In short, Woke = "My truth" and Based = "The truth"
Look up the real definition of "bigot". It doesn't mean anyone with any prejudices (right or wrong prejudices), it doesn't mean a specific subset of wrongful prejudices like racism and sexism, it means someone who is intolerant of differences of opinion. Saying that not speaking up in favor of what you preach is the same as being physically violent towards the people you have declared yourself to be the champion of (whether they like it or not).
I can give a brief overview of every one of the issues I mention here, and since I started with the bottom I'll work my way up:
"Conspiracy theory" doesn't apply as a dismissal of things there's widely available and extremely common evidence of, like the ruling class wanting to enslave us in "The Great Reset" or "New World Order" or "Green New Deal" or whatever you want to call it, and that just like the Great Leap Forward and the original New Deal, it's nothing but a raw deal for anyone not already in the top 1% of society. Was the coronavirus intentionally released so they'd have an excuse to spring? Probably not. Did they immediately take advantage with things like mask mandates, curfews, lockdowns, and so forth? Absolutely without a doubt.
"Listen to the experts" even when those experts openly contradict themselves? Dr. Fauci said a few months ago that only idiots would buy masks to deal with the spread of the pandemic, then turned right around and started ordering people to wear masks. Conservatives say "Fine, masks, whatever - don't infringe on my rights and freedom, ask nicely instead of pushing me around and maybe I'll listen"
"It's okay to be white" for those of you who don't remember was a meme made on 4chan to prove how racist the media was by writing something completely innocuous and innocent and letting them work themselves into a frenzy assuming it was some sort of "racist dog whistle" or something; not long before they'd tricked the anti-white media into making similarly hilarious mistakes about the OK hand gesture and the existence of milk. This is because similar phrases out of the far left like "black lives matter" actually are dog whistles meant to load more into their spread than a surface reading of the words themselves. This leads to
"Black lives matter" vs "all lives matter" itself. The former is racist and specifically singles out one ethnicity for special treatment; the latter is more inclusive and says that yes, black people are legally and morally entitled to the same rights as everyone else. All men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. A right to pursuit of happiness (a fancy euphemism for the right of ownership but also works poetically to be about being free to pursue your dreams, occupation, and hobbies within your own means), a right to liberty (many of which are specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights), and the subject of my next line, the right to life
You could mechanically describe a human zygote as a clump of cells, but even at a single cell that is the fully genetically distinct body of a newly created human being. A newly produced human being isn't a parasite and isn't a part of his mother's body even though he relies on his mother directly to sustain and grow his life; supporting the infanticide of the unborn is a slippery slope to supporting it for those that are recently born (and yes, some places do have an "after birth abortion" option), euthanasia of the elderly and infirm, and eugenics. And you know what? For being a "fallacy" the slippery slope sure does seem to hold true to reality pretty often.
"Wear a mask" but masks not working is of course its own comic I recently put out and feel especially good about making.
"Arson is free speech" in the eyes of the modern left; so are looting, murdering people based on their race, running into traffic, shooting or throwing things at police officers, resisting arrest, etc. so long as it's for a leftist cause. Saying something rude about a protected class of minority or defending the actual notion of free speech at all though? Strengverboten.
Gender identity vs. objective biology deserves its own entire comic but the long and short of it is: It doesn't matter if I feel inadequate as a male and want asspats from Internet strangers, it doesn't matter if I don't feel right in my own skin, I'm still male and there's no way to change my body. Try looking up the actual effects of surgery and its aftermath if you have a strong stomach and you'll see why I was successfully scared away. Facts don't care about my feelings and it's better to be miserable but somewhat healthy than miserable, physically mutilated, and praised as "stunning and brave" while bullying people into respecting my demand to be treated as a completely normal member of a gender I'm not really a member of.
Climate change used to be called global warming until we got a few cold winters in a row. Remember how greenhouse gases were going to completely destroy the planet by the year 2000 or the year 2012 or the year 2015 or literally whenever, but in spite of not outputting less carbon the weather hasn't really gotten that much worse, some glaciers are expanding rather than shrinking, and the sea level is the same as it was before? All this climate alarmism is distracting from the real environmentalist issues conservative and liberal alike should be worried about like plastic in the ocean or other forms of pollution. A single volcanic eruption puts out way more "greenhouse gases" than human industry does.
Equal outcome vs. equal opportunity is another one I've done as a recent comic. But basically the only way to enforce an equal outcome is to force everyone to be poor, miserable, and unhealthy while if you remove legal barriers and restrictions to let people prosper according to their own ambitions, inclinations, and abilities literally everyone benefits; low-energy low-ambition people like me can even thrive under capitalism by just having low needs and working low difficulty jobs to sustain an unambitious lifestyle, while a socialist society would either put me in a slave camp or line me up to be shot.
There is only one human race. Even if I draw myself as an adorable cartoon ermine I'm as much one as you are, not any more and not any less. And did you ever take a few seconds to think critically of the term "people of color"? It's literally just saying "colored people" (which I will remind you was at one point the polite way of saying it). Euphemism treadmill is one heck of a drug.
political comic
4 years, 1 month ago
01 Dec 2020 23:06 CET
Initial: 82aa2f8a2dce596d0f1565c610fc52d3
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