Ion in his dragon form, on a perch spot in some small cliffs in the dark forest, using his keen eyes to look out for his target. The other members of his Fangenclaw group, Zephyr, Kyara and Garrette are tracking on the ground, while Lazar the dragon has taken to the sky to provide aerial support. In his dragon form, his hooded long coat reverses colours and his fire abilities become stronger but at the cost of his lightning abilities. With his heightened senses, he was able to locate the target and fire up with his unique blue fire psynergy and quickly descend down to deal the mortal blow.
Ion unlocked the use of his dragon form at age 28 when he was finally able to track down and kill a target that has caused so much pain in his life. At first he could only use it in times of great stress (similar to a devil trigger from DevilMayCry) but over time was able to use it when his heart desired. While in dragon form his body fully becomes that of a dragon (well floof dragon), including mind, blood, organs and soul. Ion does possess a rare form of fire called the blue flame, which while it will burn and melt freely, it is cold to the touch. Being a arctic/grey fox mix normally, Ion's body is smaller and shorter, being only about 5'-3" tall. When transformed, he keeps this size and height, which makes him very small for a dragon but with his lightning abilities, he has resistance to the dragon's largest weakness, a trait that is unique to him as dragons have only been known to be adepts of fire. While in this form, Ion's body is more durable and his wounds close quick, even being able to heal fresher wounds from when he was in his standard fox form (provided he transformed not long after) but he cannot heal wounds that came from before he obtained the dragon form or if he waited too long to transform however, if struck with a dragon slaying weapon, his body could get severely injured and the healing would be very slow, mostly needing medical attention for recovery. This made Ion's dragon form quite advantageous to use a lot but Ion didn't want to loose his true self as a fox but it became too tempting. He loves his dragon form but always makes sure to remember who he is
Resistant to lightning ? Orstein wouldn't be able to kill that dragon XD He really look great in that form ^^ ... ok i love dragon, i'm not objective at all XP
Resistant to lightning ? Orstein wouldn't be able to kill that dragon XD He really look great in tha