I decided I wanted to make something historically relevant for Black History Month. Also ever notice that one race gets an entire month and literally nobody else gets more than a day, if even that much? A lot of wise men have pointed out that this segregation of history by race only serves to divorce these events from their context.
The "slavery" prescribed in the Old Testament of the Bible was a program of paying back a monetary loan in the form of working for the lender until the debt is payed off in labour...Hence the term, "debt slave". The debtor did not have to pay back the actual borrowed money and interest. Under that system, the debtor kept the money loaned out, thus fairing out with more money in that deal.
Of course in the case of the Pharaoh of Egypt keeping the Jews under slavery during the time of Moses, that was the form of slavery like it was in pre civil war America. Mostly heathen nations practiced that kind of slavery.
The "slavery" prescribed in the Old Testament of the Bible was a program of paying back a monetary l
Student loans would be a lot more affordable if the government didn't keep pressuring banks to give loans to people they normally wouldn't, thus allowing colleges to raise their tuition fees because they knew they had more guaranteed customers to get on the line, and endless social pressure to pursue college degrees for which there is no demand in the workforce.
Rather similar to the housing loans bubble...and the biggest of all, the federal fiat currency bubble.
Student loans would be a lot more affordable if the government didn't keep pressuring banks to give