you'll probably remember from a series of pictures I did quite a long while ago at this point, and a new character named Waves. He's a little cute bookworm with big, bulbous glasses and a shy little giggle at the edge of his voice. His admiration for Arryn is palpable. They head off into the sunset together, leaving Gabe to ponder his life choices.
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Yeah, there's no way Gabe can repay Arryn in the exact same way. Gabe should stick to getting Arryn a thank you present since he has less than zero fighting ability to defend himself and others from bullies, every time he stands up to a bully he gets wedgied real bad and has to walk home half naked. Maybe Gabe should start going commando or confronting his tormentors in his birthday suit so he doesn't run out of undies.
Yeah, there's no way Gabe can repay Arryn in the exact same way. Gabe should stick to getting Arryn
Oh, that makes more sense. I'd get little Mr. Arryn a thank you gift if I were Gabe, maybe like some dessert. I saw that Xander finally got (at least part 1) of his comeuppance when I realized he was the bully suspended from the tree branch, I wonder how Gabe feels about his tormentor getting a hanging wedgie...
Oh, that makes more sense. I'd get little Mr. Arryn a thank you gift if I were Gabe, maybe like some
Honestly the change you made to gabes hair ups his cuteness factor so much and it kind of makes sense. Him having this semi neat bowl cut fits him more than his previous slightly messier style plus it kind of looks like hisbdad cut it for him. Every other sunday gabe gets sat on a stool for his dad to trim his hair into a prim bowl cut lol. Was the change your decision or was it from tehbrokenz?
Honestly the change you made to gabes hair ups his cuteness factor so much and it kind of makes sens
I'm the only one whose made any decisions regarding Gabe in this comic. Tehbrokenz gave me his permission to use him but everything else is all me. I don't think the hair was too much of a conscious decision either. I think it naturally evolved that way just from me drawing him so much.
I'm the only one whose made any decisions regarding Gabe in this comic. Tehbrokenz gave me his permi
Ah, I see. Well im really happy with his latest evolution youve managed to make him even cuter than before which i didnt think was possible. Sorry about my little headcannon I threw in there. I know gabes dad cares about him deeply and is pretty overprotective to the point of babying his son so his dad cutting his hair was the first thing to come to mind
Ah, I see. Well im really happy with his latest evolution youve managed to make him even cuter than
This comment made my day. I never thought about the way he dressed being influenced by his over-protective dad as well! The fact that Gabe acts so mature but hes still his dads sweet little baby boy is such a great aspect about him and it makes his character all the more endearing. He's super mature but if someone spells apple juice on his pants papa will think he wet himself lol. Thanks for replying to me.
This comment made my day. I never thought about the way he dressed being influenced by his over-prot