By the way, Trump won re-election and Democrats committed massive fraud (as usual). So massive that it's completely farcical to deny the transparency and audacity of the whole thing.
If anyone 200 years ago was so lousy at running a business that their livelihood had to rely on forced uncompensated labour to stay in business, those folks should have shut down shop and went to working for someone else.
Anyone who had to own slaves to stay in business was never meant to be in business for themselves to begin with.
If anyone 200 years ago was so lousy at running a business that their livelihood had to rely on forc
Yup. And every time powerful pro-freedom forces brought in workforce reforms on behalf of the workers or the business owners, everyone thrived. Freeing the slaves, importing immigrants who were willing to work and integrate into society, Ford deciding to make cheap but sturdy cars and pay his factory workers enough they could reasonably afford to buy one, etc.
Anti-freedom activity like institution of slavery, welfare, medicare, Affirmative Action, and punitively high income and gains taxes wind up hurting everyone.
Yup. And every time powerful pro-freedom forces brought in workforce reforms on behalf of the worker
Thank you for the correction. The exact details of him leaving office when accused of criminal misconduct are somewhat beside the point, though, that the corruption has long existed on both sides and has always been worse on the Democrat side.
Thank you for the correction. The exact details of him leaving office when accused of criminal misco