Yup. That comic cliffhanger ending sure tackle the Itches of any artist. Him possiblity of doing genetic stuff and him accepting a dna samples. Of all the characters..... He pick "tails" And our minds already a tsunami of theories and ideas.
Well. Im just knew the idea and im glad you take the pencil and do it. :) congraculation.
Yup. That comic cliffhanger ending sure tackle the Itches of any artist. Him possiblity of doing ge
I think he picked Tails because of his genius (after all he actually developed a cure/vaccine for the metal virus, it was just destroyed before he got to actually make it) But the idea that Starline is just a massive perv is not beyond what I'd expect of him.
I think he picked Tails because of his genius (after all he actually developed a cure/vaccine for th