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Colonel Longstgride
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Chucky's Gallery (567)

Lord Hammerfist

Queen Guivderin of Dugroznik

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Character Sheet for Brokforge Igneous Hammerfist
Brokforge the Blue, Hammerhead
European Badger (Meles meles)
Born December 17, 5601, Died June 12, 5644(Age 42)
Character Description
The last traditional badgerlord of Mt. Salamandastron ruled from August 18, 5629 until February 28, 5637, a few days before its eruption. This ended a multi-millennia tradition of Badgerlords and Long Patrol ruling the western coast of Mossflower country. Unfortunately, 'Last Badgerlord' is the only legacy Hammerfist leaves behind. He is not well remembered or highly regarded like Sunflash the Mace, Board the Fighter, or Russano the Wise. His rule was that of a narcissistic bully surrounded by a family of sycophants. Only his younger brother and successor, Paulvo the Savvy, brought an ounce of dignity to the Hammerfirst family.

Brokforge thought himself an invincible warrior. And to his credit, he was indeed a great warrior and fighter, but had no business in a leadership position. He was the type who you'd order to "go kill this or destroy that", except he was the one giving the orders. Luckily the Long Patrol high command saw Brokforge for what he was and knew how to skew his orders and missions to make them work. This was one of reasons General Thunderfoot was so beloved, because he knew how to deal with the thick headed badgerlord.

Lord Hammerfist liked being Badgerlord, but couldn't care less about the actual responsibilities that go with it. He loved ordering around the Long Patrol hares and basically saw them as his personal army of servants to do his bidding. He constantly wished for a vermin attack or invasion so he could lead them into battle. He talked big and viewed himself as the next Cregga Roseyes who, like him, oversaw an expanding Long Patrol.

When Mt. Salamandastron erupted in 5637, Lord Brokforge Hammerfirst relocated with the Long Patrol to Mossflower Wood in and around Redwall Abbey. He was doted on by Father Abbot Josiah, who stroked his ego by telling him he could possibly be the next hero of Redwall Abbey. "But you cannot be both Badgerlord AND hero of Redwall, it is forbidden." This little lie led to Hammerfist signing control of the Long Patrol over to the Sitting Abbot of Redwall Abbey in the Mossflower/Salamandastron Contract of Transference. Abbot Josiah knew Lord Hammerfist was mostly a useful thug, but the Long Patrol could be his force of morality over Mossflower. Relieved of his roll as leader of the Long Patrol, Hammerfist could just be a warrior. But these were peaceful times, and he became bored quickly.

The big badgerlord was quite the celebrity around the abbey. The dibbuns(abbey kids) loved the big warrior and liked watching his shows of strength. But his lewd jokes and conduct started wearing on the abbey staff. He'd make off-color comments about the young females and would engage the young males into talk about which girls they'd like to have sex with. He wasted no time in pursuing Badgermum Liza, who had zero interest in him.

One day, two young male abbeymice came walking through the orchard holding paws. Hammerfist laughed and told them, "Don't do that, everyone's gonna think you're faggots!" The two bewildered cubs looked at him. Behind the badger, a Brother Serney Blanders(soon to be father abbot) had witnessed the comment. Brother Serney confronted Brokforge and ripped into him for his intolerance and months of inappropriate behavior. The badgerlord countered with insults. It took the physical restraint of three otterguards and 6 Long Patrol hares to prevent the altercation from becoming physical. It was witnessed by at least three dozen abbey dwellers.

Something changed in Brokforge when Serney Blanders became Father Abbot in 5640. How could this fat homo pacifist vermin-loving mouse be the new father abbot? A week later, in the wee morning hours, General Thunderfoot, along with the Skipper of Otters and 30 Long Patrol hares, escorted Lord Hammerfist from Redwall Abbey. He was considered a physical threat to the Father Abbot and could only visit on official business as Badgerlord.
Brokforge is ruled by his ego. He does not like being challenged and will use intimidation to counter it. This has led to physical altercation with both family and Long Patrol Hares. He is not a deep thinker and sees things for what they are on the surface. Has a basic black and white, good versus bad view of the world. Not very emotional, lack of empathy. Has a disdain for weakness and finds weak creatures expendable.
Likes obvious displays of strength. Loves everything that goes with being a warrior, the weapons, the armor, the look, the battles. Likes dealing out pain and death to vermin creatures, even if they pose no threat to him.

Worships Badger Lady Cregga Roseyes, a powerful warrioress who ruled Salamandastron in the late 44th to early 45th centuries. Like many warriors mentioned in the Redwall Books, a fictionalized version of her exists in Brokfordge's time an exaggeration of who she really was.

Has a real deep dislike of Father Abbot Serney. He once remarked that Redwall Abbey has become a hideout for sissies and faggots under the new father abbot.

Hates all vermin species. Hates the way they look.
Brokforge Igneous Hammerfist, born December 17, 5601 to Anvilblade and Hanlin Hammerfist at Mt. Salamandastron. He is the older of two brothers. His little brother, Paulvo, was born two and a half years later. From the beginning, Brokforge was groomed to be the new Badgerlord of the mountain. Like his father, Brok was not academically inclined, but was a born fighter. Learning to fight was the one thing he had patience for. He took little interest in the rich history of the mountain and legacy of Badgerlords that came before him. He just wanted the glory of battle. The little badgercub was fearless and when he was bested during training, he only took it as a signal to try harder. Unfortunately, he didn't treat most other aspects of his life with the same patience and respect. He constantly disrespected his teachers with off color comments. He teased and bullied his pudgy academic younger brother. He berated other young soldiers in training who had trouble or showed fear.

He enjoyed looking at all the historical murals painted throughout Mt. Salamandastron. But instead of learning their history, he formed his own stories of those he saw. Cregga Rose-Eyes caught his eye. Such an incredible warrioress. There were many images of her slaying vermin and leading the Long Patrol to victory. One particular mural referred to the Battle of the Ridge of a Thousand, where Cregga was blinded. He was touched and vowed her legacy should live on through him. This was when Colonel Thunderfoot was rapidly expanding the Long Patrol's use and reach. It motivated Brokforge to take leadership more seriously.

Brokforge lived in Mt. Salamandastron with an extended family of aunts, uncles, and cousins. He was a favorite and next in line as Badgerlord. His charismatic personality, fearlessness, confidence, and dark sense of humor drew his cousins to him. He promised them all 'lieutenant' positions once he became badgerlord. They all wanted a part of it and competed for his favor. The young, sexually frustrated badger, used this sycophancy to get sexual favors from his female cousins, eventually having sex with both of them off and on for years. He got his oldest cousin Fragen pregnant when she was 20. She gave birth to a male, named Dorian. Dorian was raised thinking Brokforge was his uncle.

Rather than reign in his son and the drama, Badgerlord Anvilblade stepped down. He retained the title of Badgerlord, but put Brokforge in charge and basically retired. Brokforge Hammerfist formally became Badgerlord August 18, 5629 at age 28. His parents retired to the village of Brockhall, east of Redwall Abbey.

Brokforge loved being Bagerlord. He loved being on top, the strong man, dealing out orders. He lived unchallenged by his family. Parents retired, complete devotion from his cousins and 'nephew', and nerdy fat brother running his silly factories in the adjacent town of Salamandastron on the River Moss. The Long Patrol at his command. what could go wrong?

Your volcano house could explode, that's what. From sulfur smell to full eruption occurred in just under a week. Hammerfist, his family, and the Long Patrol found themselves homeless at Redwall Abbey. Hammerfist gladly handed control of the Long Patrol over to Father Abbot Josiah. But Redwall Abbey was a boring place, and Brokforge got himself into the trouble described above. He moved to Brockhall with his cousins. While he was there, Rat Queen Guivderin arrived from Dugroznik with news of invaders. Hearing that a rat queen and her soldiers had shown up at Redwall, Brokforge and his cousins rushed there immediately.

Upon his arrival, Lord Brokforge learned of the Siberians. A real battle, against a real foe. On June 12, 5644, at a place called Langchex, under the battle cry, "Eulalia!", Lord Brokforge Hammerfist, his son, and his six cousins charged, fully armored at the invading Siberians. The Siberians's first volley of lance-sized arrows penetrated their armor, killing all eight badgers.
Father: Bagerlord Anvilblade Hammerfist, 73.
Mother: Lady Hanlin Daffold Hammerfist, 80.
Brother: Lord Paulvo the Savvy, 40.
Nephew(actually his son through his cousin Fragen): Dorian Cousello, 15. Killed at The Battle of Langchex.
Cousin: Fragen Cousello(mother to his son), 35. Killed at The Battle of Langchex.
Other cousins all killed at the Battle of Langchex, June 12, 5644.
Set on planet Earth approximately 50,000 years in the future. All of my Redwall OCs are depicted as they were in the year 5645(Year Zero was when time measurements switched from seasons to years.), the year of the Rendezvous of the Six Armies. Most of Chucky's world is stone aged to medieval at this time, with some increasing industrialization. The most modern cities have technology equivalent to that of Ancient Rome. Worldwide ocean travel exists with celestial navigation, although it is a risky undertaking.

Brokforge Hammerfist is from Salamandastron. The ancestral home to badgerlords and hares is a frequent setting in most of the Redwall books. It is described as an extinct volcano on the shore of the Western Sea, and just south of the mouth of the River Moss.
In Brokforge's time, the industrial city of Salamandastron straddles the mouth of the River Moss. Water power is used in various methods of manufacturing and forging. A large bridge joins the north and south halves of the city. As the River Moss was a frequent method of invasion to Mossflower Country, this bridge acts as a barrier and can be lowered to block any ship from entering or leaving.

Brokforge Hammerfist was 35 when the assumed extinct Mt. Salamandastron erupted, destroying the millennia-old home of badgerlords. The city of Salamandastron remained intact and continues to flourish under his brother, Paulvo the Savvy. Most badgers and the Long Patrol relocated to the forest surrounding Redwall Abbey. This was the start of what would become Mossflower City. Most Redwall stories take place in Mossflower Country. For the purpose of crossover with Chucky's world, Mossflower is what most of Western Europe is known as. Mossflower Proper, covers the Iberian Peninsula. Redwall Abbey sits near what we know as Valladolid, Spain.(yes, I know there are some holes in my geography, but just go with it.) And although this area experiences a semiarid Mediterranean Climate in our time, in Hammerfist's time, the climate has cooled and Mossflower experiences a climate similar to the rest of Western Europe.

Mossflower Country has no centralized government, just a common language of Mossflorian. It is a collections of kingdoms, species based tribal communities, communal settlements like Redwall Abbey and Mt. Salamandastron, and a few true cities like Southsward and Marl. Its history is that of survival and tribal warfare. Small kingdoms under a feudal system run by a lord or chieftain would trade or fight with each other for better land and resources. Larger communities grew in places where farming was done on a large scale. Redwall Abbey was built between early 4109 and 4129. It became known throughout the regions as a place of sanctuary, and a place of riches. The Redwall book series does a good job of explaining life in Mossflower over the next thousand years or so.

Mossflower began seeing changes in past centuries. Free markets began forming allowing creatures to make a living with their own skills. The quickest change was the sudden lack of 'vermin hordes'. Rats, weasels, stoats, foxes, and other 'vermin' no longer needed to join hordes for survival. The rat city of Blaggot, fox city of Marl, and northern coast trade port of Coltswart where such places. Relations between creatures and kingdoms softened. Internal trade and travel grew, and Mossflower felt smaller.

Most agree that the 5637 eruption of Mt. Salamandastron ended the era of 'Old Mossflower' for good. The displaced Long Patrol became the new horde for a short time. Then a new enemy approached from the east, not set on riches, but on empire building. 'Goodbeast' and 'vermin' alike cowered as the Long Patrol's first attack was efficiently cut down, also killing Badgerlord Hammerfist and his kin. Was this new invader unstoppable? Can Mossflower put their past permanently behind them and become a nation that fights together?
An imposing 6 feet 8 inches tall and totally ripped. Standard European Badger markings other than the fur on his arms, legs and sides has a bluish look to it, earning him the nickname Brokforge the Blue.His headfur is often in a ponytail, occasionally a mullet. A small goatee on his chin.Soft brown eyes of a woodland critter.
Brokforge wears a simple tan smock or tunic with a large leather belt. On the front of his tunic just below chest height are two red eyes painted with his own blood, to show his devotion to an idealized legend of Lady Cregga Roseyes.
Necklace made of turquoise beads and rib bones of the first weasel he killed. Holding his tunic closed is a piece of skull with a hole in the middle, from the same weasel. A large bronze belt buckle shaped like Mt. Salamandastron.

Brokforge's weapon of choice is a war-hammer. Don't let its brown color fool you, the head is a solid chunk of volcanic basalt, not wood, with forged plates of steel fit over two ends. The shaft is solid steel with tightly wound fabric for gripping.
by Chucky
Colonel Longstgride
Confident Skipper of Otters
Lord Brokforge Hammerfist was the last ruler of Mt. Salamandastron before it erupted, ending a tradition that lasted for millennia. Powerful, impulsive, thick headed, and overly battle-hungry, he was ill-suited as an effective ruler. Long Patrol General Thunderfoot provided the needed buffer between Hammerfist's  orders and the actual effectiveness of his army of hares. Hammerfist was worshiped by his kin, feeding his own ego and delusions. Only his younger brother and successor, Paulvo, had a true sense of reality.

Redwall and all associated names and places are (c) Brian Jacques

male 1,197,410, beach 27,236, muscles 16,499, badger 7,166, hammer 1,241, redwall 294
Type: Character Sheet
Published: 5 years ago
Rating: General

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5 years ago
Koff Koff ** Redwall abbey***Koff Koff ;-) one of my fav series... but I never bought anything after Ridge way...
5 years ago
5 years ago
Sorry early book, before Red-wall think it was 1995 story was different fallowed a Stoat and a Red fox.  three years later the first book Depicting the Mice came out was not until late 2000 that they started calling it Red-wall... Such a Cool series I was reading it in Coles books back then no cash to buy the paper backs after buying my Doctor who;s

5 years ago
I think we're talking about different book series. The first Redwall book came out in 1986 by author Brian Jacques. Same species though, mice, rats, stoats, foxes, etc.
5 years ago
think your right but this was so long ago I guess it could have been earlier then that now that I think about it... think it was about the Sea rats.... The Stoat and the fox where trying to rescue kidnapped citizens from Sea Rats. ended up becoming pirates themselves. this was so long ago...(-;
5 years ago
Hmm.  It seems his entire family was killed in the same battle he was, except his brother.
5 years ago
Yep. They followed him right into battle without knowing their enemy. You can see him leading his son and six cousins in the lower right panel on the march.

Then there's the charge, before and after, but I only drew him.

Then finally in the burial scene. The badgers are in the lower right side of panel two.

I'll do a character sheet of his brother at some point.
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