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Ayn, Master of Destruction (WIP)
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YusukeNakamura's Gallery (117)

Tale to the King [Arc: 3] [Chapter: 10]

Xeron Adams
Keywords male 1197579, female 1088088, cat 214586, wolf 193638, dog 172640, feline 151577, dragon 149594, human 108580, hybrid 69337, males 43311, demon 39802, fantasy 26897, magic 25412, females 24935, lynx 13843, leopard 11750, panther 8340, battle 3384, demoness 2792, alex 2307, war 1844, hound 1469, fiction 893, melody 845, maxwell 479, inferno 140, nomad 130, logan 123, mar 107, saria 106, lyle 93, drax 92, alucard 90, marz 43, bael 31, tttk 23, tale to the king 11, silcia 7, verius 6, raigh 5
The darkness was covering the entirety of the kingdom as the trio walked weakly back towards the castle. The forest they originally came through nearly impossible to navigate as they slowly made their way through, Mar using his senses to carefully guide them to safety, his ears on alert to any sounds that would threaten them, in fear a demon would rush them in their current state. “I wonder what they want with my father's body.” Silcia said, clearly still stuck on the issue that the grave she had made was so easily defiled, quite rudely on top of that. “That man didn’t seem like he belonged to any one kingdom though, his armor was very unique.” She continued to speak just whatever was on her mind as she sighed softly, the pain and the darkness getting to her as the other two listened, Saria understanding how she felt as they navigated the forest. Mar’s ear twitched slightly as he heard a change in the wind, indicating there might be an opening nearby as he slowly approached what was seeming like the exit. The forest cleared up and before them was the open field between the woods and Elderitch, they were finally home, and they let out a sigh of relief seeing their home. Mar smiled gently as they could finally see in the moonlight, the fields were surprisingly welcoming and peaceful as they made their way towards the castle, the sound of wolves howling and the wind blowing by was all they heard, it was a surprisingly quiet night, which was a nice change of pace after what they had to go through just to get here. Silcia sighed gently as she knelt down to take a moment's rest as she let her eyes adjust to the moonlight. “I am glad we are out of the forest finally, but isn’t it odd how quiet this is? That assassin didn’t send anything after us, he didn’t try anything sketchy, he just escaped. Why would he just let us go?” Silcia wondered as the others took the moment to relax to, since Mar was struggling to keep walking with his wounded leg.

        Saria thought for a moment as her sister's words rang true, since it was a bit odd he left them alone when he had the clear advantage. “Maybe orders, if I had to guess. He was sent to just retrieve the body after all, so he could have decided it wasn’t worth the effort?” Saria suggested the idea, as Mar nodded in some agreement as it wasn’t too far fetched to believe that. “For now that is all we can believe, since his actions didn’t really explain anything. He was insane though, the fact he was on top of that chandelier and was able to still land his shots as it moved was terrifying. The assassin was definitely someone we don’t want to cross without being prepared.” Mar pointed out as Saria nodded and chuckled some. “Honestly the only person I can see being able to put up with that type of speed and skill is Maxwell and Inferno, those two would probably handle it best, but let’s still hope we never run into him again, that is the better outcome.” She said before the duo nodded and got ready to continue. They started making their trek once more towards the castle as the moonlight barely illuminated their path as they looked ahead.

        As they walked, they slowly started looking around at how peaceful it was, and they were relieved as they arrived at the gate, Jamie standing there and looking at them, a look of relief on his face as he quickly walked over. “Thank goodness, His Majesty was worried sick when all of you were missing. We were getting ready to send a battalion to find you guys. Where were you?” Jamie asked with concern as Silcia and Mar looked away, avoiding eye contact in worry as Saria sighed. “We were doing some investigating under order of Maxwell, no one was meant to know, so I had to go without the okay from father. I will go and address the matter myself, and make sure these two get left unpunished because Silcia was just aiding me, and we didn’t know Mar was aiding until we were attacked and ambushed. Jamie, please take them to get patched up.” Saria asked as Jamie listened, a little distraught about the ambush part but bowed politely and motioned to his fellow guard to watch while he went with them, leading the duo off as Saria took a second and went to speak to the other guard. “When you see the battalion if they come through to find us, please let whoever is leading it know we have returned, but do not disband as we might need them immediately after. Please?” Saria asked, the jackal sitting post nodded, before standing and handed Saria a small wrapped object. “Your brother left this for when you return, he had a feeling you’d come through the main entrance instead of sneaking back through.” He said softly, as Saria began to unwrap it gently and examine it. Inside was a small letter and a necklace, one that resembled something from her memories, but it was blurry, she remembered it but not who it was tied to.

        She gently took the letter as the guard watched, and she read it to herself. “Lynx said you were leaving with Silcia. Your cloak worked on the others as Lynx didn’t recognize you, but when he said you and Silcia were leaving I knew it had to do with what I asked you to investigate. Dad doesn’t know but I made a story for us to follow. With Alucard alive, I decided we can claim Silcia and you were tipped off and wanted to investigate. If you find anything out, please report to me, Lyle, or Bael first. I already filled them in on what was going on so they know about your travels. Father will most likely interrogate us both about this so I wanted us on the same page. We can’t tell him of my suspicions about Inferno, Silcia or Wesker. Also, this necklace was something mom wanted me to give you. She wouldn’t tell me, but she said it was important to you. Any ideas?” She sighed and examined it again as she looked at the guard quickly. “Thank you for getting this to me Ashe, please, keep up the good work.” She said as Ashe nodded and gave the Elderitch salute to acknowledge her words, before nodding. “Just doing my duty, I live to protect and serve you guys.” He said as he adjusted the sword attached to his waist, Saria watching, before commenting. “By the way, your sword has always been an interest to me, would you mind showing and demonstrating its powers to me later?” She asked, which surprised Ashe, as he gently nodded once more and smiled. “Of course, just come find me in an hour when I am switching shifts and I will gladly show you.” He said eagerly.

Saria smiled softly at his enthusiasm as she excused herself to go find Lyle, since he was Inferno’s retainer, it was only right that she went and informed him of anything Maxwell didn’t, just because she knew Lyle cared for Inferno dearly. She walked into the castle and wandered the halls a little as she heard the guards patrolling for the night as she wondered if Lyle was even awake still. As she approached his room, she heard someone talking and didn’t want to knock to disturb it as she listened quietly. It was Inferno and Lyle, Lyle seemingly talking to him about something. “Inferno, do you know anything about why Maxwell is investigating you? He wouldn’t say and I wanted to just make sure everything was okay. Nothing is wrong, is it?” Lyle had a very concerned tone of voice as he talked, sitting next to Inferno who just sighed and looked down at the floor. “Honestly, it’s probably because of the ritual my father performed on me when they saved me. I don’t really know…” He said as his voice trailed off. “I think they may fear what will come of this world if I end up just like him. Drazernon ruined my life and I feel they fear that much repeating itself.” Inferno said as he stood, Lyle reached to try and stop him but pulled away wondering. Inferno went and looked in a mirror in Lyle’s room, sighing gently as he placed a paw against it, Lyle watching him with a soft expression as he stood from the bed and walked over.

“I won’t… I won’t be just like him. What he did was horrible. He is my father… and a part of me will always love him because of that, but I can never forgive what he did to the world and to me. I refuse to go down that path.” He said softly, Lyle nodding gently as he took Inferno’s paw off the mirror and looking at him. “I promise I will walk with you through that. You will be a better person than your father.” He said, giving Inferno a glimpse of hope as Inferno looked towards the older wolf, a couple tears in his eyes as he gently hugged Lyle, resting his head on his chest. Inferno was starting to see Lyle as a guardian figure and felt he could rely on him. Inferno said softly “Thank you.” As Lyle gently hugged him back and held him there as long as he needed, he could tell Inferno was at ease and calming down finally. “You’re welcome. I can guarantee Maxwell and the others are doing this to help you, I just wanted to know what it was all about.” He said gently as Saria listened to the side of the door and looked at her hand a little, thinking to herself. “What am I doing? Is that why Maxwell wants me to do this?” She wondered before listening again, hearing Lyle once more. “You should go get some sleep Inferno, don’t worry about what was said tonight. We will have your back, and I will not let you become like that. And besides, I can tell you’re a good kid with a pure heart, much better than that father of yours.” He said smiling gently as Inferno, the hybrid looking and nodding with a gentle smile as he yawned. “Thank you Lyle, I will see you tomorrow.” He said and yawned again as he walked out, Saria stepped away to hide out of sight as he went the opposite way, the woman walking back and knocking, Lyle caught by surprise someone else was there.

He went to the door and looked out to see Saria as he sighed in relief and looked her over. “You look beat. How did it go?” He asked as he moved aside to let Saria in, the woman walking into the room and sighing gently. “I am fine, just a few scratches. The mission was a bit weird but we got back safely. I came to inform you, like I will with Bael and Maxwell, we didn’t find much about what we were looking for, but keep an ear out for orders, we might be raiding Drazernon’s now destroyed castle. We came face to face with an assassin who was trying to steal Drazernons body, and we think he might be a threat if he does what we think. We have a note in Silcia’s possession that is meant to be addressed to him.” She informed Lyle, who nodded as he stood there and listened, a hand to his chin as he looked down questioningly as he wondered what that could mean. Saria continued to talk. “It also said they would meet at a hiding spot, which I have a strong feeling is either near the castle or somewhere hidden away in the wreckage. I am not entirely sure.” She said with a sigh. “I just wish I knew what Maxwell was thinking with all this then I could probably be a bit more help than just exploring.” She sighed, which made Lyle realize she wasn’t fully aware of what Maxwell was doing either as they just made him question it more, but he shook his head and placed a paw on her shoulder, smiling gently. “Look, don’t stress yourself out over it, he’s probably just trying to protect his kid sister after all, I know I would. Just try and take it easy, report to him and get some rest, those wounds need to heal.” He told her gently, which she nodded in agreement to knowing he was right. She gently yawned and nodded to him as she thanked him, taking her leave as Lyle watched and went to get ready for bed himself, removing his armor and looking around.

“So, even she doesn't really know what Maxwell wants huh? I still stand by what I assume and will continue to help them protect him. But what if Maxwell really feels he will turn into Drazernon reincarnated?” Lyle thought as he pulled on a normal night shirt and sat on his bed, looking at his hands and shaking his head. “No, Maxwell is smarter than this, Ornstein even told me that he planned to hand the throne of Elderitch right to Inferno if Maxwell didn’t make it. He trusts Inferno… But then what?” He asked himself as he adjusted himself and lied down, his head hitting his pillow gently as he looked at the roof in question, his mind wandering as he tried piecing everything together. He stared at the roof absentmindedly for a couple of minutes as he breathed gently, his mind was set and he would do everything in his power to protect Inferno like he was hired to do so, despite being just a royal guard for Inferno, Lyle had grown to care for Inferno as if he was his own, and he could tell Inferno was looking up to him. “No matter what, I will fight with them. Even if Maxwell has trust issues, I can tell it is for Inferno’s best interest. That is my duty, and even if I can’t tell what they are doing, I won’t let that stop me!” He said assuredly, ready to do what he had to. He gently shut his eyes and his mind drifted away to sleep as he went to bed with that resolve in mind.


        Alex walked down the halls with Nomad walking alongside him as they seemed to be discussing something, Alex’s voice quiet but carried a little due to his demeanor as head knight. “Your majesty, I must ask, Do you know what your children are doing? I got word that Silcia was leaving with some hooded figure, and Maxwell seems to know something back has avoided all of my questions. I know it is not my place, but I just wanted to ask since as the head of the royal guard, and the personal knight of the king himself, I just wish to be a part of the loop.” He said respectfully as Nomad smiled gently and walked, her face showing she didn’t seem to mind Alex’s prying into her. She sighed however but managed to keep her smile as she walked. “I do not know honestly. Word got to me immediately because of my status after all, but I trust my Niece Silcia. She may have some disdain for this family, but she is still someone I hold dear and I won’t doubt her intentions. She clearly wanted to aid us after we defeated Drazernon after all. My foolish brother-in-law might’ve scarred her some to not trust people though. I say we just let time handle things and when the time comes, we will be informed. If I had to guess however, it might have to do with that new demon as well as what Drazernon did when you all raided his castle, some ritual I was told.” She said as Alex nodded as he listened, acknowledging her claim of the ritual positively. Alex could only close his eyes and nod as he tried to accept that. “I understand your majesty. I trust the royal family, it just makes me worry since Maxwell when he was young always shared his ideas and thoughts with me. I don’t want to make it feel like Maxwell can’t come to me still.” He said as Nomad gently smiled, before interjecting. “Don’t forget you guys were schoolmates, so young applies to you to mister knight.” She gently teased as she used to watch after Alex all the time when he and Jamie were in school, which made Alex blush as he gently scratched the back of his head.

        Nomad smiled softly as they heard Saria approaching since she was heading that way to begin with to make her way to the medical ward. Nomad saw her daughter and gasped as she rushed over to see what happened. “Goodness dear, what happened to you? Were you attacked? Are you hurt?” She asked as Saria was a bit surprised not expecting to run into these two but she sigh gently and nodded. “Yes, I am fine. I actually need to discuss something with you mother, about what happened. Maxwell asked me to do some investigating, and it led to me and Silcia heading to Drazernon’s castle. I learned something important, father must hear it.” She said as Alex took that as his cue to leave and get the king. Nomad nodded gently as she gently took her daughter's hand and started leading her to the medical ward. “Well you can tell us when you are patched up. Alex will bring your father, but for now let's get these wounds cleaned.” Nomad said, her mother instinct taking over as she quickly led Saria to get herself cleaned up, telling any nurse that passed to be careful but be swift.

        Upon hearing the news, Alex and Drax were quick to arrive at the medical ward, seeing Saria getting cleaned up by Nomad, with Mar and Silcia soundly sleeping in beds in the same room, patched up in bandages and some stitching for Mar’s leg. Nomad looked on, seeing her husband walk in as she nodded gently, finishing the last of Saria’s wounds. Drax pulled up a chair and sat beside his daughter’s bed and looked at her, Saria had expected anger or an upset look in his eyes, but instead it was just relief as Drax wrapped his arms around his daughter and pulled her close, but cautious not to hurt her in her current state, as Saria gently hugged the much bigger dragon. “My dear daughter… I started to fear I may have lost you when I was told you were gone and still hadn’t returned for a long time. I was so worried I had lost you to monsters out there.” He said gently, kissing her head softly as his hand gently rubbed her back, Saria breathing softly, steadily as she tried not to cry now that everything finally caught up to her as she just lied there silently for a few minutes, Nomad and Alex watching, the queen holding a smile upon her face as she was happy everything was okay for the moment. Saria soon had the strength to pull away and sit up to start explaining.

        “I will start by saying this was partly Maxwell’s thoughts. He wanted me to look into what Drazernon did, and see if there was any effect it may have had on Silcia and Inferno, or even Wesker. The big one I was thinking was the ritual that Lynx had saved Inferno from when we first fought Drazernon. So what we decided was that Silcia would take me to Drazernon’s castle, which was actually her suggestion, and get clues there. She doesn’t know the full story at all, and Mar just followed us, so don’t blame them. Well… We did learn something going to the castle, but we didn’t get what we wanted. Turns out Silcia had gone back and buried Drazernon sometime after the battle and made him a grave on a hill beside the kingdom he owned. But unfortunately someone defiled it and took the body.” She said, shaking a little as she realized how messed up this was that someone did this. Drax stopped her for a moment to make sure he was following as he grunted in discomfort hearing that.

        “Someone… Stole my brother's body, from a grave? What… What the hell?!” He said in shock hearing that, even if he didn’t like his brother, that is something he’d still respect, a grave. “Why would someone do that?” He asked with annoyance as Nomad sighed, before Leblanc spoke up, standing in the doorway hearing the noise. Nomad was surprised to see her since she was still recovering, but before she could take her back to her bed Leblanc stopped her. “I can understand this, somewhat. I think they’re doing what Melody and Sazh did with Alucard when we found his body. They might be trying to revive him to use him. It is just a guess, but given the circumstances, we did something similar so it isn’t out of the realm of possibility.” She said before Drax stood and thought, now wondering how they could pull that off. “But that still leaves the question, who would want to take my brother’s dead body and try to bring him back. There is no logical answer here from what I am gathering.” He said before Alex cleared his throat as if asking for permission to speak up on the matter, to which Drax motioned to him with a nod.

        “I have two potential thoughts on the matter. What if it was Alucard, since we never saw his body after the battle? And there is also that new demon Maxwell stated Thanatos had fought and held his own against. She is a threat from what he made it sound like and it wouldn’t be unlikely a dangerous demon like her would want the help of a former demon king like him. Alucard makes sense since he once served him, but she also has reason for it.” Alex reasoned, which got the others thinking as Saria stood gently and looked at Alex, as if what he said awoken something within her mind. “You might be onto something. Silcia had a note that said that the assassin was being helped by someone named The Demon in the Shadow. I had my suspicions that maybe it was Alucard, but now that you say it, maybe that demon mentioned was her? Because think about it, someone like her would clearly do whatever to take anyone who stood against her out. How does a super powered demon handle such a matter? Revive an equally dangerous demon.” Saria said, as the others listened and nodded in almost unanimous agreement, seeing as she was onto something there. “Do we have any other clues?” Alex asked her, as he tensed a little at the idea but was ready either way, Saria walking to Silcia and grabbing the bag she had, taking the letter herself since her sister was asleep. She took it to Alex and let him read it for himself, as he scanned it skillfully.

        “They have a hideout, and if they are transporting a body like Drazernon’s, then they’re nearby the castle. But there is no saying they will stay there, if they have been found out.” Alex said and pointed out the wounds on each of the people present. “This isn’t just a simple excursion, they were in a fight with this assassin. Is that right Saria?” Alex asked as she grunted in surprise as she lied down on the bed but nodded, her fatigue finally getting to her as she looked at them. “Yep, it was dark though so I am useless in getting you a description.” She said simply as she yawned, which everyone took as their cue and started filing out, Nomad staying as Drax politely lead Leblanc back to bed as Saria lied down, Nomad gently tucking her in and smiling as she checked her three children to make sure they were all okay and peacefully sleeping. Alex made his way away from the medical ward and back towards the main area, wanting to get some rest himself.

        Walking down the opposite way, Draga was doing the last of his patrol as Alex saw him. Draga looked and smiled. “I heard Saria returned, is she alright?” He asked as Alex nodded at the young dragon knight, seeing the swords usually on his back weren’t present, which Draga noticed his wandering eyes. “They’re resting, like her I assume.” He said as Alex motioned him to follow, walking towards the knights rooms. “Draga, we might be heading out tomorrow at some point to investigate Drazernon’s castle. I will give the details in a briefing when we go, but the king and queen are now currently working out what to do with what Saria told us. We do not have full details ourselves, but I wanted to tell you.” He said, Draga nodding gently as he listened to him, and walked silently. Draga thought before Alex continued. “I have a strong feeling Inferno will want to come, and with Lynx out of commission, I want you and Lyle to focus entirely on protecting Inferno. Lynx will not be able to assist for a while, according to Duke Verius. Promise me you will?” He asked as Draga chuckled gently and nodded.

        “You know I will, you just want me to promise because you two love each other.” He joked but grew serious for a second. “Why is it Inferno chose so many of you and you guys just kind of let it happen? Do people not find it weird he has multiple spouses?” Draga asked a genuine question there as Alex thought. “Honestly, we have such a history with that from Late King Amadeus the first, he had two wives and a husband, but only one was technically the public image queen. I feel it isn’t a big deal since Inferno clearly loves each one individually, and not out of responsibility.” He said as Draga nodded. “And besides, I feel it is smart for him to, because with how he acts, assassins won’t ever be able to pinpoint his lover because of his multiple spouses.” Alex stated, seeing it as a good tactic.

        Draga thought for a second and looked at him in disbelief. “Pinpoin-... Half of you are royal guards, what do you mean pinpoint?! Even if they found out, you’d still beat them down without issue.” Draga said as Alex laughed in turn, watching how confused Draga was for a second before the dragon rolled his eyes. Alex smiled a bit and watched his ally and rubbed the younger soldier on the head. “You are right. But still, someone like Kenta can’t exactly defend themselves, not in a bad way, just not everyone can hold a weapon and face danger.” Alex said as Draga’s ears flattened back a little and he nodded understanding that. “Right. Well don’t worry, Inferno is in good hands.” He said with a smile as Alex was relieved and happy to hear. “Good to hear, get some rest now Draga.” Alex smiled as they got to the dragon's room, and he nodded and waved his commander goodnight as Alex left, tomorrow would be a big day.


        Nelvona looked around as she walked out a newly opened portal into a cave, using a staff almost as tall as her that was black and gold with a human looking skull on one end with two jewels in the eyes. She watched as she was followed by a deformed skeletal dog that seemed to follow her and act like a guard dog. In the cave was Alucard and Raigh, the doberman knowing immediately who she was as he got on the defensive, before Alucard raised a hand. “Easy Raigh, she is here to talk. Lady Nelvona, how kind of you to join us in our little temporary base of operations. Have you come to discuss terms?” Alucard asked as the dog knelt beside her and she watched him, but nodded. “Indeed, Alucard.” She said showing she was well aware of who this was, which caught the demon by surprise but he chuckled nonetheless to avoid any awkward issues with that. “Well good to see someone did some research.” He said as he stood before her, with a proposition. “Well, I will cut right to the chase, we share a goal. I want to bring an end to the Elderitch royal family, and you wish to claim this land as your own do you not?” He asked her as Raigh sat back and listened curiously as to where this was going.

        “That I do.” she said as she set the staff against the monster hound and crossed her arms sternly, her demeanor cold and intimidating. “What of it?” She asked as Alucard acknowledged her mannerisms and kept going. “Well, maybe we could aid one another, and if you can help me take down those fools, I will gladly let you take some of the land as your own, and we can work together to rule.” He said as Nelvona listened to his words, but did not seem intrigued by any of his nonsense. She stood there and Raigh watched. “All I would need you to do is revive a dead body of the late king Drazernon to get him to do my bidding. Aside from that, your work would solely rely on working alongside me and having your demons fight alongside my group. Simple?” He asked as Nelvona thought on the matter, and turned towards her portal. “Meet back here at dusk tomorrow. I will contemplate your proposition and tell you then what I decide. I have a deal with another already so I will see if he knows anything about raising the dead.” She said, as she knew how but wasn’t going to push herself to do what he needed, especially when she had someone who might know. She left with her hound and the portal closed as Alucard grunted in annoyance. “Damned bitch. Why waste my time if you’re going to listen to me for a few minutes and leave?” He grumbled annoyed as he looked at Raigh, who just smirked a bit “You wanted to trust her, don’t go blaming me. All we can do now is wait because of your judgement.” He said as Alucard gave him a nasty glare as Logan soon found his way to the cave and dropped the body at Alucard’s feet. “About time.” He said annoyed, even knowing why he was late.

        “Sorry, that princess and her little lackeys wanted to fight me, I couldn’t just turn them down now could I?” He smirked and went to lean against a wall as Alucard ignored him and examined Drazernon’s body. “Perfect, still intact and salvageable. Even in death the fool is determined, his body didn’t even rot in the past year since he was buried. Consider himself lucky I guess.” He said and dragged the body to rest against a wall. Logan looked to Raigh. “Saria, right?” He suddenly asked as Raigh gave a confused look “What do you mean?”

        “That is the princess of Elderitch isn’t it? Don’t go playing dumb, you’re wearing noble colors of the kingdom.” Logan asked as Raigh listened and rolled his eyes at the snarky comments. “Yes, Saria is Drax’s daughter. Well, more accurately she is Drazernon’s daughter, Drax just took her and adopted her because he was an abusive pile of shit. Don’t know why he didn’t save Inferno or the others though.” Raigh thought as Alucard listened, inside angry at the memories of who Drazernon was but he kept it to himself, for reasons unknown. “He’s something else to take those two but leave the rest.” Raigh commented as Logan nodded and looked out the cave. “They’re going to come looking tomorrow you know? They know I am here, but they barely saw my face. They won’t know who I am but I can guarantee they’ll send an army to find us.” Logan said as Raigh thought, listening to the other two as Alucard stood. “I am well aware. Let them come. Tomorrow, Nelvona will surely join in a bloodbath, we will make sure to kill them all. Understood?” He asked, more directed at Raigh since his wife will most likely be involved. He grunted and looked away, but nodded as he was ready. Alucard smirked and went back to working with the body.
Tale to the King [Arc: 3] [Chapter: 8]
Tale to the King [Arc: 3] [Chapter: 11]
The trio returns after their encounter with Logan, but what will they do from here?

inferno, Millia, king Drax, Maxwell, Leblanc, Sazh, Alex, Lea, Jamie, Wesker, Marik, Amadeus: Inferno_the_dragon_wolf
Marz and Mar:

John, Draco, Lynx, Ornstein, Ashe, Kevin, Ashford alucard, Saria, Ornstein [mentioned], Marie, Marianne, Xander, Hiroshi, Amadeus Junior, Nelvona, Judas, Kimbley, Belladonna :Myself
Draga, Laura, Cerin [mentioned], eeyruuad, camillimara:

Mike, Kenta, Raigh:

Lyle, Thanatos:

scathatch, Sahïr, and the Chitvani, : https://inkbunny.net/ZerotheBallistical
Sean, max, Harley, Sean Jr., Ken, Arakah, Verius: https://inkbunny.net/BlueTheDino
silcia, jester and co. https://inkbunny.net/jesterboobro

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male 1,197,579, female 1,088,088, cat 214,586, wolf 193,638, dog 172,640, feline 151,577, dragon 149,594, human 108,580, hybrid 69,337, males 43,311, demon 39,802, fantasy 26,897, magic 25,412, females 24,935, lynx 13,843, leopard 11,750, panther 8,340, battle 3,384, demoness 2,792, alex 2,307, war 1,844, hound 1,469, fiction 893, melody 845, maxwell 479, inferno 140, nomad 130, logan 123, mar 107, saria 106, lyle 93, drax 92, alucard 90, marz 43, bael 31, tttk 23, tale to the king 11, silcia 7, verius 6, raigh 5
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 4 years, 10 months ago
Rating: Mature

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