One of the larger land bound dragon species and also one of the more common. A Serpentes gender can be identified by the presence of a feather-like ridge along the back, this ridge is absent in females. While males can be aggressive during mating season this species is normally very docile. Because of this easy going nature many of them have been tamed as beasts of burden and even trained to remain within a certain area without supervision or physical restraint.
Serpentes are one of the few dragon species to not possess a breath based defense. Instead they use their long, whip-like tail to keep enemies at a distance until a sufficient opening is presented for a lethal bite. They do not have venom but do possess many rows of razor sharp teeth that can shred through flesh with ease and a bite force of 5,000 psi. These adaptations came about because Serpente are considered prey for most other dragon species which have thicker skin and/or bone.
Serpente are, despite their impressive biting strength, constrictors and prefer to coil themselves around prey and suffocate them rather than bite or slash. Most prey they pursue is small enough it can be swallowed whole as the jaws can not be unhinged to accommodate larger prey.
Mating occurs in a similar manner, with both parties entwining themselves together. During mating season males will seek out an area with sufficient natural protection to dig a nest. Once the nest is prepared they begin to emit a low tone rumbling deep in their throats. The tone can carry fairly far and the hearing of the females can easily pick it up. Once a prospective female has arrived the male then begins a ritual dance involving some rather playful maneuvers along with a rattling created by rapidly shaking the spines in it's ridge. Upon successful mating the eggs are laid in the nest, covered by the displaced earth, and left in the care of the female. Once the eggs hatch the female will leave and the young will have to fend for themselves. But with newborns being roughly the size of a large dog and still capable of a powerful bite many of them survive.