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Queen Guivderin of Dugroznik

Confident Skipper of Otters

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Character Sheet for Guivderin Vesna Rijeka
Bubbles, Princess-butt
Common Rat(Rattus Norvegicus)
Character Description
Guivderin Rijeka is the Queen of Dugroznik, a kingdom on the east side of the Adriatic Sea. It was the first large kingdom invaded by the Siberians. As Princess Guivderin, she made a desperate escape by ship upon breach of the city walls. Once a safe distance from shore, she was presented her father's crown as the sole heir to the throne, not knowing if her parents were alive or dead. A quick ceremony by her top general, and she became acting queen. At 23 years old, she went from bubbly pretty princess to head of state in less than 36 hours. The two-dozen other rats on her ship represented the entirety of free Dugroznik. They all agreed to give her the needed space to mourn and contemplate her new place in the world.

For the next 18 hours, Guivderin stayed in her quarters, crying, sleeping, and crying some more. Her mind raced. A month of supplies on their ship, where can we find safe harbor? She was fluent in three languages, Mossflorian being one of them. Mossflower, the Marlfoxes, we have regular trade with them. Her geopolitical education started bringing a plan together. She emerged from her quarters and gave the order to sail for Marl, her general agreed.

They arrived in Marl three weeks later and were given safe harbor. Marlfox Queen Shelkka welcomed them. After hearing Guivderin's description of the Siberian Army, Shelkka regretfully declined to help, other than provide safe haven. "We Marlfoxes specialize in silent stealth and defense, not open warfare. Go to Redwall Abbey, seek the Long Patrol." Shelkka instructed. Guivderin knew the Long Patrol were the largest standing army in Western Europe, but she knew enough about them to be apprehensive. Approaching Redwall Abbey with 14 armed rat soldiers was risky, but she'd do it anyway. With enough supplies on their backs for a week, Guivderin and her soldiers marched toward Redwall. Her ship's crew stayed in Marl. It was a muddy trudge through Mossflower Wood, but they arrived at Redwall Abbey two weeks later on April 12, 5644, tired and starving. The Long Patrol greeted them exactly as expected, hostile.

Queen Guivderin pleaded while her entourage knelt in submission. General Sopworth Thunderfoot and Colonel Longstride barred their entrance into Redwall. Then Father Abbot Serney Blanders, arms held wide, invited them in with a big smile. Before she knew it, Guivderin found herself dining in Great Hall with the dwellers of Redwall Abbey. Father Serney was absolutely smitten with the young queen taking such a leadership role. But his overly positive view of the world made it difficult for her to get through to him the urgency of her situation. The abbot was a pacifist, and he always lead the conversation back to diplomacy. Guivderin's frustration was noticed by the Long Patrol, who started interjecting. Upon her mention of Marlfox Queen Shelkka, General Thunderfoot's tone toward her softened, and his desire to help grew. A quick review of reports from the Long Patrol's easternmost fort revealed mentions of a hostile army usurping settlements east of Mossflower. Abbot Serney was overruled and relented. A regiment of Long Patrol Hares, armored badgers, otter warriors, and a host of woodland fighters would confront the Siberians. The initially joyous Dugroznians were disappointed to find that they were still not trusted and must remain at Redwall Abbey under the watchful eyes of the Long Patrol's elite Point of Inle.

Queen Guivderin fell in love with Redwall Abbey during her 'confinement' there. The dibbuns(abbey cubs), especially the girls, adored her because she was the embodiment of a fairy-tale princess. Most abbey-folk loved her because she was intelligent, friendly, outgoing, and a general positive female influence. She defied any and all notions of what a 'rat-queen' would be like. Later that summer, the Long Patrol returned, defeated. 216 dead. The Siberians were coming.
Guivderin looks for the positive in everything and everyone. She loves having fun and will try to bring it out of everyone. She looks for solutions to problems and is very persistent. She is not shy at all. Although she is a bit immature, she is well suited to leadership due to her charismatic personality and ability to think things through. She is also emotional and not afraid to wear her emotions on her face.

Part of her charisma is her confidence and ability to manipulate. She will come across as a pretty little naive princess first to find out one's intentions. Then instantly switch to warrior queen if ill intentions are made known. She also knows how to work a crowd with inspirational speeches.

She's an adorable hot mess when drunk.
In her off time, she loves to party. She spent a lot of time getting shitfaced with Abbot Serney and many abbey dwellers. She has forged many alliances via drink, song, and laughter. She loves everything 'Princess' and presenting herself as such. She likes the admiration and inspiration it gives, and backs it up by actually being a leader.

She hates bullies and strongmen. She's horrified that fear and intimidation are often used as methods of leadership. Boredom drives her nuts, she always needs to be doing something.

Guivderin Vesna Rijeka was born October 31, 5620 in Zuftengrad, Kingdom of Dugroznik to King Heevan and Queen Yalan Rijeka. Her birth was celebrated kingdom wide, as the king and queen had spent years trying to for a child. Little Guivderin was showered with love and spoiled with gifts. Snow white fur, big blue eyes, delicate features and long silky headfur, she was the epitome of 'princess'.

Privileged she may have been, but her grooming to be a queen started immediately. Customs, history, lineage, and foreign language. Guivderin was very inquisitive and learned quickly. Her parents and teachers where quite impressed. She was also able to switch her royal etiquette on and off at the drop of a hat, making the royalty wonder if she took it seriously. As she entered her teen years, she was raucous and wild with her friends. But when it came to matters of the court, she could switch it off and be the pretty little princess, even when hungover. By the time she was 22, Guivderin was clearly restless and wanted a greater role in Dugroznik's governing. Her schooling was done, and now she was expected to be pretty Princess Guivderin until her parents could no longer rule. Her behavior slipped. Lots of drunken parties with friends and a fair bit of sleeping around. But shit was about to get real.

Dugroznik bordered Siberia to the east. They were Siberia's access to the Adriatic Sea and charged a hefty price for use of their waterways and wagonways. Throughout the fall of 5643, Siberia moved large amounts of soldiers to their border with Dugroznik. The Dugroznians didn't think much of it, as Siberian soldiers often accompanied the movement of goods for protection. But one snowy night in late February 5644, 1600 Sibierian soldiers formed up at the border. At daybreak, using the snow and cold as their ally, they marched into Dugroznik. The small farming villages were easy pickings and taken with little to no resistance. Panicked creatures came flooding into the walled city of Zuftengrad and this is when the royalty knew it was for real.

Seal the walls, defend the city, was the order. After the third day, from her palace window, Guivderin watched the Siberians set two trebuchets side by side, but backwards, and what looked like a ramp and pulleys of some sort between them. The trebuchets where fired simultaneously, launching a single large projectile along the ramp. Traveling at an incredible speed, the projectile smashed the city gate to splinters, mutilating the soldiers guarding it. Guivderin stepped back, almost wetting herself as the Siberians poured into the city. Running down the stairs, she was met by her body guards, who ushered her to a waiting ship. She stood speechless on the the stern, listening to screams, sounds of battle, and smoke rising from her city.

Seven months later, she is standing in Redwall Abbey's Great Hall. The mighty Long Patrol General now in a wheelchair, and fear in the air. The Skipper of Otters accused her of leading the Siberians to Mossflower, going so far as pulling his sword. Guivderin fled in tears and knelt silently in front of the Great Tapestry. A vision of Martin the Warrior's spirit appeared to her and instructed, "Wield my sword, raise an army of all." A distraught Abbot Serney looked over to see Guivderin standing in shock, holding Martin's sword. He knew a new hero of Redwall had been chosen.

On September 21, 5644, Queen Guivderin Rijeka became the first rat to wield the Sword of Martin the Warrior. Father Abbot Serney Blanders blessed the event as true, as did many others in Redwall Abbey. The Long Patrol Command and many other abbots called it futile and blasphemous, a charade. Serney used his position to order an immediate quest to unify Mossflower.

They departed on October 1, 5644, Queen Guivderin, her two bodyguards, Colonel Longstride, and recorder apprentice Timeous Frent. Their decision to unify Mossflower would forever alter the course of world history.
Father: Heevan Luk Rijeka, age 59 (status unknown)
Mother: Yalan Vana Rijeka, age 57 (status unknown)

Many other relatives in Siberian occupied Dugroznik. Most in some sort of governing positions.
Set on planet Earth approximately 50,000 years in the future. All of my Redwall OCs are depicted as they were in the year 5645(Year Zero was when time measurements switched from seasons to years.), the year of the Rendezvous of the Six Armies. Most of Chucky's world is stone aged to medieval at this time, with some increasing industrialization. The most modern cities have technology equivalent to that of Ancient Rome. Worldwide ocean travel exists with celestial navigation, although it is a risky undertaking.

Guivderin Rijeka is from Zuftengrad, Dugroznik. The Dugrozi Kingdom occupies the coastal land and mountains east of the Adriatic Sea. We know this area as the nations of Croatia, Bosnia/Herzegovina. Guivderin's home city of Zuftengrad is located near our city of Sibenik, Croatia. The citizens speak Dugrozi, a dialect of Siberian. Like Mossflower, Dugroznik has a history of species based tribal conflict, raiding hoards, and pirates. This gave rise to the beautiful walled city of Zuftengrad as a place of safety, pride, and commerce. Regional chieftains joined forces for safety and power, eventually giving rise to the royal line that Guivderin is descended from. Dugroznik operates in a classic feudal system of governance with a central monarch ruling regional lords who manage the citizenry. There is a trade based free market.

Guivderin Rijeka was 23 when the Siberian Army invaded and overran Dugroznik in move to secure resources and build an empire. She escaped by ship to Mossflower. Most Redwall stories take place in Mossflower Country. For the purpose of crossover with Chucky's world, Mossflower is what most of Western Europe is known as. Mossflower Proper, covers the Iberian Peninsula. Redwall Abbey sits near what we know as Valladolid, Spain.(yes, I know there are some holes in my geography, but just go with it.) And although this area experiences a semiarid Mediterranean Climate in our time, in Guivderin's time, the climate has cooled and Mossflower experiences a climate similar to the rest of Western Europe.

Mossflower Country has no centralized government, just a common language of Mossflorian. It is a collections of kingdoms, species based tribal communities, communal settlements like Redwall Abbey and Mt. Salamandastron, and a few true cities like Southsward and Marl. Its history is that of survival and tribal warfare. Small kingdoms under a feudal system run by a lord or chieftain would trade or fight with each other for better land and resources. Larger communities grew in places where farming was done on a large scale. Redwall Abbey was built between early 4109 and 4129. It became known throughout the regions as a place of sanctuary, and a place of riches. The Redwall book series does a good job of explaining life in Mossflower over the next thousand years or so.

Mossflower began seeing changes in past centuries. Free markets began forming allowing creatures to make a living with their own skills. The quickest change was the sudden lack of 'vermin hordes'. Rats, weasels, stoats, foxes, and other 'vermin' no longer needed to join hordes for survival. The rat city of Blaggot, fox city of Marl, and northern coast trade port of Coltswart where such places. Relations between creatures and kingdoms softened. Internal trade and travel grew, and Mossflower felt smaller.

Most agree that the 5637 eruption of Mt. Salamandastron ended the era of 'Old Mossflower' for good. The displaced Long Patrol became the new horde for a short time. It was Guivderin's arrival that alerted everyone to an enemy approached from the east, not set on riches, but on empire building. 'Goodbeast' and 'vermin' alike cowered as the Long Patrol's first attack was efficiently cut down.  Was this new invader unstoppable? Can Mossflower put their past permanently behind them and become a nation that fights together?
A beautiful young ratmaid, 5 feet 8 inches tall, covered in white fur. Her fur is hard white as opposed to albino cream, she is NOT albino. Intense blue eyes. Naked hands, feet, tail, and ears that tan nicely of she spends lots of time in the sun. Long thick white headfur, usually kept straight back  with a hint of bangs. Thick athletic build from regular sword practice. Curvy hips and nice breasts, Guivderin is quite easy on the eyes. She'd be more of a sex symbol to her rat subjects if she didn't dress like a little girl.
Guivderin dresses like an 8-year-old girl's idea of what a princess should look like. Bows, ribbons, eye-liner, blushed cheek-fur, high heels, long gowns with bright girly colors. She never ventures out without 'queening' herself up.
The gold and jewel encrusted Royal Crown of Dugroznik sits upon her head most of the time. Earrings and various pieces of jewelry. A small dagger for personal protection at all times.

As the new Hero of Redwall Abbey, Guivderin wields the Sword of Martin the warrior. Forged by Badgerlord Boar the Fighter in the 41st Century, it is one of the most recognized and respected weapons of the age. The unique longsword was forged from a meteorite that landed near Mt. Salamandastron some time before. The blade's incredible hardness and somewhat odd color in certain light fuels legends that it's supernatural. Written along the blade in Ancient Mossflorian are the words 'I am that is.'(literal translation), meaning the wielder is the chosen one.
by Chucky
General Thunderfoot
Colonel Longstgride
The adorable rat-queen who lost her kingdom to the Siberians. She barely escaped with her life accompanied by her royal bodyguards, top general, and a dozen soldiers. They eventually found their way to Redwall Abbey and plead for assistance. Father Abbot Serney Blanders accepted them into the abbey, despite resistance from the Long Patrol High Command.

After the Long Patrol's defeat at The Battle of Langchex, she was accused of leading the Siberians to Mossflower. Feeling distrusted and hopeless, she prayed in front of Redwall's Great Tapestry. Martin the Warrior's spirit appeared before her and commanded her to wield his sword and unite all the armies of Mossflower. This event was blessed by Father Abbot Serney, making Queen Guivderin of Dugroznik the first rat to wield Martin's sword. For some, this was a celebration of diversity and a new era of openness for Mossflower. For others, it was absolute blasphemy that a vermin species could wield Martin's sword, and even worse that most abbey dwellers could accept it.

Warrior Queen Guivderin would embark on a quest worthy of its own Redwall Tale that successfully united the armies of Mossflower. That following June, The Rendezvous of the Six Armies at Redwall Abbey was an event that set Mossflower on a path to rewrite its future. Queen Guivderin secured herself a legacy and a place in history that lasts to the modern day. There are statues of her, her face is on the money of many countries, and she is a symbol of feminism, diversity, and girl power throughout the world. Like the names Jesus and Mohammed are given to sons in our world, the name Guivderin (Gwendolyn in Mossflorian) is often given to first-born daughters in Chucky's world.

Redwall and all associated names and places are (c) Brian Jacques

female 1,087,691, rat 23,542, sword 10,183, princess 7,639, queen 3,315, redwall 294
Type: Character Sheet
Published: 4 years, 11 months ago
Rating: General

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4 years, 11 months ago
Stop please.

I can't afford to keep falling in love with your charicters :3
4 years, 11 months ago
My harem of rat-girls continues to grow.
4 years, 11 months ago
Lovely  <3  <3  <3
4 years, 11 months ago
wow shes so pretty and kinky
4 years, 11 months ago
Wow!A very cute and lovely character!XD
4 years, 11 months ago
nice Chucky
4 years, 11 months ago
that is some first class world building and character development!
Well done Good Sir!
4 years, 11 months ago
Imma be honest, I'm really jealous of that outfit
4 years, 11 months ago
Glad you like it. Designing clothes for my characters isn't one of my strong points.
4 years, 11 months ago
I can't help but imagine her wearing her crown at a jaunty angle while having a drinking game with hedgehogs and otters.
4 years, 11 months ago
She would definitely have had many of those evening.
4 years, 11 months ago
Ahh more cute ratties make themselves knowbt
4 years, 11 months ago
An adorable hot mess, eh?
4 years, 11 months ago
Yeah, I love that term.
4 years, 11 months ago
I would suggest lowering the eyebrows just a bit and make her squint a little. That way, she would look more agressive and war like. Seems more fitting...
4 years, 11 months ago
Very nice! You've got a lot of work in her.
4 years, 11 months ago
Her kinks are totally hot, hehe!
4 years, 11 months ago
Right?? I knew there'd be a taker out there somewhere.
4 years, 11 months ago
🎵 Dancing Queen
4 years, 9 months ago
it has been so long since i read a redwall book
4 years, 9 months ago
It's been a while for me too. They got repetitive but I still enjoyed them.
2 years, 8 months ago
Princess Butt! Bet Chucky was really fantasizing about that royal butt!
2 years, 8 months ago
He fantasized about a threesome with the queen, Gwendolyn, and Gwendolyn's mother. Then felt bad for being such a perv.
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