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General Thunderfoot
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Colonel Longstgride

Lord Hammerfist

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Character Sheet for Cornelius Ferdinand Longstride
European Hare(Lepus europaeus)
Character Description
Colonel Longstride served alongside Colonel Thunderfoot in the Long Patrol under Badgerlord Hammerfist. Although Thunderfoot was senior to him, Longstride had command of the Forward Lance Wielders Unit, a separate unit of hares who were particularly skilled with a lance. He also led the smaller secretive Point of Inle unit, the Long Patrol's death squad. Wait what???? You didn't know about them? Of course you didn't, the nice folks at Redwall Abbey would never admit to their existence. They never appeared in the Redwall books because they don't fit the narrative. But such units have been around since the days of Badger Lady Cregga Rose-eyes.

Unlike his booming robust counterpart, Colonel Longstride has a quiet stern voice. He has a very direct and commanding presence. Being under his command takes some getting used to, as he always looks like he's about to spring into action. Longstride is not there to get you into shape, he expects that you're ready to fight. Disobedience or failure will not earn a dressing down or humiliation, but a quiet demotion or dismissal. Longstride operates best autonomously with his Lance Wielders, while the broader command of the Long Patrol belongs to Thunderfoot. He was also happy to let Thunderfoot deal with the politics of living under Badgerlord Hammerfist. During the Long Patrol's expansion, Longstride concentrated on honing the skills and tactics of his Lance Wielders. Even in these times of peace, it's always good to be prepared.

Everything changed in 5637 with the eruption of Mt. Salamandastron. The majority of the Long Patrol relocated to Mossflower Wood around Redwall Abbey. Shortly thereafter, the 'Mossflower/Salamandastron Contract of Transference' was signed, giving the sitting abbot/abbess of Redwall direct control of the Long Patrol. Thunderfoot was promoted to general, Cornelius remained a colonel and was happy to continue leading his elite hares.

Unlike the traditional militaristic views of General Thunderfoot, Colonel Longstride was used to thinking outside the box. This is a must for a commander of an autonomous military unit. Longstride was keenly aware of the changes going on Mossflower. The broader acceptance of 'vermin' species was a common topic of conversation. But things really changed with the nomination of Abbot Serney Blanders as Father Abbot of Redwall.

Abbot Serney's vision of a peaceful integrated Mossflower stoked the ire of many in the Long Patrol, especially those in the Point of Inle. Dealing harshly with perceived vermin threats was their mission, and the new father abbot would have none of the it. Colonel Longstride relocated his quarters to the grassland area just west of Redwall Abbey.

Longstride and Thunderfoot were both standing in front of Redwall Abbey when the rat queen Guivderin arrived in 5644. Her homeland of Dugroznik had been invaded by Siberian Wolf General Niskoff, and Mossflower was next. Under orders from General Thunderfoot, Colonel Longstride and his lance wielders moved swiftly to establish a base of operations. The members of The Point of Inle remained behind with much of the Long Patrol due to distrust of the Dugroznian rats.

Colonel Longstride and his lance wielders charged headlong. They swiftly dodged the giant arrows that took out the badgers. But on close contact with the Siberians, they were faced with mice, badgers, squirrels, hares, etc. 'Goodbeasts'. The Siberians noted the confusion and took advantage. Under saber and arrow, the Long Patrol fell. Colonel Longstride watched his broken general get handed terms of surrender.

The march back to Redwall Abbey was the longest march of Cornelius's life. The bodies of his fellow hares piled in wagons next to him. The Siberians were a truly integrated army. To defeat them, 'goodbeasts' and 'vermin' must march together under a flag of Mossflower. The idea made his stomach churn, but Cornelius the thinker knew it to be true. But it will take others to help convince him.
Cornelius Longstride is an analyst. He looks for solutions from all angles and will go for the most effective, but not always the most efficient. He is open to suggestions and does not mind being challenged, especially if someone has a better idea. He enjoys seeing others think of something he didn't, especially if those others are under his command. Part of being a thinker is being creative. Cornelius has an artistic side to him. He is open to change if it is for the better.

He'd have a hard time admitting it, but he has a soft spot for the good creatures of Redwall Abbey and their ability to see the world in such a positive light. He would like to be more empathetic.

He wrestles with tradition versus reality. This became a focal point of his inner demons after being defeated by the Siberians. But no one can wrestle inner demons like Cornelius Longstride, he's been doing it his whole life.
Like all Long Patrol hares, Cornelius likes a good meal. He'll destroy bowl after bowl of fine otter-made shrimp and hotroot soup. The spicier, the better. He likes a good mug of ale, although too much will bring out his hot hotheadedness and it got him into trouble in his younger days.

He likes reading and pondering on his own. But nothing beats a good intellectual discussion, something he has a hard time finding in the regimental world of Salamandastron.

He loves running, really really fast.

He loves his mother, but hates how she raised him to think all the world is his enemy. He hates that he hates vermin species, but can't seem to turn it off. He hates impatience, and that puts him at odds with General Thunderfoot sometimes. Although the two are good compliments to each other.

He hates the liberal views of Abbot Serney, but wants to like them because he knows Mossflower would be better if they were true.
Cornelius Ferdinand Longstride was born April 18, 5604 in Salamandastron, Mossflower to Hunder and Chicory Longstride. He had an older sister who died of dryditch fever when he was an infant. Cornelius also contracted the disease, but fully recovered. Hunder was a Long Patrol Infantry hare who met his mother while in Englshire on a mission. He also met a mistress called oakswill that the Highland Squirrels distilled from acorns. He brought both loves back to Salamandastron.

Cornelius's father was not abusive, but he was often not present. His mother, however, was omnipresent. Chicory was an artist, a philosopher, a mystic. She was also a foreigner with some strange ways. She raised Cornelius to believe he was special because Frith blessed El-ahrairah with certain gifts, and he was a universal child of El-ahrairah who possessed these gifts. She referred to the Long Patrol as 'Owslafa' and used the term 'lendril' toward the ruling badgerlords. Young Cornelius began questioning his mother when he became close friends with a badger cub his age named Paulvo.

Cornelius loved exploring and adventure. The beach and dunes surrounding Salamandastron were a great place for youths. Mock battles, sports, floating on driftwood, it was great. Cornelius and Paulvo talked endlessly. "What if this? What if that?" Paulvo talked of building giant cities for all creatures to live in, while Corelius talked of a special fighting force that could protect those cities from pirates. The boys' paths diverged in 5621 when Hunder was stabbed to death by a rat in Blaggot. Cornelius join the Long Patrol to seek order and to provide for his mother.

Cornelius excelled in the Long Patrol. He couldn't care less about the uniforms, marches and the showboating, he just accepted it as part of the deal. But he absolutely believed in its mission of protection, and he devoted himself to it 100 percent. Cornelius stood out to his superiors immediately. A bit too much of an individual to be infantry, but certainly leadership material. He was assigned a platoon and given simple patrol missions. He conducted himself well, but was obviously bored and it brought out a confrontational side not normally seen in him. Cornelius went before Colonel Thunderfoot and explained his vision of a new elite lance wielders unit. Long Patrol hares that were both a spear-point in battle and a covert unit for secret missions. Thunderfoot granted the young Sergeant Longstride his wish.

Longstride hand-picked hares he thought best for the unit. Troublemakers, anti-authoritarians, lunatics. A certain sinewy build and must run at least 30 miles per hour. His friend Paulvo the Badger designed their lances, then forged them in Salamandastron. Cornelius's mother designed the unit's flag. Sergeant Longstride presented his Point of Inle unit to the entire Long Patrol on a summer evening in 5634. A squad of 100 hares that could wield a lance like no other and charge at 35 miles per hour. Most were impressed, some where frightened. This was not the fun loving 'wot wot' Long Patrol, this was a death squad. Badgerlord Hammerfirst demanded Longstride be promoted to Colonel. Thus rose Colonel Cornelius Longstride, age 30.

10 years later, Longstride was standing over the bodies of his fallen friends at the hands of the Siberians. He'd left his elite until in Mossflower to guard Redwall Abbey from a rat queen he knew was not a threat. He would never go against his instincts again.

Longstride shared in the disgust at Queen Guivderin wielding the sword of Martin the Warrior. But thinking outside the box, he knew she would be instrumental in uniting the armies of Mossflower. During his quest with her, he received word of General Thunderfoot's passing and his own promotion to general. In April 5645, Lonstride returned to Redwall Abbey as General Cornelius Longstride. Two months later, the armies of Mossflower arrived. Longstride now commanded an army 10,000 strong. Can he lead Mossflorians to victory?
Father: Hunder Longstride, died of stabbing in Blaggot during a drunken altercation with a local rat. He was 39.
Mother: Chicory Sax Longstride, age 70.
Sister: Poppy Longstride, died of dryditch fever age 4.

Extended family on mother's side back in Englshire at the Stavengeford Warren settlement.
Set on planet Earth approximately 50,000 years in the future. All of my Redwall OCs are depicted as they were in the year 5645(Year Zero was when time measurements switched from seasons to years.), the year of the Rendezvous of the Six Armies. Most of Chucky's world is stone aged to medieval at this time, with some increasing industrialization. The most modern cities have technology equivalent to that of Ancient Rome. Worldwide ocean travel exists with celestial navigation, although it is a risky undertaking.

Cornelius Longstride is from Salamandastron. The ancestral home to badgerlords and hares is a frequent setting in most of the Redwall books. It is described as an extinct volcano on the shore of the Western Sea, and just south of the mouth of the River Moss.
In Longstride's time, the industrial city of Salamandastron straddles the mouth of the River Moss. Water power is used in various methods of manufacturing and forging. A large bridge joins the north and south halves of the city. As the River Moss was a frequent method of invasion to Mossflower Country, this bridge acts as a barrier and can be lowered to block any ship from entering or leaving.

Cornelius Longstride was 33 when the assumed extinct Mt. Salamandastron erupted, destroying the millennia-old home of the Long Patrol. The city of Salamandastron remained intact and continues to flourish under Badgerlord Paulvo the Savvy. Most badgers and the Long Patrol relocated to the forest surrounding Redwall Abbey. This was the start of what would become Mossflower City. Most Redwall stories take place in Mossflower Country. For the purpose of crossover with Chucky's world, Mossflower is what most of Western Europe is known as. Mossflower Proper, covers the Iberian Peninsula. Redwall Abbey sits near what we know as Valladolid, Spain.(yes, I know there are some holes in my geography, but just go with it.) And although this area experiences a semiarid Mediterranean Climate in our time, in Longstride's time, the climate has cooled and Mossflower experiences a climate similar to the rest of Western Europe.

Mossflower Country has no centralized government, just a common language of Mossflorian. It is a collections of kingdoms, species based tribal communities, communal settlements like Redwall Abbey and Mt. Salamandastron, and a few true cities like Southsward and Marl. Its history is that of survival and tribal warfare. Small kingdoms under a feudal system run by a lord or chieftain would trade or fight with each other for better land and resources. Larger communities grew in places where farming was done on a large scale. Redwall Abbey was built between early 4109 and 4129. It became known throughout the regions as a place of sanctuary, and a place of riches. The Redwall book series does a good job of explaining life in Mossflower over the next thousand years or so.

Mossflower began seeing changes in past centuries. Free markets began forming allowing creatures to make a living with their own skills. The quickest change was the sudden lack of 'vermin hordes'. Rats, weasels, stoats, foxes, and other 'vermin' no longer needed to join hordes for survival. The rat city of Blaggot, fox city of Marl, and northern coast trade port of Coltswart where such places. Relations between creatures and kingdoms softened. Internal trade and travel grew, and Mossflower felt smaller.

Most agree that the 5637 eruption of Mt. Salamandastron ended the era of 'Old Mossflower' for good. The displaced Long Patrol became the new horde for a short time. Then a new enemy approached from the east, not set on riches, but on empire building. 'Goodbeast' and 'vermin' alike cowered as the Long Patrol's first attack was efficiently cut down. Was this new invader unstoppable? Can Mossflower put their past permanently behind them and become a nation that fights together. Sopworth Thunderfoot couldn't do it, but he believes General Cornelius Longstride and the rest of Mossflower can.
Cornelius Longstride stands a lanky, but muscular 6 feet 3 inches tall, not including ears. Long legs and rather large feet make him an exceptional runner and leaper. He walks with a forward leaning gait, always looks like he's walking on a mission. He is very flexible and taught himself how to use his body as a weapon. Kicks, punches, flips, all with wide reaching arcs.

Then there's the running. Anthropomorphic hares are some of the fastest creatures on earth, and Cornelius is one of the fastest. In his mid 20s and early 30s, he could sprint at 37 miles per hour for a full minute while holding a lance in attack position.

His fur pattern is typical to that of a European Hare. Blazing golden eyes set slightly askew allow a 270 degree field of vision and provide for an intimidating stare.

Cornelius's excessively good genetics fed his view of hares as a master species/race, a view perpetuated by the teachings of his mother. Fortunately he is wise enough to realize he was just blessed with good genes as opposed to touched by divinity. Still, he looked for these genetic traits when choosing warriors for his Point of Inle unit.
Cornelius keeps it simple. A vest with shorts, or a tunic. He is all about freedom of movement. He'll wear his officer's jacket with medals and trousers when needed. A comfortable leather belt outside of his jacket that accommodates his scabbard and pouches for mission essentials.

He often trains completely nude, with his troops nude as well. Embarrassing for them at first. But he would repeat the excises adding various articles of clothing each time so his troops could understand how it restricted their movements. This was to ensure they knew their limits in battle.
Officer's saber for ceremonial and chain of command purposes. He is proficient with its use, but it's not his weapon of choice.

His weapon of choice is the newly designed Long Patrol lance. Usually up to 8 feet long with a steel blade point, it can be used for stabbing or slashing. Below the blade is a small cross-bar with a ball on either end to prevent excessive penetration and allow easy retrieval. The entire blade can be detached and used as a dagger. The lance has a forward and aft grip. It also has a flat metal butt-end that allows for shoving with the palm of one's hand.
by Chucky
Queen Guivderin of Dugroznik
Lord Hammerfist
Colonel Cornelius Longstride is the young hot headed commander of the Long Patrol's elite Lance Wielder's Brigade. He also heads the secretive Point of Inle unit. He is second in command to General Thunderfoot leading up to the time of Gwendolyn's parents' meeting. After the Long Patrol's crushing defeat by Siberian General Niskoff, Colonel Longstride is tasked with helping Queen Guivderin unite the armies of Mossflower. During his journey, he receives word of General Thunderfoot's passing.

Cornelius Longstride is named the 15th General of the Long Patrol. Can he succeed where General Thunderfoot failed? The next battle with the Siberians will mean either victory or subjugation under a foreign power. Can the new General Cornelius Longstride command an army, not of 'Goodbeasts' and 'Vermin', but of 'Mossflorians' in a common cause? Because he better believe that Siberian General Niskoff sees all Mossflorians as equally conquerable subjects.

Redwall and all associated names and places are (c) Brian Jacques

Second image:
This brand-style tatoo is on Cornelius's back between his shoulder blades. All members of his Point of Inle Unit have it somewhere on their bodies. It is also on their battle flag. The symbol features The Black Rabbit of Inle above two crossed lances. Written on either side in Middle Mossflorian are the words, "Live as Long Patrol, Die as Long Patrol." Cornelius's mother was commissioned by the Long Patrol to create the symbol.

The Black Rabbit of Inle appears in many places throughout anthro world history. It originated in Engleshire, north of Mossflower. In the oldest cave paintings and hieroglyphs, The Black Rabbit is depicted on four legs. Modern archaeologists consider this conclusive evidence that the symbol predates anthropomorphism. Although it is not part of their lore, Mossflorians are familiar with the symbol. Cornelius's mother brought the symbol as part of her spiritualism.

The Black Rabbit of Inle (c) Richard Adams

male 1,197,413, hare 11,779, uniform 7,143, weapon 5,510, military 2,956, redwall 294, watership down 242, black rabbit of inle 2
Type: Character Sheet
Published: 5 years, 1 month ago
Rating: General

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5 years, 1 month ago
Thank you dear.
Quite interesting.

5 years, 1 month ago
great char design!
5 years, 1 month ago
Little misspell in there but nice piece
5 years, 1 month ago
Fixed. Thanks.
5 years, 1 month ago
I love all the detailed worldbuilding you have put in these.

Are there any ruins or remains of the old human civilization at this time? Ar they seen as a myth, or the wa we see dinosaurs?
5 years, 1 month ago
Thanks. Nature has pretty much done away with most identifiable ruins, but it would take much digging to find our bones. Much of our remains would get buried, but erosion would unearth plenty of our remains as well. These societies know that there was an anthropomorphic primate that existed in large numbers at one time.
5 years, 1 month ago
I wonder if they have legends about human sightings in remote areas, same as we have "bigfoot" stories.
5 years, 1 month ago
Needs even longer ears! :3
5 years, 1 month ago
you know I feel like ab absolute IDIOT for not knowing this... but my exposure to redwall was mostly from the first couple books and the absolutely amazing animated cartoon.

I know that HARES have a big role in redwall but what about bunnies? ;3
5 years, 1 month ago
Bunnies don't play any significant role. I remember a family of rabbits appeared in one of the books, but that was it. The villains constantly refer to the hares as rabbits in the books though, it always makes them made.
5 years, 1 month ago
haha well thats what I thought ^^

Thank you Master Historian Chucky! ^^
5 years, 1 month ago
Makes them 'mad', not 'made'. For some reason this thing won't let me edit a comment. I wouldn't call myself a historian, just enough of a geek who's read all the Redwall books.
5 years, 1 month ago
i THINK it's ment to be implied that HARES are proud agressive warriors and RABBITS and meek and passive and so the villeins refering to hares as rabits is some what like calling somebody a coward or a weekling.

wich doesn't make us rabbits feel very great DX I guess sign me up for the long patrol!
5 years, 1 month ago
LOVE anytime you share background info with us.
Thank you! :D
5 years, 1 month ago
I love that you actually take the time to read it and enjoy it. I assume most people don't read them.
5 years, 1 month ago
Oh absolutely! You're a world builder like I am and any background on said world is fascinating! :D
5 years, 1 month ago
"Modern archaeologists consider this conclusive evidence that the symbol predates anthropomorphism."

So there were a bunch of unrelated 'feral' four legged but intelligent critters running around making artifacts and recording symbols for archeologists to find, and then something happened to anthropomorphize them all at once? What could have possibly done that?!
5 years, 1 month ago
It's my little nod to the book Watership Down, which takes place in our time but with semi-intelligent rabbits having their own society and mythology. In my head, all my favorite talking animal stories are the ancient past of Chucky's world. The anthropomorphism was a long-term effect of the animal experiments described in the book Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.
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