From teen dating to adult dating, these two have been going out with each other for more years than they want to count. And why not? From Secondary (Jr HS), to High School and College, this couple have been dating in a near problem-free relationship. Relationships are what one makes of them and for these two their mutual happiness and respect has been number for each other, which returns a level of happiness few achieve.
After a show at Radio City Music Hall, these two have a long walk continuing their date with a Dinner Date at the famous Tad’s SteakHouse. They have all night to get there and enjoy a great steak dinner before they go their hotel room at the Marriot Hotel for a long 3-day date in New York City. Tomorrow? Meet Lisa, the T-Rex, at the Museum of Natural History. Then lunch, a movie, dinner and then another night at their hotel room.
bunny tails are nice and easy to deal with. Just a comb and we're set. Or you can have one like Connie that's more a ball. But Your tail? It's the twilight zone if you aren't careful with it! OMG!
That Tail is out of its mind. o_O bunny tails are nice and easy to deal with. Just a comb and we're