Tried to upload the video but it would not upload. I may need to edit it to 1/2 a minute instead of a minute.
6 months of banging my head on this, replacing and upgrading parts, building and rebuilding parts, programming and reprogramming, and making 1000s of adjustment and it is finally working! There are still some issues but those are minor, and just need a simple parts change (using plastic bearings that wear out too quickly, I need to get metal bearings, that's basically it.).
I have to thank my friend Adam Vasquez (RIP:04/2019) for his help in the beginning in getting replacement parts when my first printer's electronics got fried by a power surge in the house. Without him I would have given up long ago.
When I get the video shortened, this post will be updated with its addition.
5 years, 2 months ago
06 Dec 2019 05:28 CET
Initial: 0ac726ddc345c6182c63c40233882f5a
Full Size: 5d47ff291bca29f4a2cc0938a8d97948
Large: 5b4b90b35376dee9e0df09b8a0755256
Small: 8d50cd74db167336f0a704caf97b6baa
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