This picture released today (1/2/21) has one sad history to it. It was started 2 years ago as a gift to us Streaming buddies on his Picarto account, but as you (may or may not) know, a that time Krezz ended up in the hospital with a serious illness that almost killed him. It, and many other pieces of art since then have been put on the back burner while he recovered.
While he is not finished in catching up with the works he owes, he is working hard to get things done - understand he is not able to do art as fast as he used too do. If it take a year or a decade, be patient with him. He is still on the mend (like I am for my condition and its been going on for over 7 years for me).
So after 2 years, out of the goodness of his heart, he finished this piece of art for his fans.