After having routine open heart surgery and an emergency bowel surgery due to a blood clot rupture, Ion was transferred to one of the hospitals intensive care units for early recovery. Ion hated these rooms since you were confined to a bed with nothing to do and Meeka would make him stay there for longer than he needs, just to make sure he gets the rest he needs (otherwise Ion would try to be somewhat active and endanger his complete recovery). Meeka does come to visit Ion on almost every one of her breaks between her surgeries and before she leaves for the night (she will stay a bit late to keep him some company). While Ion doesn't like that Meeka keeps him here, he does enjoy when she comes around, and is always eager for her arrival (it is quite boring in ICU, where you can only really sleep). Ion will spend about a week in ICU and then a couple more in a standard hospital room (again longer than he needs, Meeka won't release him until she is sure Ion has recovered decently and a bit beyond). At least when he has his standard room, Ion can walk around, be a little more active and have his comrades visit more often. Eventually Ion will be released to continue his recovery at home but once out Ion usually goes back to training and taking on hunts instead of focusing on his recovery (hence Meeka giving him the extended hospital stay)